Installing and Running
the Java Orders app
[ [ Installation |
Running | Using |
Troubleshooting |
Peer Support ]
Installation of the App
- Download and install the Java Runtime Edition (JRE) for your
operating system from here: [Sun
JRE site]
- Make a directory (or folder) on your PC called something like:
c:\loteorders (for the PC)
/user/<your username>/loteorders (on Mac OS-X or Linux).
- Download the latest Lords Orders App (from the previous page) zip
archive and put it into that new folder.
- Unzip the archive with the option to "preserve folders" checked.
This will give you the following directory structure:
- Now you should be able to run the app.
Running the App
- Now browse to the \bin folder of the installation, where you should
find two startup files:
- (For Mac OS/X or Linux) You will need to edit
unix-start.sh and lote.term to ensure that the file system
paths in the shell script and the terminal session match your
installation. Otherwise it just won't work.
- (For Mac OS/X) Make sure that the unix-start.sh script has
Execute permissions.
- (For Windows) Make a shortcut to windows-start.bat on
your desktop.
- (For OS/X) Move lote.term to your desktop.
- (For Linux) Make a link to unix-start.sh on your
- Now you should be able to double-click on the shortcut and the
Orders App will start up.
Using the App
- Open the email from your GM with your XML-format stat sheet in it and
save the .xml file into your \gamedata\results folder.
- Now start the app and choose File | Load Results.
- In the file dialog, navigate to \gamedata\results and pick
the .xml you want to start working with.
- When you do this, the interface will populate with all of the
pertinent details for your nation, including GP and NFP revenue, Intel
and Religious operations points and so on...
- Work up your orders. If you need to save a draft of the orders,
choose File | Save Draft Orders and put the .loo (Lords Orders Object)
file in the \gamedata\drafts folder. When you come back to complete your
orders, you can open the .loo file via File | Open Draft Orders and
continue working on your partially complete orders.
- When you're done with your orders, do File | Send Finalized Orders,
which will save your orders in .xml format to a directory - and you
should put them into \gamedata\orders.
- (Temporary process) Now attach that new .xml to an email and
send it to your GM. [In a future rev, the Java Orders App will mail the
orders directly].
The single biggest issue with getting the App to run is having the JRE
install correctly. So if you are getting all kinds of Java errors, then
try reinstalling the JRE and rebooting first.
The second issue is the pathing in the OS/X and Linux startup files. If
the App does not start, double-check those and try again.
Please report errors in the
documentation to the
Last updated: