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 On-Line Resources  
Mailing Lists | Web Sites

Know of an on-line resource?

Don't hold out! Email the web-guy and let him know. Then we can add it to this page.

Email Lists

The mailing lists for Lords of the Earth are maintained on Yahoo Groups, which provides mailing list services for free. It supports itself by sending a limited number of advertisements to the subscribers to its lists.

Web Sites

The following sites provide Lords of the Earth related information. If you have such a site, or know of one that is not on this list, please let the web-guy know so that he can add it.

Naming your Leaders

The Kabalarian Names Database

Flags and Heraldry

Player Web Sites URL

 www.geocities.com/~johnmcdonnell/  John McDonnell
 www.erols.com/rob/lords1/  Rob Pierce
 www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/4828/ Alan Grieve
 www.geocities.com/TimeSquare/Alley/3298/  Jorge Chacon

 Taro Morimoto

 Boyd Fuller

Robert Hanson



 Mike Helmsing