Newsfax Turn: #17 ( 2050 - 2046 BC )
August 19, 2018

ANNOUNCEMENTS: New or changed from previous turn will be in red.
My Stats program only accepts whole gp for University investment, and only stores whole nfp leftover at end of turn.
Progress in metallurgy & literacy will be in green and is the situation at the start of the turn.
If your University level is 2 or less you probably aren't producing tech points.
The rules for migrating tribes and animal domestication are deferred until I have time. Treat elephant sites as ivory trade centers.
A ghost player does the move for unplayed positions involved in war and/or multi-nation events.
1. On Royal Family list "(deceased)" for a dead parent will gradually be replaced with "(d)" to save space for other notes.
2. A status of EA will not cause an existing Feudal Ally to vanish from the leader list.

QUICK SCROLL if you know where you want to go:
   The West
Iberia/Southern Gaul
Central Mediterranean
The Balkans <--- Illyria, Achaeans & Minoans
Black Sea Centered <--- Troy, Hittites & Maykop
Nile Valley
Red Sea Centered
The Levant
Greater Mesopotamia
Iranian Plateau
   The East
Oxus Valley
Indus Valley
Southern India
Ganges Valley
Tibetan Plateau
Irrawaddy Valley
Southeast Asia
   Elephant Polo Results



fortified Settlement of Los Millares in Granada

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area unless otherwise stated below.
Literacy has not yet reached this area unless otherwise stated below.

Lusitanian Tribes Civilized Metalworking Oligarchy - literate (semi-syllabaric Tartessian script)
Uxentio, Chief of the Council of Lusitanian Clans
    With both Chief Uxentio ruling and subchief Turibas assisting, the Lusintanian chiefdom was better managed including the all-important collection of taxes. Rural improvements could now be funded: in Portugal hillsides were terraced and retention basins dug. Lietenant Ertebas was dispatched to entreat with the hill chiefs of Asturias. Uxentio and Turibas then continued their joint administering as well as enjoying their families.
    Tin miners in Salamanca reported finding skeletons at first thought to be ancestors but upon closer look were thicker and heavier, with an oddly shaped skull. Scholars from the University journeyed to the site followed by idle nobles, scribes, artists and curiousity-seekers.
    Alas, neither Ertebas nor an Iberian-speaking translator from Galacia could understand the Asturian tongue1. There was no common religious ground either as their faiths were hostile to each other. At a banquet Ertebas - a poor orator at home and even worse here - accidentally insulted the strongest chieftan who summoned his men to run the party out of his lands.

1 a non-Indo-European language, Basque (or at this point Proto-Basque) is unrelated to any of the surrounding Indo-European languages.

Kingdom of Tartessos Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (semi-syllabaric Tartessian script)
Gorgio, King of Tartessos
    Gorgio continued to invest in attempts to transmit news quickly and funded the digging of irrigation ditches in the homeland. Still remembering the humiliation at Ses Paisses by Nuragic warships he ordered more pentaconters built in Huelva's shipyards. The King then held court. The King's twin brother Jose stood ready to defend Tartessian territory but no threat emerged.
    open for a player

Celtiberian Tribes Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Zeru, Chief of the Council of Celtiberian Clans
    Zeru again invested in military quality and devising a writing system - this time with success! Scholars who'd been arguing developing an alphabet versus using syllabaric symbols finally compromised, resulting in the semi-syllabaric Celtiberian script.
    Next the King crossed the Ebro to Aragon, returning late spring 2049 with two noblewomen. He proclaimed Asentzio, the son of the previous King, to be his Heir, and each man married one of the Aragonese beauties. Zeru then held court and enjoyed his young bride, who after a miscarriage gave birth to a healthy girl in 2047.

Artenac Culture Barbarian Metalworking Oligarchy
Vascons, Chief of the Council of Artenac Clans
    Vascons spent small amounts on devising a writing system and a messenger service. The University received its first building, a small lecture hall. The remaining gold and much labor went to expanding Artenac from a settlement into a full city. There was much celebration afterward, and even more when metalworkers - previously funded to experiment with copper alloys - brought to court samples of their triumph.
    The King thereafter ruled and spent time with wife Marie, siring no less than four sons! Subchief Carvilius enjoyed his bride from Orleans but sired no children until 2053. She birthed a healthy son but soon afterward developed a high fever and died within a few days.
    NPN - available as a trade partner


(Corsica, Sardinia, Italian penninsula & Maghreb area of North Africa)

typical Nuraghe field fort for defense of Sardinia

Brozeworking exists throughout this area.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Nuragic Civilization Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Pasquale, Navarch, Lord of Albucci, de facto leader of Nuragic Civilization
    Pasquale continued to fund enhancements in military quality, and in early 2049 naval officers demonstrated new tactics. Existing wells were deepened in rural Sardinia and fresh water pipes were installed in the capital of Albucci. Thereafter the Navarch held court and plotted how to avenge Minoan piracy taking a Nuragic ship. Alas during an intense tryst with young noblewoman the fifty-year-old Pasquale suffered a fatal heart attack. Fortunately lieutenant Algehero was able to keep the government operating.
    Meanwhile his Second Gonzaga had taken ship to the Baeleric Islands where the clans of the interior had pledged fealty, hoping to negotiate closer ties. Despite language and religious differences the clans eventually agreed Nuragic merchants would have preferential trading rights.
    ghost move -open for a player

City-State of Herakleopolis Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Tetmoses V, King of the X Dynasty, favored of Heryshaf
    Following the Minoan-Achaean destruction of the Herakleopolitan capital of Tunis, King Tetmoses IV ordered walls and harbor defenses built for Cap Serrat and trained twelve hundred skirmishers. To afford this he imposed heavy taxation upon his population who were urged by the local priests of Heryshaf to accept the burden as the price of survival.
    The King then ruled and enjoyed his wife Carlia who eventually birthed a daughter in 2048 followed by twin sons in 2047. Also that year Tetmoses proclaimed their oldest son Iatepo a Prince of Herakleopolis now that he'd come of age. The Prince was handsome as a god and deadly with the khopesh sickle-sword. Not long afterward the King died peacefully in his sleep. Heir Poti was in Cap Serrat and was annointed King in the local temple, taking the name Tetmoses V and named Prince Iatepo to be his Heir. The following year Iatepo's younger brother Ptahmon came of age and was proclaimed a Prince.
    Meanwhile Ptahman, High Priest of Ptah, managed the expansion of the capital's temple shrine into a temple enclosure. The citizens beseeched him to invoke the gods' wrath upon the barbaric Minoans and Achaeans.
    ghost move -open for a player

(Proto-) Etruscans Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Vulca Ulthese, King of the Etruscans
    Sending orders from Liguria, Vulca decreed the kingdom's wealth would be saved for future use; he was more concerned with converting Ligurians to his Europagan beliefs than secular concerns. Vulca spent five more years traveling the region. Although a middling missionary he was determined and over a third of the population abandoned their Celtic pagan faith.
    Having demonstrated no aptitude for ruling, Heir Abramo was given control of the army to react to any threat. He was charasmatic enough to persuade the officers to proclaim him King. There being no armed opposition it was a bloodless coup; the officers were rewarded with promotions and gold from the treasury. Vulca's Ligurian wife Dolce left to join her husband but she and her retainers fell victim to bandits.
    Lieutenant Ignasco was administering and doing his best to keep the government functioning. The strain led him to long hours at taverns getting drunk, which led to being stabbed in a brawl, which led to dying in the slimy alley where he'd been tossed. Once unsupervised the bureaucrats slacked off and many joined Abramo at tournaments and drunken feasts rather than work.

Apennine Culture Civilized Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Crassus, Lord of Scoglio, de facto leader of Apennine Culture
    Sending orders from Verona, Crassus allocated more gold for public improvements in rural Spoleto and the University received much-needed supplies. With the rebellion in Verona crushed he now had funds to construct a seminary near Scoglio and hire priests as instructors. Having an experienced army with him in Verona he forcibly restored Europagan belief where worship of the serpent-dragon Phython had spread and destroyed its temple shrine. The body of the charasmatic preacher Bihac was not found.
    Leaving a substantial garrison, the King returned home in autumn 2049 to find Scoglio essentially unmanaged. His cousin Exanthus had been left in charge and had completely changed how the clerks and scribes did their jobs - sometimes weekly - resulting in complete chaos. Exanthus meant well but his apparent incompetence was far worse than indifference.


(Balkans including offshore islands & Crete)

Minoan capital of Knossos

Bronzeworking exists throughout this area.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Minoan temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Illyrians Barbarian Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Etruscan alphabet)
Cabar, King of Illyria
    Days after Cabar returned from his lengthy disappearance he became feverish and exhausted. There followed delirium, pain and reddish spots on his chest and abdomen before he died of a bloody flux. His wife Teuta who attended to him sickened with the same progression of symptoms as did royal female Harmonia and several servants who assisted them. Heir Pavla ordered the sickroom sealed to prevent the curse from spreading.
    Upon becoming King he proclaimed his handsome son Autarieus to be his Heir. Pavla funded attempts to create a way to relay news quickly, granted a new dormitory for the University and ordered final rural improvements in the homeland. A defensive wall was constructed around the distant river port of Gomalova. Pavla then left for tributay Dalmatia where he talked the ruling chiefs into an economic treaty. Next the King trekked back north through Illyra toward Slovenia but while traversing a mountain pass in April 2047 an avalanche of melting snow buried his entire party. It would be months before word reached Salona and Autarieus was crowned King.

Achaean Greeks Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Linear B glyphs)
Asaeus, King of the Achaeans
    Asaeus decreed small investments trying to hire citizens for government work. Some of the enslaved Herakleopolitans were put to work in Thessaly helping build the port settlement of Iolcos. Four hundred men were trained to the spear and another two hundred learned seige skills to start replacing the heavy losses from the fighting in Tunis. The King's Minoan wife Fylla hoped to finally spend time with her husband who'd been away their entire five-year marriage. Asaeus however left on a diplomatic trip to Epirus; the Epriots had lost heavily at Tunis and required courting. Offering his sister Korinsia in marriage he persuaded vassal Alastor to sign an economic treaty.
    Meanwhile Heir Euryalos oversaw the building of Iolcos then met with merchant captains resulting in trade being opened with distant Hazor, Middle kingdom Egypt and the Egyptian Priesthood.
    Prince Alcibiades spoke in the market square of Mycenae urging religious tolerance and noting the Minoan faith has fine qualities the Greek beliefs lacked. Preaching with him were his nephews Melanippus and Drakomaxos, both wearing the robes of Minoan Clerics. Although in his later 60s Alcibades had lost none of his charisma and before his peaceful death in 2048 he and his nephews had seriously weakened the strength of the population's belief in their (pre-Olympian) gods.
    Lieutenant Diores traveled to Morea for negotiations with its lord. Dealing with both a different language and religious hostility put his oratory to the test but the lord finally agreed the Achaeans had some claim to Morea. Further talks were cut short when Diores was among those who died after spoiled seafood was served at a banquet on a hot summer day in 2047.

Minoans Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (Linear A glyphs)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Ugarit
Alogys of House Tavlaris, First of the Council
    Alogys spent a little gold on just about everything: military quality, government hiring and funds for the seminary just outside of Knossos. An amphitheater was built on University grounds. Agricultural improvements continued on Malta and the Kyklades islands. The Kyklades received their first fortifications as well.
    The First then turned his attention to transforming the Oligarchy into a Centralized Monarchy to increase efficiency of government. To popularize the move public festivals were held. 2050 saw a sea-themed salute to the Navy and appointment of Fteriku as it's Navarchoz. Arkalokri received the honorific Krinipas of Merchants. 2049 extolled the work of craftsmen both local and overseas, with the wares of both on display. Finally 2048 honored agriculture including the efforts of the ruling House Tavlaris to bring new breeds of sheep and varieties of crops to Crete.
    The year concluded with religious festivities during which the First was crowned King. Priests hoped to use the events to increase the people's piety but everyone was more interested in attending the bull-jumping competitions. It was said some morbid folk watched just to see jumps fail. Alas, they were not disappointed - Horoz, eldest living son of Alogys, misjudged his approach and was disemboweled by the aggressive bull. It ended the entertainment on a somber note.

bull-jumping competition in Knossos arena

    After accepting the title of Navarchoz of the Fleet, Fteriku assisted in the administration of the sprawling kingdom. During this time his wife S'arini was among those trampled when bulls intended for the jumping competition got loose and stampeded through the marketplace.

    Ally Gorguz of Thapsos commanding two light trade galleys and a pentaconter headed north and reached the settlement of Kamenka on the Crimea in early autumn. With the agreement of the Hittites he stayed for several months taking on provisions and building good will by giving tours of his ships. The galleys departed Kamenka in early 2049 with orders to explore the Sea of Azov. Three years later all ships were glimpsed passing by the settlement into the Euxeinos Pontos.

    Meanwhile ... vassal Karfi of Kythera shuttled settlers from Knossos to the island of Kythera, making multiple trips over five years. Vassal Pseiru of Miletos departed on a tour of the eastern Mediterranean. Achaean royal brothers Melanippus and Drakomaxos, both wearing the robes of Minoan Clerics, took ship to Mycenae where they assisted their uncle Prince Alcibiades in his preaching [see Achaeans].


(Black Sea & Sea of Azov littorals)

Hittite capital of Hattusas

Bronzeworking exists throughout this area.
Literacy does not exist except as shown below.

Hittite temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

City-State of Troy Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Ibrius, King of Troy IV
    Ibrius established a seminary and hired Hittite priests to teach. He invested in government hiring and endowed the University with a library. A surplus of wheat was stored for later needs and the walls of Troy and Ephesus were strengthened. The King's Minoan wife Kiata hoped to finally settle down with her husband since they'd been traveling their entire five-year marriage. Ibrius however left on a diplomatic trip to the port settlement of Ezerovo assisted by his brother Prince Paludomus and ally Profermus of Paphlagonia. (The beautiful Profermus was still infatuated with Ibrius and rumor had it they spent many a night together after the day's negotiations.) Language and religious differences were offset by Ibrius offering Paludomus in marriage, and the settlement's chief signed a treaty giving Trojan merchants preferred treatment.
    Three Minoan galleys passed by the city in midsummer 2050 headed north.

    Paludomus returned to Troy in early summer 2048 with bride Ibefa, learning queen mother Henuba had died while he was away. Ibefa soothed his grief resulting in a daughter followed by a son. Alas, she died in childbirth, plunging the Prince into a deep depression. Ibrius had headed to Thrace where he collected the army of the late Caletor and brought it back to Troy in autumn 2048, at which point he learned of Henuba's death. Fortunately wife Kiata was there to comfort him (despite the Profermus rumors) also producing a girl and a boy.

    Meanwhile ... Minoan Prince (and Trojan Heir) Kterifu had spent all his time with wife (and aunt of Ibrius) Andromanche, now entering her later 30s. She birthed three boys and a girl, but the last two born were sickly and stunted. Astynax "the Orator" traveled south to Isauria where he convinced its lord to retire and bequeath his lands to the Trojan crown. The handsome Mentes took seven light galleys north to the Mare Negri and returned late spring 2046 with all ships and a crew in the mood to celebrate.
    Three Minoan galleys passed by the city in midsummer 2046 headed south.

Hitties Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Luwian hieroglyphics)
Sapalulme, King of the Hittites
    Sapalulme devoted the wealth of the kingdom to final rural improvements in the homeland. Trade was approved with the Maykop Culture; merchants wished there was an easier path than over the Caucasus Mountains. A previous offer of hiring bonuses was accepted by yet more scribes swelling the size of government. The King then held court and spent time with wife Khepa-Hadayu, siring a daughter and three sons.
    Three Minoan galleys docked at Kamenka in late 2050 and reprovisioned before leaving to explore the Sea of Azov.

    Heir Khattasulis decided to enslave the population of Vaspurakan, crossing the mountains from Galatia with a thousand warriors accompanied by Galatian feudal vassal Shalamatar with another eight hundred and Abasigian vassal Alakshandu with twelve hundred. Moving into Vaspurakan from the north was feudal vassal Urassil of Pontus with yet another thousand. The Vaspurakani wariors would have to be crushed before the enjoyable slaving could begin.
    The surprised local lord called two thousand militia to his service. He knew he was a middling general and scouting revealed he was outnumbered two to one. Rather than be caught between four invading forces and outmanuvered he fell back to defend at his stone keep. The Heir hadn't brought seige engineers but couldn't lose face before his vassals by withdrawing; he'd count on the superior equipment and training of his men. The Hittites built scaling ladders and attacked, their archers accounting for nearly a hundred Vaspurakanis before the melee began. The locals drove off the first assault inflicting over a thousand casualties but losing most of their own warriors. A second attack crushed the remaining Vaspurakani but the invaders suffered more losses including Urassil of Pontus, brained by an anvil-sized rock during the storming of the keep.
    The Hittites and their vassal troops fanned out and took as slaves all able-bodied inhabitants of the region, marching them back to Hatti along with captured Vaspurakani warriors whose wounds were expected to heal. Seriously wounded locals were put out of their misery.

    Meanwhile Lieutenant Leranata journeyed to Pamphyla for negotiations with the hill clans. Although suspicious of outsiders the chiefs eventually pledged their fealty. Hittite merchants trading with Ugarit would now have an easier (relatively speaking) route.

Maykop Culture Civilized Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Abkaz, Lord of the Harvest, de facto leader of Maykop Culture
    Abkaz oversaw the expansion of Maykop from a settlement to a true city complete with defensive walls. Now the inhabitants could claim to be civilized! Meanwhile his Second, the diplomat Bashkir, journeyed west to the Taman penninsula where after much negotiation he obtained tribute from the hill chiefs.
    NPN - available as a trade partner
>>> Became a player position post-turn 17. <<<



Egyptian capital of Memphis on the Nile

Knowledge of Bronzeworking exists throughout this area.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Egyptian Priesthood Civilized Bronzeworking Theocracy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Mabaharek, High Priest of Osiris
    Mabaharek sent word from Yemen back to Egypt commanding that again funds be spent on pretty much everything: military quality, attracting civilians to work for the Priesthood and hiring more scholars to teach at the University. From a previous offering of hiring bonuses a number of scribes took jobs with the Priesthood's bureaucracy. Mabaharek then spent the next 5 years preaching of the Egyptian gods in the city of Sa'na and converted the majority of the population.
    Meanwhile Ptahman journeyed to the Herakleopolitan port of Cap Serrat where he managed the expansion of its shrine into a temple enclosure. To the citizens the extremely charismatic priest seemed like Ptah himself, a veneration Ptahmon very much enjoyed, and they beseeched him to invoke the gods' wrath upon the barbaric Minoans and Achaeans.

