Lords of the Earth

Campaign 24    

Welcome to the Homepage for the Lords of the Earth Campaign 24. 

At this site you will find specific information geared towards signing up for, and playing in, this particular campaign of the Play-By-Mail game, Lords of the Earth. 

General information on Lords of the Earth can be found at the Throne Enterprises homepage. This includes player articles, other campaigns and previous rule versions. An excellent description of the overall game can be found here by Gary Riviere entitled "For the Beginner: Take the Long View". The article also includes links to other player tips and so forth.

This site is broken down into Sections to make it easier to find what you need and what you are interested in...

Materials Links to Rules, Maps, Order Sheets, etc...
Fees & Levies Costs and other mean and cruel GM stuff
Admin & Updates Clarifications, explanations, and addenda...
Newsfaxes Previous Newfaxes for LOTE 24
MSI Listing The current MSI, ESI ranking and political standing of all nations in lords 24.
Build Chart A copy of the current build chart can be found here.....
Rule Additions Rule additions specific to Lords 24
Contacting the GM The GM currently lives in Newark, the one in England not New Jersey.....

Any questions, comments, and yes, even criticisms, can be directed to me by e-mail at eensmb@elec-eng.leeds.ac.uk
This site created by Steve Brunt
Last updated December 16th, 1998

Turn 6 Newsfax

DEADLINE FOR TURN 7 - January 20th 1999


The full newsfax will be available during the first week of January 1999. Have a great Christmas and a Merry New Year.

Player Openings

The top ten player openings for Turn 6 are (ISI, Name, MSI, ESI):

3 Pratihara Kingdom of Kaunaj 89.8 3
11 The Hamadid Emirat
63.6 15
12 The Mordva
60.8 78
13 Comte d'Anjou 57.4 64
15 The Kambujadesa Empire
55.7 16
16 The God-Empire of Sirivijaya
56.3 60
18 Jarldom of Orkeneyjar
54.8 41
20 Singhasari Java Kingdom
54.2 43
26 Paramara Gujari
47.1 26
27 The Adal Emirat of Ifat
46.4 66

There is also two active hordes:

65 The Yasi 16.6 106
84 The Bulgars
19.6 106

See Player Openings for more details. Players can also choose to play other postions listed as NPNs with consultation with the GM. All positions require an intial payment of to cover at least one turn before new Players are included. See Fees for more details.

Hidden NPN Openings

Hidden NPN positions are an addition to normal Lords play. They cost nothing but can be taken away at anytime. A Player can run one, or more, Hidden NPNs as long as there is no conflict of interest. For more information see the new rules detailed below. The remaining hidden NPNs for Turn 6 are:

13 Comte d'Anjou 57.4 64
16 The God-Empire of Sirivijaya
56.3 60
26 Paramara Gujari
47.1 26
37 El Zirid Emirat al Mahidya
39.2 93
47 Az Ziyarid Sultanat
35.3 69
65 The Yasi
29.1 104
84 The Bulgars
19.6 106
94 Le Comte de Poitou
18.4 72

The History of The World


Old Randolph finally passed away, leaving the Burgundian throne to his son and heir Jean Marie. Vladimir continued with his expansion in the east by improving conditions within Vitebsk and by signing extensive trade agreements with the Ests. Little good that will do Kiev now after the Danish depravations. The conversion of Atelzuko to the Orthodox faith continued with some reasonable success, nearly one in five now worship at the Christian alter. Basil also passed away, leaving the Empire to Michael, his son. Sigurd set forth on an extensive and bloody tour of the south. His ships, under the command of Bathal, stormed across the North Sea to raid the coast of Britain and Germany and then pushed onwards to attack Wales and Cornwall. Gold was plentiful and the English defence scarse. Foulques was dismayed at the Norman invasion of his lands and that of his ally Poitou. Mustering his army of over five thousand men-at-arms he set forth to regain his lost territories. The Angevins easily swept aside the Normans presence in both Gascony and Poitou, liberating these regions from the tyranical Richard. However, Richard was ready. Together with his general Charles, the Norman duke led his force of over three thousand men, mainly comprised of fleet cavalry, to attack the upstart Foulques. The forces met in a muddy field in wooded Poitou. Long and bloody was the battle with no quarter given on either side. What Richard lacked in numbers was compensated for by the speed and might of his mounted force. The battle continued until both sides were weary with the losses and futility of the fight. It seemed as if neither could outmatch the other in either skill of force. It seemed that both leaders simultaenously decided to pull back to regroup. It was during this withdrawal that Foulques was captured by a small scouting force of Norman cavalry. Richard had little time to gloat as old age caught up with him and he passed away in the following spring. Henri, his son, took over the command of the Duchy. The forces of Abasigia were caught unawares as they tried to gain gold at the expense of the Rawwadids. It was a lucky Siavan that limped back to Abasigia with the remnants of his raiding force. He was not then totally dismayed to hear that the conversion of the Taman pagans to Christianity had gone well. Denmark also decided to expand its treasury at the expense of others. Gunnar led a force of warships and mercenaries to raid Svear and Est territories. Their attempt to conquer Uppsala was foiled by strong Swedish defence. The Svear themselves were unready for the Danish attack and seemed to be concentrating more on consilodation than conquest. Leon swept down from the north to regain the break-away regions of Portugal and New Castile. At least Alfonso is a better general than he is adminstrator. Germany continued to consolodate its hold in the region. Otto's attempts to persuade the Danes to join the Holy Roman Empire came to nothing, despite his persuasive tongue. Most of Cordoba's efforts were thwarted by Leon's attacks in the north. The efforts of Akbar and the emir of Merrakash, however, has brought the final integration of Al'Hauts into the Caliphate. England, Ralf was in dispair. How would he pay to maintain his glorious realm after the depravations of Orkney? The events of the past few years had done much to dim the joyous occasion of his marriage to the daughter of the earl of Lancashire. Peter attempted to persuade the break-away Duchy of Calabria to rejoin with the Principality. Marcus was dismayed to hear that the treacherous Duke had imprisoned Peter and intended to execute him in the spring. Samuel continued to steer the destiny of Bulgaria. Clement passed away after founding a cathedral in Lyon. It remained up to Falcini and the bishops to persue Papal will. A new Pope will have to be elected soon to prevent Christendom losing its guidance. Shortly before his death Clement issued the following Papal Bull " As is well known, all temporal authority flows from God. Temporal power and property is therefore subject, only, to the laws of God. Titles pass by the normal laws of succesion to the rightful heir. Titles cannot be passed by the will of the holder, nor can they be created; unless the Pope consents. Attempts to defy God's law can only lead to eternal damnation." Gagik continued with the conversion of Edessa. The efforts of Valurian in bringing Isuaria closer into the Armenian sphere were offset when Vaspurakan rebelled.

Mercenaries available in Northern Europe

3c, 15i, 5w, 1li
c2, i3, w4

Mercenaries available in Eastern Europe

6c, 6i, 2s, 5w
c3, i3, s1, w3

Mercenaries available in Western Europe

Utel Kirinsum (M488)
6c, 7i, 2s, 5w, 1hi
c3, i3, s2, w3

The Nations of Western Europe

Le Duche de Normandie
Henri, Duc de Normandie

Poitou (Rebels), Gascony (Lost), Maine (F)


Le Duche de Normandie in Le Royaume de France, 5, Friendly

Le Duche de Normandie in Le Comte d'Anjou, -7, Hostile

Le Duche de Normandie in Le Comte de Poitou, -8, Hostile


Tony Woolford - tonyw@wolf.prestel.co.uk

Le Comte d’Anjou
Foulques (III) Nera, Count of Anjou

Gascony (F)


Le Comte d’Anjou in The Comte de Poitou, 4, Non-paying Tributary

Le Duche de Normandie in Le Comte d'Anjou, -7, Hostile

Active NPN - Ires 9

Le Royaume de Bourgogne
Jean Marie, King of Burgundy

Nivernais (A) / Nerdone (A)


Le Royaume de Bourgogne in Le Royaume de France -3


Norman Smith - NormSmith@aol.com

El Reino de Leon y Navarre
Alfonso V, King of Leon

Aragon (T), New Castile (PT), Portugal (PT)


El Ummayad Caliphate al Cordoba in El Reino de Leon y Navarre, -5, Hostile

Active NPN - Ires 8

El Ummayad Caliphate al Cordoba
Hishram, Commander of the Faithful, Caliph of Cordoba

El Hammadid Emirat al Qalat (F), New Castile (OC), Portugal (OC), Morocco (F), Estremadura (F)


El Ummayad Caliphate al Cordoba in El Reino de Leon y Navarre, -5, Hostile

El Ummayad Caliphate al Cordoba in El Hammadid Emirat al Qalat, Friendly


Paul Clark - p.d.j.clark@dspcomms.demon.co.uk

Das Deutches Konigsreich
Otto II, Herzog of Saxony, King of Germany, Holy Roman Emperor

Lausatia (F), Bochnia (EA)/Krakow(EA), Holland (EA), Holstein (F), The Kingdom of Denmark (NE)


The Duchy of Poland, +3


Alan Bartlett - eenab@electeng.leeds.ac.uk

The Duchy of Bohemia
Sviatopluk, Duke of Bohemia




Matthew Brunt - Matthew.Brunt@leeds.gov.uk

The Lombard Kingdom of Italy
Arduin of Ivrea, King of the Lombards




Colin Forbes - timewyrm@suilven.demon.co.uk

The Principality of Salerno
Antonio, Regent for the young Prince of Salerno

Calabria (F)


The Principality of Salerno in the Duchy of Calabria, -9, Hostile


Liam McGucken - mcgucken@home.com

The Duchy of Calabria
Mario, Duke of Calabria


Inactive NPN- Ires 8

The Principality of Salerno in the Duchy of Calabria, -9, Hostile

The Papal States
Clement (deceased)

Lyon (CA), Romagna (NT)




Mick George - MJG72@aol.com

The Comte de Poitou
Henry, Count of Poitou

Poitou (HM)


Le Comte d’Anjou in The Comte de Poitou, 4, Non-paying Tributary

Le Duche de Normandie in Le Comte de Poitou, -8, Hostile

Active NPN - Ires 8

The Nations of Eastern Europe

The Duchy of Poland
Boleslav the Brave, Duke of Poland


Das Deutches Konigsreich in the Duchy of Poland, 3

Inactive NPN - Ires 7

The Kingdom of Lithuania


The Varangian Rus of Kiev in Kingdom of Lithuania, 5, Economic Ally

Active NPN- Ires 11

The Ests


The Ests in The Kingdom of Denmark, -1

The Ests in The Kingdom of Svear, -1

The Kingdom of Denmark in The Ests, -6

The Varangian Rus of Kiev in The Ests, 3, Economic Ally

Active NPN - IRes 6

The Magyarorszagh Kingdom
Istevan, King of the Hungarians


The Magyarorszagh Kingdom in The Kingdom of Croatia, -8, Hostile

Inactive NPN - IRes 3

The Kingdom of Croatia
Petar, Zhupan of Croatia


The Magyarorszagh Kingdom in The Kingdom of Croatia, -8, Hostile

Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Western Bulgarian Empire
Samuel, Tsar of the Bulgars


The Western Bulgarian Empire in The Magyarorszagh Kingdom, +3

The Western Bulgarian Empire in The Bulgars, -8, Hostile


Sean Boomer - boom@golden.net

The Oriental Roman Empire
Michael IV, Porphyrogenitus, Magister Militum of the Romanoi, Equal of the Apostles, God’s Vice-Gerant on Earth

Phrygia (A)


The Oriental Roman Empire in The Kingdom of Abasigia, 3

The Oriental Roman Empire in The Shahdom of Armenia, 1


Rick Ludowese - RickLud@aol.com

The Varangian Rus of Kiev
Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev

The Ests (EA), Vitebsk (F)


