Lords 27
The Dark ages
641-645 AD
Infantry |
200 men |
Cavalry |
200 horsemen |
Siege Engineers |
200 men |
Warships |
2 ships |
Transports |
2 ships |
Field Forts |
2 forts |
General Information:
Religion |
Troops |
Shinto |
28i, 12c, 10s, 10w |
Mahayana |
16i, 58c, 5s, 5w |
Therevada |
17i, 48c, 5s, 5w |
Hindu |
12i, 9c, 4s, 8w, 6t |
Takeda Shogunate – Shinto – Seafaring – Tech 4
Shogun Akira
Diplomacy: Truk(ea)
Akira stayed home to rule his empire and concentrate on economic development. Edo continued to expand, and a new city was built on the Island of Truk. Trade and public works projects were also on the economic agenda.
The Shogunate sent another diplomatic envoy to the island of Truk, which secured an economic alliance. The religious fervor of the Shogunate also had some more natives on the island embracing the Shinto religion, and the natives of Luzon fully embraced the faith.
Tetsuya was relaxing in the capital, tended his gardens and writing poetry. Unfortunately, he died before any of his peotry would reach an audience.
Furanku was sent to explore the sea to Beringa, and returned successful. However, Hiro was sent to explore the Marshals and was never heard from again.
Kannagara No Michi – Shinto – Seafaring – Tech 4
Master Morihei Ueshiba
Diplomacy: Luzon [Bashi(oh)], Hokkaido(oh)
Master Chosaan died of boredom, just sitting around in his fortress waiting for something to happen. Morihei Ueshiba learned of his Master’s death upon his arrival in Hokkaido where he set up a new Order House. Morihei assumed control of the Samurai without difficulty. Ichiro was sent to Mantap, where he failed to increase the number of converts there. However, Shensi was successful in his preaching attempts in P’ingtung, where he found many willing listeners. Mako was sent to Bashi to found an Order House there, but died on route, so Kenji, who just happened to be in the area, took up his task successfully.
Apart from that, Satsuma and Kanazawa increases in size with the help of the Samurai, but there were fungal infections in the bread supply of Heian that caused madness and general lunacy in the population. This resulted in several riots where several buildings were destroyed, and the economic value of the city decreased.
Mahayana Buddhist – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
Hu Wang
Diplomacy: none
The Mahayana Buddhists spent their time meditating.
Order of the Shaolin Temple – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
Master Sun Wei
Diplomacy: none
Master Hsiang-Chih died, and Sun Wei took his place without controversy. The Shoalin Monks had prepared an all out intelligence assault against the Mongols, but when they realized the Mongols were leaving, it was no longer necessary. In other news, more the citizens of Pienching embrace the doctrines of Buddhism under the direction of Sun Wei.
Theravada Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
Bao Tso-Lin
Diplomacy: none
Tan Ri perished in his sleep, but not before he arranged to have the Mongol leaders assassinated. Without any meaningful leadership determined to continue the war, the new Khan decided to return to the steppe, constantly watching his back for more assassins. Tan Ri thought to himself; “If only all wars could end with such little bloodshed.” His successor, Bao Tso-Lin, continued to concentrate on religious conversion, finding many converts in Hwai, Kwangsi and Lingsi.
The Lu Kingdom of Korea – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
King Lu Tri
Diplomacy: none
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The Hu Empire – Therevada Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4,
Emperor Hu Song
Diplomacy: Taiping(a), Fukien(n/e)
Now that the Mongols have returned to the steppe, Emperor Hu Song could relax, and get back to strengthening his empire. His first move was to go to Fukien on a diplomatic mission. But despite arranging a diplomatic marriage, the governor of Fukien was not interested in joining the empire. However, Hu Song’s uncle, Hu Tii, was able to continue his diplomatic overtures in Taiping, securing a full alliance. Apart from that, more heavy horsemen were conscripted, and Chang’ling received many public works.
However, there was one other thing of note. Several citizens reported a religious leader making wild claims and trying to found a new religion.