    Priesthood missionaries from Sawakin continued efforts in the Land of Punt despite language differences. In the homeland of Danakil they converted more of the population despite the opposition of local shamen. Angry at the unbidden Egyptian missionaries roaming Danakil, the King of Punt traveled there and urged the population to greater belief in the traditional ways.
    When other Egyptian priests began preaching in the capital of Adulis, shamen there inflamed mobs against the foreigners and persuaded the young Heir Alina to send swordsmen from the city garrison to forcefully evict them. The priests fled from Adulis with only their robes while their scrolls, priestly supplies and possessions fueled a bonfire.

Middle kingdom Egypt Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (hieroglyphic pictographs and hieratic script)
Ipu, Queen of the VIII Dynasty, favored of Ptah
    Ipu - now in her 70s - remained sharp of mind. Small investments were made in military quality, surveying land for a seminary and hiring more scholars to teach at the University. Merchants were licensed to trade with the Achaeans, Apennine Culture and Etruscans. Cultivation of Middle Egypt was completed by its settlers; slowly but surely the land was being restored to its previous productivity. Celebrations were held through the realm involving much feasting and drinking.
    Ipu then held court. In early 2046 Minoan vassal Pseiru of Miletos arrived in her lands, touring battlefields, the Temple of Ra in Heliopolis, the Temple of Ptah in Memphis and finally appearing at Ipu's court. He was treated to the finest of food, drink and entertainment before taking his leave in midsummer to return home.

    The Queen's half-Minoan son (and Heir) Manetho collected from Meru his betrothed Twosre then headed to Middle Egypt where they married at its temple shrine. He supervised the cultivation of the region and enjoyed his bride. She delivered a sickly son in 2048 who died soon thereafter and a healthy son in 2046. Meanwhile Meru continued south to the port settlement of Berenice and brokered the payment of tribute.

    Feudal vassal Pentu took ship to Tunisia and wandered about looking for the royal court until learning it was now in Cap Serrat. Once there he gave the palace chamberlain a sealed message for King Tetmoses V from Queen Ipu then returned to the Middle kingdom.

Kingdom of Nubia Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Maraga II, King of Nubia
    Maraga again lavishly funded experiments in building larger galleys and was rewarded when naval architects demonstrated several designs for trade galleys, cautioning him such large vessels could not pass a cateract. The King commissioned an amphitheater for the University and paved the often-muddy central market square of Kerma. Four hundred men were recruited and trained as heavy spearmen while laborers increased the height and thickness of the defensive wall around Aswanopolis. With all that set in motion Maraga II then ruled his lands and, lacking a queen, bedded palace servant girls. They proved unlucky, producing a girl and three boys.

    Princess Lenerifi delivered garrison troops to Aswanopolis then crossed the Nile to Abydos, an independent city ruled by the priests of Sobek. The golden-tongued Princess was most persuasive and despite language differences and mutual religious hostility (somewhat lessened since Nubia was converting to the Egyptian faith) convinced the high priests to sign an economic treaty.

    Meanwhile charismatic lieutenant Taraga, now joined by lieutenant Nosaya, continued preaching to the inhabitants of the capital the benefits of the sophisticated Egyptian religion - the sort a truly civilized people would follow. In 2048 Taraga appeared to choke to death at a feast (as had lieutenant Keraja several years earlier) and the shamen declared he'd been struck down by spirits. Undeterred Nosaya continued his missionary work and Kerma became completely converted. The few shamen of the old ways left in disgust.

City-State of Meroe Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Arakamani, King of Meroe
    Arakamani commanded surplus population be rounded up and brought to Meroe where they doubled the size of the capital. Sewer and water pipes were run to the new areas. The city of Dumamba received its first fresh water and sewer pipes as well, hopefully eliminating the need to dump chamber pots out the windows. The King then ruled his lands and enjoyed bedsport with palace servant girls resulting in two sons.
    Heir Hamdab spent all his time in taverns and brothels waiting for Arakamani to die so he could become King.


(including Horn of Africa)

yes the Land of Punt really existed!

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Land of Punt Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Old Nubian pictographs)
Finja, King of Punt
    Finja ordered funding for pretty much everything: military improvements, recruitment for government work and surveying land for a seminary. A large library was constructed at the University. Angry at the unbidden Egyptian missionaries roaming Danakil the King traveled there and urged the population to greater belief in the traditional ways. While more converted to the Egyptian religion despite the opposition of local shamen, those that remained faithful now believed even more deeply in animism.
    His son (and Heir) Alina administered and kept the bureaucrats working. When other Egyptian priests began preaching in the capital of Adulis, shamen there inflamed mobs against the foreigners and persuaded young Alina to send swordsmen from the city garrison to forcefully evict them. The priests fled from Adulis with only their robes while their scrolls, priestly supplies and possessions fueled a bonfire.

Sabaeans Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Zabar script glyphs)
Shu, King of the Sabaeans
    Gratified to see progress in seigecraft, Shu decreed funds be allocated to infantry quality and naval architecture. Soon afterward shipwrights invited the King to view a prototype of a larger galley capable of trade or war. In Asir a program of rural improvements continued with the goal of making the land into a producer of grains, dates and honey. In the capital of Sa'Na new water delivery canals were dug. The recent colonists in Hadramuht began clearing wilderness for the planting of crops; there were some angry confrontations with Himyarite nomads who for years had crossed the border from Zufar to let their goat herds graze.
    The King then ruled his lands with assistance from his newphew (and Heir) Ramman. Prince Sabis retrieved the King's betrothed from Madina and returned with her late 2050. Shu enjoyed his bride Shahwat and sired a son born late in 2049. A few days later fire swept through the palace; the King rescued his wife and son but died of the smoke as did both his sisters. (Gloating priests claimed the deaths were punishment for abandoning the Arabian gods.) After a grand funeral Ramman took the throne.
    After presenting Shahwat to his King, Prince Sabis had traveled throughout the realm and was successful in persuading the populace to abandon their dependence on spirits and shamen. Meanwhile lieutenant Ta'lab had journeyed to the parched Hijaz to negotiate with the nomad clans. He was able to obtain from their leaders an oath of fealty.


(Eastern Mediterranean shore then west to Subartu)

City of Hazor in Jordan (low wall around balcony clearly inadequate)

Literacy exists throughout The Levant (cuneiform).
Levant & Naga Pagan temples - both religions qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

City-State of Hazor Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Ibiranu, King of Hazor
    Ibiranu again invested in military quality and the University. A small amount was spent searching for an appropriate site for a seminary. A surplus of vegetables was dried and stored for later needs. Most of the city-state's wealth and labor was allocated to final work in Jordan beneficial to agriculture and herding. The King then ruled and spent time with his wife and children. In the hot summer of 2047 the queen fainted due to the heat, toppling off a balcony to hit the pavement below with a wet crunch, leaving Ibiranu heartbroken.
    Meanwhile the King's brothers (Heir) Niqmepa and (Prince) Yaqarum switched from converting Petra's population to preaching in the city of Aqaba. Niqmepa accidentally blasphemed the Arabian gods and would've been stoned to death had he not been accompanied by nearly four thousand mixed infantry. The warriors subdued the rioting urban mob and escorted the Heir safely outside the city. This left Yaqarum on his own but for some reason the citizens listened to him and a small number were converted to the Levantine faith.
    Lieutenant Sisera had no assignment and bummed free drinks at taverns by using his royal title "Keeper of the Elephants" and telling curious patrons of his experience.

City-State of Ugarit Civilized Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Minoans, mutual defense with Subartu
Ibarinum, First of the Council
    Ibarinum guided the Council to fund infantry quality and government recruiting. Lebanon was fortified and the walls of Byblos augmented. Shade trees were planted along Ugarit's main street while in Palmyra wells and irrigation ditches were dug and communal grazing land fenced. Merchant galleys were built to carry cedar from Lebanon more efficiently than overland.
    The First - realizing he'd spent all his time working and never had a family - married a local noblewoman. He then held court and enjoyed his bride. A girl born late 2050 made him a father at 41. Life is good, he thought. But not for long; the next child was a sickly, jaundiced boy with a hunched back and club foot. The local priests said such deformities proved the gods were angry with the First because he had neither donated to the priesthood nor worked to spread the Levantine faith such as neighboring Hazor was doing.
    The misshapen lad was followed by a healthy girl and Ibarinum prevailed on Nuryu to try again for a (hopefully healthy) son. Alas, she died in childbirth after days of futile labor, leaving Ibarinum stricken with grief. The common folk now agreed with the priests. Woe to those who do not donate to the gods!
    While Second of the Council Agaliba stood ready in Palmyra with the army to repel any invasion from the east, lieutenant Ammurapi was charged with helping to administer the city-state. Ammurapi zealously implemented new procedures that he believed helpful but in fact confused everyone and degraded the performance of the scribes.

Kingdom of Subartu Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Ugarit
Vahan, King of Subartu
    Vahan's advisors suggested many options for spending the kingdom's wealth. Other than some slight investments in government, the King decided to save the resources for later use. A small surplus of vegetables was dried and stored for future needs. Vahan then held court and in early 2046 was joined by nephew (and Heir) Garen who had finally come of age. The handsome teen flirted with many a palace maidservant.
    Lieutenant Curdiz "assisted" in administering the kingdom but consistantly made poor decisions and hindered the bureaucrats' work rather than helped. Meanwhile lieutenant Bedroe continued his negotiations with the lord of Armenia. Despite the diplomat's appearance - heavily scarred with wounds taken decades ago as a young recruit - he persuaded the noble to take the oath of a full ally.
    In the autumn of 2046 heavier rain than usual fell upon the Eastern Taurus Mountains (between Armenia and Subartu itself) causing creeks to overflow, washing away foot and wagon bridges. One such was being crossed by a coach bearing several older members of the royal family; the weakened bridge gave way under the weight of carriage and oxen, pitching all into the foaming waters. Several gristmills were undermined and collapsed while irrigation ditches were filled with silt and debris.


(Mesopotamia & Persian Gulf littoral)

City of Uruk with great Temple Precicnt of Inanna

Literacy exists throughout Greater Mesopotamia (cuneiform except for Elam which uses Elamite Linear script).

Mesopotamian Priesthood Civilized Bronzeworking theocracy
Salabikh, High Priestess of Innana (Ishtar) at Uruk
    Continuing the practice past leaders, Salabikh decreed most the wealth and labor of the Priesthood was to be expended on building or expanding temple sites to serve the spiritual needs of the greatest number of believers. The Priestess also funded a new dormitory for the University and the storage of surplus donated food. Refusing to slow down despite her age - nearly 70 - Salabikh returned to Elam to aid her missionaries in converting the stubborn rural population. With her guidance enough farmers accepted the Mesopotamian faith to support a modest temple shrine. In autumn 2047 the Priestess died peacefully in her sleep.
    Utu-yebe, High Priest of Tishpak, traveled from his temple precinct in Eshnunna to Kish where thanks to the Priesthood's growing influence he persuaded King Jushur IV to tithe to the True Faith. The Priest followed this success with another, supervising the expansion of the rural temple complex in Hahmar into a full temple plantation. Upon hearing of the death of Salabikh, Utu-yebe became the leader of the Priesthood and proclaimed Ku-aya, a priestess of Tishpak, the new High Priestess.
    Meanwhile evangelists sent to Susa proved more capable than previous ones and motivated almost half of the city's population to honor the Mesopotamian pantheon.

City-State of Kish Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Uruk-Lagash
Jushur IV, 4th King of the VI Dynasty, favored of Zababa
    Jushur IV commanded another eight hundred men be trained as heavy infantry and additional field fortifications be built in Selucia. Mills and fenced pastures were built for farmers and herders in tributary Diyala. The majority of the City-State's resources were spent building the Kishite half of a planned royal road from Kish to Uruk. To the surprise of the workers there was no sign of the other half of the turnpike on the Urukish side of the border, leading common folk to derisively name the project "the road to nowhere".
    Construction of a stone bridge over the Euphrates to Circis was begun. Jushur then held court and listened favorably to the requests of Utu-yebe, High Priest of Tishpak, regarding funds for the Priesthood.
    In the summer of 2049 the King and lieutenant Mashur (and a really, really big army) traveled to Diyala for some diplomacy in force. The region's lord was stubborn and Mashur was but an average negotiator. The lieutenant however offered a royal marriage between one of the lord's daughters and King Jushur. Lengthy discussions followed but the lord finally agreed, taking the oath of a full fledged ally.

State of Uruk-Lagash Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Kish, mutual defense with Ganweriwala
Nam-mahazi the Golden, King of Uruk and Lagash, favored of Inanna
    Nam-mahazi sent surplus population to Ahvaz to found the port settlement of Mahamar on the banks of the Tigris almost in the shadow of Susa in Elam. Progress was made on the Uruk to Lagash royal road which the King had named after himself. Although pledged to build half the Kish to Uruk royal road, no work was initiated. Nam-mahazi had greater need of warships; the road could wait. He ordered 23 pentaconters and a half-dozen transports built in the shipyards of Lagash, more than replacing losses from the great battle of 2053.

    Next the King announced a formal mutual defense pact with the Kingdom of Ganweriwala far to the southeast and a delegation was dispatched to that distant land to formalize the agreement by erecting a carved basalt stele on their mutual border.

    Once the delegation had left Nam-mahazi could finally focus upon the ongoing war with the Traders of Dilmun. With the death of the enemy's legendary commander Tanurah, the King of Uruk-Lagash felt the time was right for a final great effort to end the conflict. He met with his leaders and gave them his orders for a joint land and sea offensive. [see The Gulf War Expands below ]

    Once the fleet and army were in motion, the King held court but infrequently as he was in his late sixties and slept more and more. His courtiers kept bad news from him lest the shock be too much. Nam-mahazi died peacefully (and ignorantly) in his sleep in the autumn of 2047.
Note: as mentioned in Basic Rules 7.2.4 Actions, a leaderless city under attack will generate a temporary leader. In L38 this also applies to leaderless armies and fleets if they have been on campaign OR if simply moving but becoming leaderless in uncontrolled land (or at sea). A temp (" T ") leader may defend or move but cannot initiate any hostile action or ops.

2050 BC
    In Lothal the dozen new trade galleys were completed and crewed. With much fanfare Heir David and over two thousand swordsmen were loaded aboard along with supplies. The transports as well as an escort of fifteen pentaconters were under the command of Prince Ethan. The fleet headed south into the Malabar Sea then turned west toward the Gulf of Oman, having rutters thanks to earlier exploration.

    In Dilmun a dozen new biremes and one new pentaconter were completed and crewed. Commanded by First of the Council Tegrin the force left port for months of training just offshore. Nearby was a second force of eight biremes under Second of the Council Abdullah, all veterans of the great battle of 2053. Thus divided into two groups the Traders could attack the Mesopotamians from two directions.

    In the shipyards of Lagash the new pentaconters and transports were completed and crewed, bringing the Mesopotamian fleet to 40 pentaconters and 10 transports. Since Nam-mahazi wished simultaneous operations on land and sea, he could spare but one leader for naval operations, hence one great armada. Appropriately enough the admiral was Heir Puzur-Ili, Lord of the Waves. If the others present had reservations about a man in his mid-60s being the sole commander of the fleet they did not express them - one did not question the King.
    Veterans of 2053 were mixed with the recruits and began training on the Tigris. The level of the men averaged to experienced.

    Prince Utu-Hengal collected warriors from Lagash and Uruk until by autumn he'd assembled an army of nearly 8,000 mixed infantry and seige engineers. Meanwhile Lieutenant Eleia "the Hunchbacked" together with four squadrons of battle carts and several hundred skirmishers moved southwest by way of the stone bridge over the Euphrates. Kuwait was traversed during the summer (yikes!) and by autumn the Urukish were crossing the border into neutral Dharan.

    Also by autumn the Lothal convoy reached its destination, the Dilmun-held island of Socotra. The locals were Neolithic tribes living off fishing and subsistance agriculture. Heir David led 2,400 swordsmen ashore through the surf to the astonishment of the locals. What resistance bands of clan warriors could offer was crushed with minor losses. War galleys easily captured the fishing fleet operating from Hadiboh.

2049 BC
    Once the winter storms subsided the Lothal fleet departed for home leaving David and his army to capture the port of Hadiboh. The men were ready for a fight but the city had neither walls nor garrison and its civilian leaders quickly surrendered.
    Later while celebrating their conquests two of his infantrymen began arguing over a tavern wench's favors. The Heir attemped to intervene and was fatally brained by a stool leg serving as a cudgel thereby proving no good deed goes unpunished. One of the senior officers present assumed temporary command. His first action was ordering the drunken murderer to be put in chains to await Council punishment.

    Eleia was a skilled diplomat who hoped to persuade the pastoral nomads of Dharan to ally with Uruk-Lagah, offering a marriage between Prince Utu-Hengal and a noblewoman from the strongest clan. working against him were differences in language, mutually hostile religions, a short time frame, and - people being what they are - his hunchbacked appearance. After months of negotiation the offer was rejected.

    Meanwhile in late spring Puzur-Ili had led the Uruk-Lagash armada into the Persian Gulf with to wage a campaign of Piracy. This meant heading straight for Dilmun since that's the port where merchant ships arrived and departed. The intent was to lure the Trader fleet out to battle. No luring was necessary for the Traders expected the Mesopotamians to repeat their previous strategy and were quick to React. The leaders of eithe side were roughly equal in ability. The Uruk-Lagash navy outnumbered their enemies better than 2 to 1 and had more light ships available for scouting. However almost all island war galleys were biremes which were individually more powerful than a Urukish pentaconter. Both sides sighted the other and prepared for battle as the fleets accelerated toward each other.
    The morning was clear with blue skies and a calm sea. It was a good day for war. The two Trader flotillas headed toward the enemy flanks as the Mesopotamian armada approached as one great fleet.

Fleets meeting amidst the chaos of wood splintering and sailors crying out in agony.

    The battle began with the usual crashing together of galleys formed up line abreast and closing at ramming speed. This initial carnage was followed by individual galleys still mobile hunting enemy galleys which were also mobile, and finishing off any damaged (usually wallowing or immobile) enemy ship encountered along the way. The manuvering and ramming and boarding lasted until dusk by which time both sides were exhausted with their sailors barely able to row.
    By then the Mesopotamians had lost 20 pentaconters and 3 transports sunk. Another 7 pentaconters and 2 transports were damaged to varying degrees. Nine hundred crewmen were killed or drowned and another seven hundred were desperately clinging to planks, rowing benches or broken oars to stay afloat praying to Innana, goddess of war, to be pulled from the dark waters.
    The Traders had lost 12 biremes and their 1 pentaconter sunk. Almost eleven hundred sailors were fatal casualties with nearly eight hundred more clinging to debris trying to survive and praying to Allah and lesser gods to be rescued. No damaged biremes existed, having been picked off by prowling Urukish warships. One such bireme was Tegrin's which had earlier suffered the oars on one side being smashed to flinders by an enemy ram. A flying piece of oar had impaled the First's shoulder like a spear, dropping him screaming while his retainers tried to control the bleeding. He survived but was out of the fight for much of it, his flotilla essentially leaderless.
    By the crude measure of tonnage sunk and seamen killed, by nightfall the Urukish were winning a war of attrition. An exhilarated Lord of the Waves felt certain if the fighting could be resumed at dawn the Dilmun navy could be eliminated. Alas, on the edge of triumph the 65-year old Puzur-Ili clutched at his head groaning about the worst headache of his life, then fell to the deck. He was dead within minutes.
    One of the senior officers present assumed temporary command. Being well aware of his lack of experience at leading an entire fleet he was content to order floating sailors brescued and damaged ships repaired sufficently to survive a slow voyage back to Lagash. The Traders also pulled whom they could from the sea in the gathering darkness. Crewmen of both sides soon didn't care who saved them once screams began sounding in the night as sharks followed the scent of blood to the wounded.