The Varangian Rus of Kiev in Kingdom of Lithuania, 5, Economic Ally

The Varangian Rus of Kiev in The Ests, 3, Economic Ally


Jo Harper - (Jo is not yet connected so all email via Gamesmaster please) S.M.Brunt@ee.leeds.ac.uk

The Mordva

Seversk (FA)



Inactive NPN- Ires 7

The Kingdom of Abasigia
Siavan, King of the Colchis

Galatia (T), Lazica (NE)


The Oriental Roman Empire in The Kingdom of Abasigia, 3

Active NPN - Ires 15

The Shahdom of Armenia
Gagik, Shah of Armenia

Vaspurakan (Rebels), Cilicia (NE), Isauria (A)


The Oriental Roman Empire in The Shahdom of Armenia, 1

The Shahdom of Armenia in The Hamadid Emirat, 1

Active NPN - Ires 11

The Kingdom of Ialomita
Gailuk, King of Ialomita

Walachia (T)


The Magyarorszagh Kingdom in The Kingdom of Ialomita, 3

Recent News

Inactive NPN - Ires 3

The Nations of Northern Europe

The Commonwealth of Iceland
Erik the Sheepish



Inactive NPN - Ires 2

The Tuath Kingdom of Thomond
Brian Boru, King of Mumu



Inactive NPN - Ires 6

The Jarldom of Orkneyjar
Sigurd (III) the Stouter, Jarl of Orkney


The Kingdom of Svear in The Jarldom of Orkneyjar, -1

The Jarldom of Orkneyjar in the Kingdom of Denmark, -1

Active NPN - Ires 14

The Saxon Kingdom of England
Ralf, King of England

Lancashire (FA), Dyffed (-1 to FA) / Caer Myrddin (NE)




Andy Irvine - AndyIrvine@aol.com

The Norwegians
Olaf Haraldson



Inactive NPN - Ires 8

The Kingdom of Svear
Olaf II of Uppsala

Kopparborg (A)


The Ests in the Kingdom of Svear, -1

The Kingdom of Svear in The Jarldom of Orkneyjar, -1

The Kingdom of Svear in The Kingdom of Denmark, -2

The Kingdom of Denmark in The Kingdom of Svear, -7

Active NPN - Ires 14

The Kingdom of Denmark
Olaf , King of Denmark

Pomern (NT)


The Ests in The Kingdom of Denmark, -1

The Kingdom of Denmark in The Ests , -1

The Jarldom of Orkneyjar in the Kingdom of Denmark, -1

The Kingdom of Svear in The Kingdom of Denmark, -2

The Kingdom of Denmark in The Kingdom of Svear, -7

Active NPN - Ires 10

The Middle East and Africa

Ali ibn Hassan looked around his domain and sighed. He was a worried man. He was a man of action - not a counter of beans. Why should a man of such mighty ambitions and abilities (allbeit self-proclaimed) be forced to fight for wealth? He dispatched his trusted Al Fasir to Berbera and his sons Ja ibn Hassan and Efrad to Ras Hafun and Mogadishu in an attempt to counter the pressure on his small kingdom. Harun ur Rassid was not to be put off by Fatimid strength. He personally travelled across to Danakil in order to persuade them of the benefits of Yemeni rule. After all Mecca, the holiest city in the world, was under his direct control. In order to cement his relations with the sultan of the holy city his friend Jafar married his daughter. Further dynastic relations were provided when his sons Amin and Mamun married into Djibuti and Aden. Wali ad Dawla continued his expansion eastwards with the total subjagation of Edrosia. His attempts to besiege Mansura were halted when he discovered the size of the city's great walls. His efforts in Carmania and Sind were revoked when these outlying provinces rebelled against Persian rule. It was a short lived scribe that persuaded Wali (by name but not nature!) to built a city in his home state of Siahan. Only when the materials and workers had travelled to the fabled 'garden of Persia' did the misled Saffarid ruler realise that Siahan was little more than dust and scrub. The foundations of Quetta have been laid but it remains to be seen if it will ever be completed. What happened to the scribe.......you don't want to know. Faisul was saddened when his new son died at birth. However, the efforts of Revhas and Gehkhan continued to provide new converts to Islam in the fertile island of Cyprus. Itzwezi pushed the borders of Ibo westwards with a massive invasion into the lands of Twifo-Heman. The regions of Togo and Akan easiliy fell to the Oboan and Oyoan forces. Unfortunately Itzwezi died shortly after from a spear poisoned with elephant dung, a common commodity in Togo where they use it to decorate their art (such strange practices could never catch on outside their realm, surely). Mpwanzi hurried back from his intricate negotiations in Benin to take over the reins of command while the young heir came of age. What has happened to Ahmad Arslan's mighty realm? The depravations of Kashmir has caused chaos in Ilig's controlled provinces. Bactria, Bokhara, Ferghana and Transoxania all rebelled, although looted Tadzik remained loyal. The efforts of Malik ibn Mahmud gained closer ties with the city of Merv. Raphael continued to push on into Funj. Arriving at the gate of Soba with a mighty army of nearly six thousand warriors he was dismayed when he found the walls unscalable, the gates unbreakable and the battlements packed with eager and revengeful Alwahans.

Mercenaries available in the Middle East

(Muslim nations only)
Ahmed Ibn Ali (M926)
7c, 3i, 2w
c4, i3, w3

Mercenaries available in North Africa

Hamed Al'Dabagh (M58B)
3c, 9i, 2w
c4, i3, w3

The Nations of the Middle East

Ar Rassid Imamat as Sa'na
Al Quasim, Zaidi Imam of Sana


The Ar Rassid Imanat of Sa’na in The Yemeni Rassid Imanat, 1

The Yemeni Rassid Imanat in The Ar Rassid Imanat of Sa'na, 0, Feudal Ally

Inactive NPN - Ires 2

The Yemeni Rassid Imanat
Harun ur Rassid, Zaidi Imam of Yemen

Mecca (T), Djibuti (FA), Danakil (-3 to Fatimids), The Ar Rassid Imanat of Sa'na (FA)


The Ar Rassid Imanat of Sa’na in The Yemeni Rassid Imanat, 1

The Yemeni Rassid Imanat in The Ar Rassid Imanat of Sa'na, 0, Feudal Ally

Active NPN - Ires 12

The Hamadid Emirat
Sa'id ad Dawla Sa'id



Inactive NPN - Ires 8

The Buwayid Emirates
Baha al Dawla Firuz, Emir of Emirs, Protector of the Baghdad Caliph
Al Qa'im, Kaliphat Rasul Allah, Commander of the Faithful


The Buwayid Emirat in the Shaddadi Emirat, -10, At War


Scott Norton - snorton@netcom.com

Ar Rawwadid Emirat at Tabriz
Abu Nasr Husayn bin Manlan


The Rawwadid Emirat in The Ziyarid Sultanat, -10, At War


J. Kriss White - jkrissw@earthling.net

Az Ziyarid Sultanat at Tabaristan
Shams al Ma'ali Qabus

Kurasan (C), Gurgan (C)


The Rawwadid Emirat in The Ziyarid Sultanat, -10, At War

Active NPN, Ires 11

As Shaddadi Emirat
Fadl Ibn Mohammed


The Buwayid Emirat in the Shaddadi Emirat, -10, At War

Inactive NPN - Ires 7

The Karakhanate of Ilig
Ahmad Arslan, Kara Khan

Bactria (Revolts), Bokhara (Revolts), Ferghana (Revolts), Transoxania (Revolts), Merv (T), Tadzik (Occupied and Looted)


The Karakhanate of Ilig in The Lohara Kingdom of Kashmir, -10, At War

The Karakhanate of Ilig in The Ghaznavid Sultanat , 3


Jorge G. Chacon - jchacon@gua.net

The Ghaznavid Sultanat
Yamin ad Dawla Mahmud, the Idol Breaker, Sultan of Ghazna


The Karakhanate of Ilig in The Ghaznavid Sultanat , 3

Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Saffarids of Baluchistan
Wali ad Dawla Khalf bin Ahmad

Carmania (Revolts), Sind (Revolts), Edrosia (P), Siahan (NE)