    When August arrived in Dharan so did Prince Utu-Hengal with the main Urukish army and upon learning of the nomads' decision (and understandably feeling personal rejection) promptly ordered the region pacified. (The heavy infantry had to armor up having removed much of it during June and July lest they be roasted like lobsters by the desert sun.) Some two thousand lightly armed pastorialists led by the strongest chieftan knew their harsh land and moved easily within it but the Mesopotamians had a better leader, numbers and training on their side. Within a month the nomad warriors were mostly wiped out (battle carts having both a shock value and being adept at outflanKing) at a cost of several hundred Urukish dead and a like number wounded. Dharan was now part of the ever-expanding Uruk-Lagash state.

2048 BC
    In early spring the much-reduced Trader navy under Abdullah patrolled the waters around Bahrain but no Mesopotamian vessels were sighted. Tegrin slowly recovered back in Dilmun.

    Utu-Hengel and Eleia the Hunchbacked spent April through June securing all tribal encampments to ensure the entire region was under control. Leaving behind a garrison, in July the army of Utu-Hengal crossed from Dharan into the sparsely populated semi-desert of Qatar. While nominally aligned with the Traders the clan chiefs had no obligation to fight on their behalf and so informed the Mesopotamian scouts. The Urukish prince ordered the region pacified anyway. The various tribal war bands fought bravely but were swiftly crushed by the disciplined warriors of Uruk-Lagash. From then until autumn the Urukish secured all tribal encampments to ensure the entire region was under control. Qatar was now part of the ever-expanding Uruk-Lagash state.
    In late September the Hunchback was celebrating his 21st birthday having consumed several skins of a good Hahmar red, a gift from the Prince, when a group of drunken soldiers (who'd had to make do with the local fermented goat's milk) began taunting him. Normally a diplomatic sort Eleia was drunk himself enough to respond in kind. Words led to violence and he was fatally beaten before camp guards could intervene. A furious Utu-Hengal ordered the drunks beheaded before the ranks as an object lesson.

2047 BC
    After posting a garrison Utu-Hengal led his army to the ferry point. He anticipated the armada under Puzur-Ili would by now have secured the strait crossed by the ferry. Upon arrival there was no sign of the Mesopotamian fleet or ferry boats - the latter presumably at Bahrain. About ten years ago it was his fleet which failed to secure the strait and it was Heir Puzur-Ili's army that stood exactly where his stood now.
    The Prince began cursing the twisted cruelty of the gods, especially Uruk's patron Inanna, goddess of love and war. "Why do you cheat us of victory again?" he demanded, shaking his fist at the sky, "why do you protect these unbelievers? these merchants !" The more he waxed wroth the more his retainers and officers watched with growing concern; Utu-hengal was nearly 50 and overweight. Suddenly in mid-rant he began gasping for breath then clutched his chest and collapsed. He died shortly thereafter, his last words a final curse.
    One of the senior officers present assumed temporary command. Word was dispatched to Uruk of the deaths of Prince Utu-hengal and Lieutenant Eleia. The army would encamp in Qatar while awaiting either a new general or new orders.

Traders of Dilmun Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy - literate (cuneiform)
Tegrin, First of the Council
    At war with the powerful (and predatory) State of Uruk-Lagash for 10 years now, the Council quickly agreed on the construction of a dozen bireme war galleys and one pentaconter in the military arsenal at Dilmun. More scribes were hired for the bureaucracy to keep the government functioning while its leaders fought the enemy.
    While military genius Tanurah was deceased, both Tegrin and Second of the Council Abdullah were above average commanders. Gambling their Mesopotamian enemy would expect them to cower in port the two leaders took the Dilmun fleet of twenty biremes and one pentaconter into the Persian Gulf; Tegrin led the newly built warshps and Abdullah the veterans. [see The Gulf War Expands above ]

    The newly-hired lieutenant collected his pay without receiving orders and so spent his time and gold in taverns and brothels.

ghost move -open for a player



Silk Road marketplace in Gutian capital of Borahshi

Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Kingdom of Gutia Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (cuneiform)
Samu, King of Gutium
    Samu struggled with the kingdom's financial woes. After his father's untimely death the government scribes slacked off and worked perhaps half the expected time. The King (after punishing the more blatant slackers) spent what he could attempting to hire scribes with some supervisory experience to avoid such disorder in the future. Next, noting the lack of royals in official positions, Samu proclaimed his rather lazy oldest son Shahnaz to be his Heir, and his well spoken oldest daughter Roxie to be a Princess of the Realm. (There was some grumbling among the nobility because Samu promoted his children rather than his half-siblings who the nobles felt had more claim to such titles.)
    Finally Samu ruled his kingdom. Still virile in his 40s and a widower, he brought many a palace maidservant to his bed chambers. It was good to be King! His favorite fell pregnant three times while another was unlucky but once.

    Heir Shahnaz headed for Kurdistan to parley with the chiefs of mountain tribes, offering himself in marriage. Shahnaz was a middling diplomat but one of the daughters of the strongest chieftan took a liking to him (ok, and she wanted to be a queen someday) and persuaded her father to agree and to merge his wilderness domain with mighty Gutia.
    Meanwhile the diplomat Shapur returned to El'Burz bringing with him Zareen, a daughter of Samu, to offer in marriage to Kir, lord of that land and ally of Gutia. Kir was immediately smitten with the comely teen and agreed to join his territory with Gutia.

Kingdom of Ganweriwala Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Indus glyphs)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Uruk-Lagash
Vihana the Magnificent, King of Ganweriwala
    With his son (and Heir) Lakshmana dead of a flux, a grieving Vihana returned to the throne despite being in his 70s. Small investments were made in nautical engineering and trying to hire more scribes for the government. A new lecture hall was built for the University. Newly cultivated Baluchistan received more fortifications plus a system of berms and ditches to channel snow melt from the mountains down to the croplands. Laborers were sent to Bandar to begin clearing the remaining wilderness.
    Needing an Heir, the King assigned his brother Prince Dhaval (who was almost as old as Vihana) to that title. Dhaval returned to Konar Sandal to help administer the nation. However he had no aptitude for supervising and the bureaucrats quickly sensed this and slacked off, seriously degrading the functioning of government.
    Meanwhile at the Vihana's behest his loyal lieutenant Sandip married royal daughter Kaur and was proclaimed a Prince of the Realm. Without formal duties Sandip spent his time with Kaur - in her 30s and experienced in the arts of pleasure - siring two sons and a daughter. .

    Dignitaries from Uruk-Lagash arrived in late summer 2050 and attended the placement ceremony of a stele where the regions of Mand and Bandar share a border. On the stele were chiseled images and text regarding the mutual defense treaty and agreed boundary between the Mesopotamian state and Indus state. A giant King (representing both monarchs combined) led warriors while trampling enemies underfoot. Below the figures was the text of the treaty inscribed in both Akkadian and Harappan, here translated into the barbarous Newsfax tongue:

    By the immutable word of our deities, great rulers of our heavens, Nam-mahazi the Golden, King of Uruk-Lagash, and Vihana the Magnificent, King of Ganweriwala, set a boundary to their lands. Nam-mahazi of Uruk-Lagash, at the command of the gods, set a pillar of basalt in the plantation of that field which lies at the junction of the lands of Ganweriwala and the lands of Uruk-Lagash. We are as brthers. If deemons of the underworld strike at us, we will grapple them together. If barbarians from far lands cast spears at us, we will raise our shields together. If men of war in bronzed chariots come against us, we shall draw bow and loose shaft together. As brothers we shall defend house, field and city against all enemies.
    So says Nam-mahazi the Golden, King of Uruk-Lagash
    So says Vihana the Magnificent, King of Ganweriwala

    In the summer of 2048 Chitarath, the widow of Lakshmana, jealous of the joy of Sandip and Kaur took a hulking palace guard as a lover. He was a "bad boy" prone to violent outbursts and when Chitarath foolishly pointed out his lack of ambition he beat her senseless. Her servants found her and before she died she told them what happened and begged them to care for Yashi, her daughter with Lakshmana.

    Ever since the elite of Bandar converted to the religion of the Indus Valley the common people (who still worshipped the blessed "Earth Mother") had been simmering with discontent. Inflamed by Elamo-Dravidian priests, in autumn 2048 a mob stormed the palace of the local nobility. Many of the elite were beaten and some killed; all who could flee fearfully fled. A noble from a minor family who had remained loyal to the traditional faith was acclaimed the new lord of Bandar. His first act was to end the tribute paid to "those foreign devils in Konar Sandal".



Oxus civilization artifact of bird diety crushing snakes

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy (pictographic symbols) exists throughout this area.