Any Arab nation in Persia in The Saffarids of Baluchistan , -3

Active NPN - Ires 14

The Empire of the Steppes
Al Babir Faiz , Khan of the Bolgar Horde

The Mongol Horde (Integrated), The Oirut Horde (Integrated)


Everybody, -10, Hostile


Ivan Mostinckx - Ivan.Mostinckx@village.uunet.be

The Nations of North Africa

El Hammadid Emirat al Qalat
Hammad bin Buluggin

The Hammadid Emirat is now integrated into Cordoba

El Zirid Emirat al Mahidya
Nusir ad Dawla Badis


Active NPN - Ires 9

Al Fatimid Caliphat al Qaira
Al-Hakim the Mad, Commander of the Faithful, Mahdi Saviour of Dar al Islam, Caliph in Cairo

Crete (EA), Mount Sinai (F), Danakil (-3 to NT)




Jason Rico - Ricoj@concentric.net

The Nations of West Africa

The Ouagadou Kingdom of Koumbi
Fasi Soninke, Ghana of Koumbi, Kaya Magda



Inactive NPN - Ires 3

The Wolof Kingdom of Takrur
N'dyaye Sar, Burba of Dyolof



Inactive NPN - Ires 10

The Mandingo Kingdom of Mali
Baranari, King of Mali



Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Dia Kingdom of Songhay
Dia Kenken, King of Songhay



Inactive NPN - Ires 6

The Twifo-Heman Nation
Meyen Kokwasi

The Twofo-Heman nation has been destroyed by Ibo

The Daura Realm of Tsofou Birni
Shawata, Magajiya of Daura



Inactive NPN - Ires 6

The Zaghawa Kingdom of Kanem
Boyoma, Mai of the Kanem



Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Yoruban Onium of Ibo
Mpwanzii,Regent to the infant Oni of Ife

Togo (PT), Akan (PT)/ Akan City (PT), The Bini Kingdom of Usama (NT), The Twifo-Heman Nation (PT)


The Yoruban Onium of Ibo in The Bini Kingdom of Usama, +4, Non-paying Tributary

The Bini Kingdom of Usama
Udanedo, Oba of Usama


The Yoruban Onium of Ibo in The Bini Kingdom of Usama, +4, Non-paying Tributary

Inactive NPN - Ires 1

The Nations of East Africa


The Makuria Kingdom of Dongola
Raphael, King of Nubia

Suakin (C)


Any Arab nation in The Makuria Kingdom of Dongola , -3,

The Western Oriental Empire in The Makuria Kingdom of Dongola, –2,

The Makuria Kingdom of Dongola in The Alwah Kingdom of Soba, -10, At War

Active NPN - Ires 11

The Alwah Kingdom of Soba


The Makuria Kingdom of Dongola in The Alwah Kingdom of Soba, -10, At War

Active NPN - Ires 6

The Kingdom of Bunyoro
Olimi Kalinde, Bunyoro Omukama



Inactive NPN - Ires 3

The Kingdom of Abyssinia
Sibhat Zagwe



Inactive NPN - Ires 3

The Adal Emirat of Ifat
Musa ibn Uba'id



Inactive NPN - Ires 7

The Zandj Empire
Ali ibn Hasan, Emir of Scebeli

Ras Hafun (EA), Berbera (T), Mogadishu (EA)



Active NPN - Ires 11


Kashmiri forces led by the Punjabi raja swept north into Ilig lands. His force of six thousand men, augmented by hired mercenaries, easily overcame the defences of Bactria and Transoxania. The khan of Tadzik put up a short and bloody defence but his minor force was easily defeated. The Kashmiri had little intention of conquest but stopped only to sate their battle wetted appetities for Ilig women and to carry off as much loot as possible. After such success the popular opinion in Parapanura turned against the old rulers and the mob swept up through the streets to the palace. The old Raja, his son and family were caught and slaughtered as they defended themselves in the throneroom. The Punjabi raja was carried aloft to take his place at the forefront of Hindu opposition to the Moslem menace. It was ironic but it was the diplomatic efforts of the old Kasmir raja which led to Jayapala Shahi shedding his ties with Kaunaj and pledging support for Kasmirs cause - that of defence of Hindu lands from Moslem incursion. Old Vijayapala lies infirm in Kaunaj while around him all his efforts begin to turn to dust. Sahis has withdrawn its support and there are rumours that the old Chandellan lands wish to regain their lost independance. A strong united India is needed at this time and the men and women of Kaunaj must wonder if Shiva has abandoned them. After the death of his beloved father Mahipala it is now left to Chewipala to rule what is fast becoming the paramount nation in all India. His efforts in Assam finally persuaded Brahmapala to accept overall rule from Bihar.

Mercenaries available in India

4c, 7i, 4s, 1li
c2, i2, s2

The Nations of India

The Kingdom of Sahi-Brahmana
Jayapala Shahi


Any Muslim nation in The Kingdom of Sahi-Brahmana, -5

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj in The Kingdom of Sahi-Bramana, 2

Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Lohara Kingdom of Kashmir

Punjab (F), Kush (NT), Tadzik (Occupied and Looted), Transoxania (Occupied and Looted), Bactria (Occupied and Looted), The Kingdom of Sahi-Brahmana (NT)


Any Muslim nation in The Lohara Kingdom of Kashmir, -5, Hostile

The Kharakhanate of Ilig in The Lohara Kingdom of Kashmir, -10, At War

Active NPN - Ires 10

The Paramara Gujari


The Ghaznavid Sultanat in The Paramara Gujari, -5

The Kalachuri Kingdom of Tripuri in The Paramara Gujari -5

The Paramara Gujari in The Western Chalukya Kingdom, -1

Active NPN - Ires 9

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj
Vijayapala, Emperor of India

The Kingdom of Sahi-Brahmana (-5 to N)


The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj in The Chandella Kingdom of Kalanjara, 3, Friendly

The Pratihara Empire of Kaunaj in The Kingdom of Sahi-Bramana, 2

Inactive NPN - Ires 8

The Kalachuri Kingdom of Tripuri
Kokalla II



Inactive NPN - Ires 6

The Western Chalukya Kingdom


The Paramara Gujari in The Western Chalukya Kingdom, -1

Inactive NPN - Ires 9

The Chola Mandalam
Rajaraja, Rajasraya, Rajakesarivarman Arunmorivarman



Inactive NPN - Ires 8

The Sad Drivida Kingdom of Ceylon
Mahinda V



Inactive NPN - Ires 4

The Gangga Principality of Kalinga
Kanarnava IV


The Chola Mandalam in The Gangga Principality of Kalinga, -3,

Inactive NPN - Ires 9

The Pala of Bengal
Mahipala, Raja of Bengal

The Pala of Assam (F)


The Pala of Bengal in The Pala of Assam , 1, Ally


Marcus Mckinley- mckinlem@bulldog.georgetown.edu

The Pala of Assam

Nadavaria (F)

Integrated into Bengal

The Far East

Liao Hsiao continued to integrate the regions of Bao'Ding, Bandao and Yun into Khitan. Her son sealed extensive negotiations with the rulers of Ta'tung to bring the promise of aid from the city's garrison.The Song sought to rebuild the depravations of the Bolgars by dispatching colonists to the far North-West. Shensi and Kansu were repopulated with people from as far as Hubei and Shentung. The Bei Song, however, were unimpressed and remained distant from the greatest empire on earth.Fujiwara Michinaga managed to start trade links with Goryeo when the diplomatic efforts of Shotoku brought the city of Kumamoto into the Empire. His unopposed integration of the islands continued with closer ties being sought, and found, with Shimane, Toyama and Shikoku. Cho Zen continued the efforts to bring Kiangsu into the Goryeon sphere of influence. He was rewarded with the total integration of the region. Doichen moved to the north-east in an effort to bring Mantap under Chen Yun's rule but the differences in culture caused his efforts to be ignored. The quiet of South East Asia was shattered. The Khemer gained Nakhon after it was attacked by Thaton. While Pagan moved down to bring Pegu forcibly into Lien Sho's realm the forces of Thaton swept north to take on Mon, Nakhon, Ava and Burma. They were only stopped by the walls of the great city of Pagan. Thatonese diplomacy was thwarted by the Pagan as Sho Piao attacked the region of Pegu and efforts to persuade the recently conquered Mons to join Thaton caused them to rebel. The Khemer continued to consilodate their hold on the south by expanding Feranga and seeking closer ties with Siam, Nakhon and Phan Rang, although diplomacy in Surin caused a drift in their relations. Jayavarman's son almost lost his life trying to persuade the hostile Cham's to reduce their hostility towards Kambujadesa. Dharmavasa has set up the Singhasari Naval Academy in order to stem Sirivijayan activity in the region. His son Ompong has married into the Balinese royal family. Darma's hold on Tibet has been strengthend by the inclusion of Gtsang and Sikkim.