City-State of Namazgadepe Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy
Nilichi, King of Namazgadepe
    Nilichi drew upon the saved wealth of the city-state, investing in seige engineering, government hiring and supplies for the University. Metalworkers were funded to experiment with copper to produce a stronger alloy. A large surplus of rice from the Jaxartes River area was dried and stored for the future. Laborers were sent with tools and wagons to build additional irrigation ditches and retention basins in the homeland and Bactria. A thousand armored spearmen were trained and added to the capital's garrison.
    Leaving his brother (and Heir) Crown Prince Zenithar to rule in his absence, the King traveled to tributary Kara-Khitai. A middling diplomat, King Nilichi offered the Crown Prince in marriage to a sister of the local lord. Years of negotiations followed until Lord Rostom agreed to take the oath of a full Ally. The King returned to Namazgadepe in late spring 2046 with Vika, a comely (and ambitious) sister of Rostom. In the social event of the year she was married to Zenithar in the local temple of the Oxus faith.
    During this time the famed warrior-princess Eresh and her aide-de-camp Prinay stood ready to react to any threat to the city-state. The new spearmen were integrated with other army units and maneuvers conducted. To her disappointment, no threat materialized.

City-State of Gonur Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Pudha, King of Gonur
    Leaving a garrison to keep the peace between native nomads and Gonurian colonists, Pudha returned to from Kophat Dagh in late spring of 2050. He yet again offered recruitment bonuses for government employment. A building to house the University's collection of scrolls and clay tablets was built on campus. Irrigation ditches and retention basins were dug in Uzebek to bring water from the river to farmland. The bulk of the city-state's wealth and labor was allocated to the construction of a bridge over the Oxus between the regions of Tadzik and Uzebek.
    Thereafter the King held court and enjoyed the company of his Uzebeki wife Zairichi. Alas she perished in 2047 during one of the capital's periodic dysentary outbreaks due to lack of sewers or sanitation.
    Pudha's twin brother (and Heir) having proved incapable of ruling was sent to Khurasan to do what he did best: diplomacy. Faced with differences in language and religion he hoped to improve his chances by offering his older daughter Uzra in marriage to its ruler Arshavir. Years of talks resulted in that lord taking the vows of a feudal ally.
    Meanwhile lieutenant Vahyazdata who was almost as good a negotiator headed to the harsh semi-desert of Gurgan to entreat with the nomad chiefs. Much goat was eaten and much fermented goat milk drunk. Eventually despite the pastorialists' suspicion of outsiders their strongest chieftan took the vow of a vassal.



City of Harappa on the Ravi River (a tributary of the Indus)

Knowledge of Bronzeworking exists throughout the Indus Valley civilization.
Literacy (Indus glyphs) exists throughout the Indus Valley civilization.

State of Harappa-Rupar Civilized Bronzeworking Centralized Monarchy
Abhinabyu, King of Harappa
    The year 2050 began badly when a number of royals attending a banquet at the estate of a wealthy merchant became violently ill. Apparently a large amount of poultry was undercooked in the staff's haste to serve it to the guests. Dead royals included Prince Ritpara of Rupar, King Abhinabyu's wife Saachi and their two youngest daughters Priti and Jauanti. The merchant and his wife perished as well. The King, Heir Asha and many others both royal and common survived but remained weakened from the ordeal. A public funeral service was conducted by the Harappan priests in that city's temple after which a month of mourning was decreed.

    Once the period of grieving had passed, the King saw to the needs of his realm. The elderly (nearly 60!) Abiskek of Rupar was declared a Prince of the Realm and assumed Ritpara's responsiblities. The University received a new dormitory and additional teaching scholars. The main market square of Harappa was adorned with heroic statues of past Kings while in Rupar the streets radiating from the central plaza were paved.
    More laborers were dispatched to Afghanistan, Sind and Kashmir where the clearing of wilderness for agriculture was ongoing. Engineers surveyed Hazarajat since it was next on the list for conversion to farmland.
    Surplus urban population was collected and issued supplies, wagons and draft bovines, then sent to sparsely-populated Sind, Edrosia and Afghanistan. Both Sind and Edrosia were recovering from the ravages of past war and the colonists were welcomed by the Harappans and Ruparians already there. The Afghans however were Asiatic Pagans and only tolerated the foreign settlers and their Indus Valley religion. The situation wasn't helped by Harappan missionaries who harangued the locals.
    The King then stood ready with his army should any neighbor be so foolhardy to invade.

    Royal daughter (and Heir) Asha was again ordered to rule but again spent her time at parties and excursions. Her health had been poor ever since her near-death by foul fowl. In the early spring of 2048 Asha caught a cold which quickly became pneumonia which equally quickly finished her off. Following her funeral the now 70 year old King Abhinabyu proclaimed his daughter Mridu to be his Heir. There was silence until a brave courtier reminded the King that Mridu had been married off to the lord of the city of Banawali some years before.

    Prince Abiskek proved worse at administering than Asha had been at ruling, which is saying something. Having lost hope of being a King he had indulged in a number of nasty vices over the years. Syphilis was the least of the consequences and his heart gave out in the autumn of 2048. After yet another royal funeral King Abhinabyu declared his 21 year old daughter Babita to be a Princess and this time no awkward silence followed. He set her to administering and she proved competent which was a nice change.

    Manjima the "Golden Tongue" diplomat continued her negotiations with the lord of the river port of Banawali. To her surprise her assistant Rakesh left to return to the capital. Manjima continued solo and eventually convinced the Banawalian ruler to join his city to Harappa-Rupar and retire to his villa along with his wife the recently referenced royal daughter Mridu.
    Once at Harappa lieutenant Rakesh joined Prince Abiskek in administering and was able to negate some of Abiskek's most confusing orders for the bureaucrats. In 2049 the lieutenant was invited to one of Abiskek's bacchanalia and was not seen again.

Traders of Dholavira Seafaring Bronzeworking Oligarchy
Harvan, First of the Council
    Harvan secured Council agreement for investment in military quality and the hiring of civilians for assorted government work. A substantial grant to the University paid for a new lecture hall and a library for its numerous scrolls. A record year for fishermen resulted in many tons of fish dried and salted and stored for the future. The bulk of the Traders' wealth and labor was allocated to the municipal arsenal where ten biremes were built and crewed. Once sea trials were finished they joined the pentaconter squadrons under Bahadar, Second of the Council.
    The First thereafter attended to the daily decision-making while Bahadar's nearly two dozen warships patrolled around Kutch. The Second's health continued to deteriorate including frequent severe headaches and dizzy spells. During some rough seas he was calling out commands to the crew when he stumbled, lost his balance and fell overboard, his armor drawing him into the murky depths.
    The newly-hired lieutenant collected his pay without receiving orders and so spent his time and gold in taverns and brothels.

City-State of Lothal Seafaring Bronzeworking Monarchy
Cherasan, King of Lothal
    Cherasan decreed a dozen trade galleys be built in the shipyards of Lothal and outfitted to carry soldiers rather than cargo. Having heard of the conflict between Uruk-Lagash and the Traders of Dilmun, the King hoped to pick up some Dilmun-held territory while the Traders were busy fending off the Mesopotamians. Opportunity favors the bold  he mused.
    Field fortifications were built in Nasik and Anhivarta in strategic locations. In the port of Surkotada the market square and main roads were paved with brick which much reduced dry season dust and rainy season mud. Additional scholars were hired for the University. Considerable funds were paid to naval architects in the hope they'd design and prototype larger warshps.
    Once all that was underway the King instructed Heir David and Prince Ethan regarding their mission. [see The Gulf War Expands ]

    Thereafter Cherasan ruled (ably assisted by lieutenant Goran) and enjoyed his Anhivartan bride Chita, siring twins (boy and girl) born late 2050. It was a difficult birth and Chita was never quite the same afterword. In 2048 she died in childbirth along with the child, leaving Cherasan grief-stricken. Also knowing anguish in 2048 was Drusa, widow of Heir David, when their ten year old son Farush was fatally bitten by a poisonous snake while playing in the palace garden. The common folk began whispering the royals were cursed.


(Indian subcontinent south of Vindhya Mountain range, plus Ceylon)

Nagaraja "King of Naga" and Nagaramma "Queen of Naga"

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

Naga Pagan temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Kingdom of Chera Barbarian Metalworking Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Vatteluttu alphabet)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Chola
Adu Kottu Pattu, King of Chera
    Adu Kottu Pattu decreed substantial investment in military quality and a much lesser amount to those metalworkers experimenting with alloys of copper. Most of the kingdom's resources however were spent on agriculture-related improvements in the homeland. Deciding many years of peace had made the army lazy, from April through June the King and Prince Selva Kadumko trained the troops vigorously. At the start of July the battle-scarred feudal vassal Puzhiyarkhon of Belur arrived with four hundred guardsmen.
    Adu Kottu Pattu believed the treaty of mutual defense was with the old Cholan dynasty, and it required him to come to the aid of deposed King Karikala. The Cheran King expected the arrival of his army would precipitate a popular revolution which would overthrow the current King of the usurping dynasty and restore Karikala to his throne. After several days of planning the King, the Prince and the vassal left Muciri with nearly four thousand mixed infantry marching southeast into Pandya.
    From Pandya the column advanced northeast into Chola where they encamped for the rainy season1. By April 2049 the ground was dry enough for the heavy infantry and the army headed for Arikamedu. [see Chola ]

    Not long after the King's army had passed through Pandya a worshipper at the Nakarkoyil Temple claimed to have had a vision where Nagaraja himself appeared and declared Pandya to be a sacred place. As word spread it led to a religious frenzy around the Temple as hundreds of pilgrims flocked to the site. Enterprising merchants set up stalls for food, drink and other needs of the travelers.