Mercenaries available in the Far East

East Asia Mercenaries

3c, 3i, 2s, 2w
c3, i4, s4, w3

South East Asia Mercenaries

Hinayrama (M7B2)
9i, 2s, 8w, 1li
i3, s2, w2

The Nations of East Asia

Da Song Handi Guo
Song Chen-Zhou,, Son of Heaven, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom

Shensi (Colonised and F), Kansu (Colonised and F), Hubei (F), Shentung (A)




Lee Forester- forester@hope.edu

Da Liao Empire of Khitan
Liao Hsiao, Daughter of Heaven, Empress of the Middle Kingdom

Bao'Ding (F), Bandao (NE), Yun (EA) / Ta'Tung (FA)



Active NPN- Ires 10


Gtsang (C), Sikkim (T)



Active NPN - Ires 10

The Uigur Kingdom of Kucha



Inactive NPN - Ires 5

The Goryeo Kingdom
Chen Yun

Kiangsu (F),Mantap (NE)




David Thirkettle- DavidThirkettle@mcmail.com

The Empire of Japan
Fujiwara Michinaga, Kanpuku of Bakufu
Tenno Sanjo, 67th Emperor of Japan

Shimane (EA), Kumamoto (NT), Toyama (C), Shikoku (FA)




Ron Meinung- rsm4@northcoast.com

Bei Song Dadi Guo
Song Huangdi


Inactive NPN - Ires 3

The Nations of South East Asia

The Kingdom of Pagan
Sokkate, King of Pagan

Pegu (P), Ava (Occupied), Burma (Occupied)



Active NPN – Ires 10

The Kingdom of Thaton

Mon (PT then rebels), Nakhon (PT then lost), Ava (PT), Burma (PT), Pegu (NE)



Active NPN – Ires 11

The Kambujadesa Empire
Jayavarman V, God-Emperor of the Khmer

Surin (-1 to FA), Siam (EA), Nakhon (FA), Phan Rang (F), The Kingdom of Champa (NE)


The Kingdom of Champa in The Kambujadesa Empire , -5, Hostile

Active NPN - Ires 13

The Kingdom of Champa
Viaya Sri Harivarman II


The Kambujadesa Empire, -5, Hostile

The Dai Kingdom of Annam, 0, Feudal Ally

Inactive NPN - Ires 7

The Dai Kingdom of Annam
Le Long Dinh


The Kingdom of Champa in The Dai Kingdom of Annam, 0, Feudal Ally

Inactive NPN- Ires 7

The Dai Kingdom of Nanchao



Active NPN – Ires 10

The God-Empire of Sirivijaya



Active NPN – Ires 10

The Singhasari Java Kingdom
Dharmavamsa Udayama, King of Jangala

Bali (T), Sabah (FA)



Active NPN – Ires 11

Turn 6 and 8

Not all of you might know but on turn six I shall be conducting diplomacy for cities and regions seperately. This makes this turn the last turn before this comes into effect. Also, on turn six support costs will be charged. On turn eight the costs of actions WILL depend on the terrain the action is performed in. I'm not sure if the chart is the same (or even in) the 5.4 rules version so if anyone wants to let me know I'll update it.


Thanks to all of you who have paid so far. I just wanted to point out the new turn costs format (have a look at the Fees page)