    Meanwhile left behind to rule was Heir Kathik assited by lieutenant Aricil Kilar. A few months later the godlike-handsome Kathik married Waameeka, local noblewoman who'd caught his eye at court. Life is good thought Kathik, and it was for him, but not so much for Aricil who drowned on a fishing excursion in the summer of 2049 when the boat sank in a sudden storm. A number of young nobles also perished plus Meenakshi, wife of the King, and her handmaidens. Kathik declared a month of mourning.
    In the years that followed Kathik and Waameeka produced a jaundiced, sickly daughter in 2048 followed by a healthy son in 2046.

1 the rainy season is July to September. However this doesn't work with the northern-hemisphere-centric LOTE Table 7-8 Action Impulse Pattern. Rather than create a second Table for southern hemisphere areas at this point it's easier to just say the rainy season is December to February like the northern winter.

Kingdom of Chola Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Tamil script)
Announced treaties: mutual defense with Chera
Urayur, King of Chola
    Only 17 and feeling uncertain as king, Urayur saved most of the wealth of the kingdom for such time he could decide how best to spend it. He did however heavily fund attempts to attract yet more scribes to government service.

    For several years Lieutenant Sangum had had no luck searching the the capital for Karikala of the previous royal family. Coarse and boorish, Sangum had antagonized the citizens of Arikamedu who grew ever uncooperative. The lieutenant forcefully suggested to the handsome and popular young King that he join the search, pointing out he was of the dynasty that overthrew Karikala and would be executed if Karikala won. Inspired by fear Urayur used every bit of his charm and was able to discover the location of the rebel leader. At once Sangum stormed the area with nearly 2,500 trained warriors. The six hundred or so followers of Karikala resisted desperately with clubs, knives and thrown paving stones. The disciplined troops crushed them although suffering several hundred casualties. Karikala - in his 60s and in failing health - was wounded and captured.
    The former King was brought to the central square of the capital. At Sangum's prodding King Urayur condemned Karikala to death for plotting against the crown. The rebel leader was forced to kneel and Sangum beheaded him with a single blow of his copper-bladed axe.
    Karikala's body was dragged off leaving a trail of blood. Urayur felt sickened but also relieved his throne was safe. He moved to return to the palace, but at a signal two of Sangum's men seized him and forced him down before the gore-covered stone block. "I have no further need of you," stated Sangum coldly. The King looked about wildly but apparently the army was with the disloyal strongman. Sangum struck again and Urayur's brief reign was ended. The army hailed Sangum as the new King as he stood with dripping axe.

    Word of these events spread slowly during the rainy season1. Brawls resulted in more than one tavern or inn between supporters of the old dynasty and supporters of King Sangum. The turmoil slowed the movement of messengers such that the first Sangum knew of the approaching Cheran army was when it was but a few days' march from Arikamedu.
    Fortunately his army was quartered in the city. Since there were no defensive walls Sangum chose to fight outside where he had room to maneuver. When his scouts caught sight of the invaders the army deployed to meet them. Under a flag of truce for parley, King Adu Kottu Pattu of Chera met Sangum of Chola. The Cheran king called upon King Urayur and Sangum to surrender. Former king Karikala, said to be hiding somewhere in the city, would be restored to the throne.
    At this Sangum laughed cruelly and explained "Urayur and Karikala are both dead by my hand. I am King now. Leave my lands or face the consequences!" He and his retainers turned and walked back to the ranks of Cholan warriors.
    Returning to his own lines Adu Kottu Pattu was now in a quandry. The Cheran plan had assumed Karikala was alive and the possibility he was dead had not been considered. There would be no popular revolution without a leader. The King took counsel of his leaders. None wanted Sangum left on the throne; he was clearly violent and hungry for power.
    Each army was a mix of warriors armed with slings and javelins plus stone-bladed axes. The Cholans knew the terrain intimately and had men with stone-tipped spears giving them a longer "reach" in melee but the Cheran army was larger and Adu Kottu Pattu had vassal (and military genius) Puzhiyarkhon of Belur to advise him. With a sounding of trumpets and beating of drums the Cherans charged. The Cholans did the same at their King's comomand few moments later.
    The two forces crashed together with a pounding of stone weaponry against wooden shields. No-quarter vicious violence lasted the entire afternoon. When the fighting stopped the Cherans had taken over two thousand killed or wounded including Prince Selva Kadumko who'd taken a spear thrust through his shoulder. The Cholans however had ceased to exist as an effective force. King Sangum was not to be found among the dead and it was feared he'd slipped away during the last of the combat.
    The Cherans entered Arikamedu without opposition from the terrified civilians and marched to seize the palace and government buildings. Imprisoned beneath the palace they found Urayur's mother Vijayaliu and three of his siblings. In the deepest cell reeking of human waste and infested by rats was Thanjavur, younger brother of Karikala, who'd been in solitary confinement there for 30 years. He was now in his early 40s and appeared to be more than a little insane.

1 the rainy season is July to September. However this doesn't work with the northern-hemisphere-centric LOTE Table 7-8 Action Impulse Pattern. Rather than create a second Table for southern hemisphere areas at this point it's easier to just say the rainy season is December to February like the northern winter.



City of Kaushambi on the Ganges River

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy exists throughout this area as shown below.

City-State of Atranjikhera Civilized Metalworking Centralized Monarchy - literate (Elamite Linear script)
Sagara, Queen of Atranjikhera
    Sagara again invested in infantry quality and government recruitment. Another surplus of grain was stored for later needs. Two hundred archers were traind for garrison duty. In Avant the first wells were dug to help agriculture and fixed defenses were built at strategic locations. The Queen then held court and ruled her realm.
    Heir Duryodhana returned to Rajput for more diplomacy. His wife Rani had birthed a son a year for five years and sincerely thanked Sagara for sending her husband away for a while. The Heir spent several years in Rajput but having neither gifts nor royal marriages to offer made no further progress. Discouraged, in early 2048 he traveled to Jihjhoti and began negotiations. Alas without gifts or marriage offers he was constantly rebuffed. Then during one discussion after too much wine and too much frustration he lost his temper and grieviously insulted the Jihjhotian sovereign. He was ordered seized and imprisoned but managed to escape although wounded by a cut from the blade of a palace guard. He returned home weak from blood loss and feverish from infection. Wife Rani and palace healers cared for him until he had mostly recovered.
    In the hot summer of 2047 the body of lieutenant Kunti, who had not been seen for many years, was found in the refuse heap of a riverside inn near the Ganges. Apparently dead from strangulation, his possesions and clothing had all been stolen.

City-State of Kaushambi Barbarian Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Elamite Linear script)
Jagadambika, King of Kaushambi
    Jagadambika commanded infantry tactics be reviewed and improved. More gold was spent hoping to attract civilians to government service and drying a surplus of vegetables for storage. Two hundred men were trained to the sword and twice that in the use of javelin and sling. The streets of the capital radiating from the market square were paved, shade trees planted and public fountains installed. About this time Jagadambika's sickly 8 year old daughter died in her sleep and a week of mourning was declared.
    The King then coordinated his scribes taking a census of all people, possessions and herds to better collect taxes. Finally he held court and heard petitions, judged complaints (such as merchants no longer able to trade overland with Chola) and in general did kingly things.
    Meanwhile noted swordsman (and Heir) Jaafar moved his army back to the homeland and stood ready to repel any attack.



Tibetan capital of Lhasa

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

Kingdom of Zhang Zhung Pastoral-Nomadic Metalworking Monarchy
Cong, King of Zhang Zhung
    Cong spent small amounts for experiments with alloys of copper and attempting to recruit citizens for government work. The University received a new dormitory. Most of the wealth of Zhang Zhung was saved for later use. Merchants were licensed for trade with Kaushambi, Halin and Tibet - all daunting routes across formidable towering mountain ranges. He then governed his windswept lands and enjoyed his Nepali wife Pyuthan, producing three daughters, the middle one of whom was small and sickly; Pyuthan had gone into labor a month early.
    Meanwhile Jian, eldest son of late King Huan (and Cong's Heir) returned to Sikkim bringing his sister Ting with him. To the village elders of Kathmandu he offered Ting in marriage to their leader in exchange for their fealty. The dirt-poor villagers were amazed a distant king would take any interest in them and readily accepted the offer.
    In 2047 royal males Li and Min (brothers of Jain) went mountain climbing. A sudden blizzard stranded them and their guides. In the midst of the storm Min went to relieve himself and and was not seen again - perhaps becoming disoriented in the whiteout conditions.

Kingdom of Tibet Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (syllabaric Tibetan alphabet)
Choenyi, King of Tibet
    Deciding to save most of Tibet's resources for later use, Choenyi sent small amounts of laborers and tools to Gtsang to continue clearing the remaining wilderness. Despite a bad harvest there was a surplus of a few vegetables which were dried and stored. He then ruled his kingdom which was prosperous despite most of its leaders remaining idle.


(Tibeto-Burman migration from north down the Irrawaddy Valley displaced original Mon-Khmer peoples southward)

Beikthano, oldest Irrawaddy Valley city

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area except as noted below.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

City-State of Halin Civilized Bronzeworking Monarchy - literate (Pyu script glyphs)
Abhirej of the Shakya Dynasty, King of Halin
    Abhirej ordered much of the city-state's income spent on further improvements in the homeland: bridging small streams to wagons could reach market faster, building drying sheds where river fishermen could hang their catches, experimental plantings of millet and soy. Leaving his son (and Heir) Shipyabu to rule, Abhirej and his mother Kuwerami journeyed to Manipur. They visited his father's grave (he had died while on a diplomatic mission) and reconnected with his mother's noble family who ruled the land. Son and mother then negotiated and after years the family agreed to cede their lands to Halin and retire to their estates.
    Meanwhile Shipyabu married Indira, orginally an orphan from lands to the west who was raised to adulthood in the royal household. The Heir held court during the day and spent his nights with his bride, working their way through an early draft of the Kama Sutra. A boy was born late in 2050. After several miscarriages shamen were invited to clense the royal bedchamber of malicious sprits. A girl was born in 2047, proof the shamen knew what they were doing.
    Lord Yama (known as "the Blunt" for his lack of tact) stood by with half the army in case of invasion, but all was peaceful.

Kingdom of Maingmaw Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pyu script glyphs)
Thomanaya, King of Maingmaw (and Binnaka)
    Thomanaya lavishly funded yet more rural improvements in Ava: more retention basins to trap rainy season water for the dry season and a network of irrigation ditches to distribute the bounty to farmland. Naval architects received grants to prototype larger ships and the University upgraded its lecture hall. The King then ruled his realm assisted by his son (and Heir) Tholomaya. The Heir and his noble wife suffered a mix of emotions when a girl born in 2050 was small and stunted, a healthy boy was born in 2049 but was followed by a jaundiced girl born 2047.

    Prince Thominba and his escort of skirmishers - accustomed to the steamy heat of the Irrawaddy valley - were beyond miserable in the icy cold mountains of Tz'uk'an. Half his men were effective casualties having lost fingers and toes to frostbite. Nevertheless King Thomanaya was determined to expand the writ of Maingmaw further north and ordered the Prince (a middling negotiator) to resume discussions with the suspicious Neolithic clans. Lieutenant Ruraya (an even worse negotiator) was dispatched to assist Thominba in his efforts. The Maingmaw duo had neither gifts nor marriage offers to offer but the mountain men were impressed by the persistance of the Prince especially after Ruraya fell down a chasm and froze to death in 2047. They swore an vow of fealty to Maingmaw. Thominba - who'd by now lost several fingers and toes plus some facial skin - accepted the vow then painfully made his way to his tent to message his father the King.

City-State of Beikthano Barbarian Metalworking Monarchy
Peshak, King of Beikthano
    Once again Peshak investmented small amounts in just about everything: in military quality, experiments with alloys of copper, government hiring and education. A modest surplus of rice was dried and stored for later needs. The king then ruled his realm and being a widower indulged in bedsport with palace servant girls. For several years all were lucky but then one after another fell pregnant, eventually resulting in four sons. The citizens believed this a good omen to have a monarch so virile ... in his 70s!
    Meanwhile Peshak's half-brother (and Heir) Daw journeyed to Laos along with his bride Htay and eight hundred mixed infantry for some diplomacy in force. He met with the heads of the Neolithic clans who were deeply suspicious of outsiders. Daw was a terrible choice for an emissary and was confounded by language differences. At Htay's suggestion he offered royal daughter Ayutthaya for marriage to a clan leader but the tribesmen were still not impressed and ended the talks.


(Viet migration from China starting to displace original Mon-Khmer peoples southward)

Lam Ap royal palace at Tra Kiew

Knowledge of Bronzeworking has not yet reached this area.
Literacy has not yet reached this area except as noted below.

Naga Pagan temples - the religion qualifying as "organized" - exist on the map but do not have Priesthood positions.

Kingdom of Langkasuka Seafaring Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pallava script glyphs)
Sunisa, Queen1 of Langkasuka
    Sunisa ordered more funds made available to entice scribes to state service, and at last it paid off. A large number of scribes joined the bureaucracy including several with innovative ideas to reorganize and improve efficiency. A surplus of vegetables was dried and saved for the future. In the homeland wells were dug to increase fresh water for farming and small streams bridged to facilitate rural wagon movement. Lieutenant Benyapa was commanded to transport the elephant polo team to compete in the second "Battle of Preikuk" polo tournament.
    The Queen then ruled (sort of) and indulged in the favorite pastime of the royal court: eating hallucinogenic Psilocybin mushrooms. The practice was widespread throughout the bureaucracy too - in fact job applicants that weren't eaters were rejected with disdain.

1 Note: Sunisa's gender should've been female. Newsfaxes 14 - 16 edited to correct (with interesting results).

Kingdom of Funan Civilized Metalworking Monarchy
Chenru, King of Funan
    The year 2050 began dreadfully when a royal excursion hunting for wild gaur turned tragic when the party was surprised by a tiger. Among the dead was Chenru's younger brother Zhantan. After a funeral service by Naga priests from the local temple, the king got to work. He authorized a small grant to scholars laboring on a way to record the Mon-Khmer language, and hinted continued lack of progress would lead to a lack of heads. A surplus of rice was dried and stored for later needs. The capital of Vhadhapura (which admittedly was rather squalid) received pipes for fresh water and public fountains. Surplus population was relocated in Oc Eo which expanded that settlement to a real city. Overland trade was approved with distant Maingmaw across the mountain ranges bordering the wilderness of Kayah.

    Chenru then traveled to Nakhon for negotiations with the forest tribes. He was joined en route by feudal vassal Asvatthanman with his own guardsmen. Meanwhile his sister Neang Neak again assembled an elephant polo team and sent it to compete in the second "Battle of Preikuk" polo tournament before traveling to Nakhon as well. She was extremely charasmatic and during 2049 enthralled the tribal chiefs and urged them to be receptive to her brother's words. Unfortunately the King had brought neither gifts nor royals for marriage which the locals considered insulting. Differences in religion made the situation worse. At the end of 2047 the chiefs ended the sputtering talks and Chenru returned to the palace. He sought comfort in the arms of wife Funnah only to find her a hardcore eater of hallucinogenic Psilocybin mushrooms. So was his 2nd wife Thulfai and his concubines as well. "You leave us for years," accused Funnah during a rare lucid moment, "what are we supposed to do?"

    Meanwhile Neang had left Nakhon and returned to Siam in 2048 where she spoke eloquently of the ophiolatrist (snake-worship) faith and the glory of the Naga. Beginning conversion is always difficult and local pagan priests spoke out against her. After three years only a small number of Siamese had accepted her faith but it was a start. Besides when progress was slow there was always Psilocybin to make it all better.

    In early 2050 lieutenant Prasat "the Far Traveled" left Oc Eo with four light galleys. The flotilla did not return until the autumn of 2046. Judging by the exhuberance of his crews as they headed for dockside taverns and brothels his mission was a success.
To be held in Preikuk every five years i.e. the middle year of each turn

tournment logo

The teams play a round robin format. Total wins and losses determines placement at finish.
   1st - Lap Ap
   2nd - Langkasuka
   3rd - Funan
The Lam Ap team (the Tusk'n Raiders) was voted the most happy always having lots of  'shrooms thanks to generous roadies.
Lam Ap team leader Phu Cao was voted the best player winning the golden elephant trophy. Team member Phu Riang came in second as usual.

Next tournament scheduled 2043.

Kingdom of Lam Ap Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (Pallava script glyphs)
Ang Le Bak, King of Lam Ap
    Ang Le Bak ordered all of the wealth of Lam Ap saved for later use. Both he and his brother (and Heir) Ang Bai Bak spent all their free time with the elephant polo team. After a parade through the capital the team was sent on its way in mid-2050 to compete in the second "Battle of Preikuk" tournament. Leaving his brother to rule, the King stood ready to defend his realm. In the hot summer of 2049 a flux swept the capital which had minimal sanitation. Many were sickened and a score of citizens died, as did Ang Bai Bak. After a funeral conducted by the city's shamen the King proclaimed his son Ang Chou Bak to be his new Heir.
    Meanwhile lieutenant Uy Pham journeyed to the sparsely populated wilderness of Hmong to bargain with the forest chiefs. He was a middling diplomat but quite charasmatic and establishesd a good rapport. Despite that the tribesmen remained stubborn and at most the chiefs would admit Lam Ap had some claim on their loyalty.
    In 2047 the polo team returned triumphant and young Ang Chou Bak organized a victory parade to honor them.

Kingdom of Van Lang Civilized Metalworking Monarchy - literate (pictographic Chu Nom script)
Bokchio, Regent for Hung Viet, son of late King Hung Vuong
    Bokchio again financed attempts to set up a messenger service to move news quickly. Eight hundred men were trained with the javelin and sling as skirmishers. The Regent noted all the neighboring realms had elephants and it was time for Van Lang to obtain a source of them. Collecting various garrisons she put together an army of three thousand mixed infantry and invaded Lingsi over the mountains. The Neolithic tribesmen numbered eight hundred under a middling war leader. Both sides were armed with stone-bladed axes, stone-tipped javelins and slings. The disciplined Van Lang army crushed the tribal warriors in several months although taking several hundred casualties.
    The Regent then spent much time in her conquered land surveying it and noting the larger concentrations of elephants in the north of the region. In early 2046 she foolishly tried to examine an elephant in musth and the aggressive bull batted her aside like a doll with his trunk and trampled her retainers who tried to help her. She died within hours of massive internal injuries and an army officer assumed command.

    Hung Viet, son of the previous King, and his twin sister Hung Trinh had been imprisoned in a rural cottage for nine years by men paid by Bokchio. They'd been kept alive (and well treated) should the Regent ever had need of them. The sister proved the strong one constantly cheering up her brother when he dispaired. When their captors heard of Bokchio's death they gave brief thought to holding the siblings for ransom but escaping with the payment was rarely successful. The men decided to quit while ahead, taking their accumulated pay and leaving.
    Soon the twins realized they were no longer guarded and made their way to the capital. Upon proving their identity to the palace courtiers Hung Viet was hailed as King and his sister as his Heir. A month of national celebration was proclaimed. Their widowed mother died later in the year content her children were finally where they belonged.

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