Empire of the Black Dragon – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
Diplomacy: Shentung[Si-Lei(p)], Hopei(+p)
Emperor Lui died in the cold winter of 641. His only son, who was just 10 years old ascended the throne, and surprisingly, not a whisper of dissent was heard throughout the realm. Fortunately, it continued to be a relatively quiet time for the Black Dragon Empire. A royal road was build between the cities of Gold and Chang’An, and Shensi received much needed irrigation. However, the wars with the Honan did pick-up once again, as many new siege engineers and light warships were conscripted, and sent under the leadership of General Huang to passively siege the city of Si-Lei. The city surrendered rather quickly. Several assassins were given the exact whereabouts of Emperor Chu Xi, but were inept and easily captured by the Honan.
The Imperial Realm of Honan – Buddhist – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Chu Xi
Diplomacy: Taiping(f), Shentung[Si-Lei(oc)]
Emperor Chu Xi rebuilt a vast military, and with that military reclaimed the region of Taiping.
The Khanate of Hsiung’Nu – Asiatic Pagan – Nomadic – Tech 3
Liao Ku, Khan of the Hsing’Nu, Imperial Governor of Liao Province
Diplomacy: Taiping(oc)
The Hsiung’Nu grew the royal family with the two eldest Liao brothers taking wives, and having 3 children between them. Liao Ku, decided that it was not worth his time to might the much larger force of the Honan as they reclaimed the region of Taiping.
The Mongol Khanate – Asiatic Pagan – Nomadic – Tech 3
Diplomacy: none
Open for Player!
Dar Al’Harb Emirate – Sunni Islam – Nomadic – Tech 4
Isam al Hezim
Diplomacy: none
Sirivijayan Empire – Hinduism – Seafaring – Tech 4
King Omahera
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Kingdom of Champa – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
King Tri Suryavarman
Diplomacy: none
King Tri Suryavarman ruled his empire and named his brother, Tri Javayarman, the Heir to the throne. The King has been a little bit lazy these past few years, but he did order a massive amount of investment into the irrigation of the Annam farmlands, which was a boon to the local economy. Unrelated to the King’s actions, or more accurately lack thereof, there was a population explosion, and most of these people rushed to the cities. Tonkin, Vijaya, Angor and Indrapura all grew in size, and in the case of Vijaya and Angor, the city walls had to be taken down to make room for all the new city dwellers.
The King also had very little interest in military affairs, and ordered the reorganization of the military command structure, entrusting his Heir and Lieutenants with the bulk of his vast army, keeping only a couple of thousand elite troops as his body guards.
Lieutenants Phu Vishnu and Vi Norodom took command of over twenty thousand mixed troops between them, and were ordered to patrol the regions of Khmer, Phan Rang, Cochin and Champa along with Tri Javayarman who controlled fifteen thousand of the nations best cavalry troops. Each of them took different routes and met up with each other at various checkpoints. It was during these patrols that Phu Vishnu and Vi Norodom became the closest of friends. The two of them swore a blood oath to each other under a peach tree, swearing to protect each other in battle. In fact, they met several other times under that same peach tree, and no one knew exactly what they talked about, but it seemed as if they were sharing military strategies amongst themselves, as well as a few drinks.
It was soon learned that the blood brothers were plotting to take the Kingdom of Champa for themselves, and reverse the nation’s trend of apathy. They had convinced their respective armies to join their cause and began marching on the capital. They knew that if they could siege the city, they would be better able to fight Tri Javayarman’s deadly cavalry, and would avoid the field forts. But Tri Javayarman was quick enough to cut off their advance, and met up with his elder brother and his elite bodyguards on the field of battle.
The blood brothers were a somewhat disappointed that they weren’t able to get to the city in time, but were prepared for field battle just in case. Tri Javayarman and the blood brothers were equal in their strategic abilities, but unfortunately, the King’s meddling gave the strategic advantage to the blood brothers. This was more than offset by the fact that the Tri brothers controlled all the elite troops and had a greater number of cavalry in their ranks.
Both armies charged the battlefield at the same time, and the battles raged for several days, with neither side seeming to gain much ground. The abilities and armament of the Tri soldiers were more than matched by the passion and determination of the rebel troops. There were many casualties on both sides, and after some time, the Tri brothers decided to withdraw and regroup.
In the next round of battles, the Tri troops began to fight with more determination, while the fervor of the rebel troops began to wane, but the battles were still largely even. However, the lines in the rebel armies were beginning to crack, and the blood brothers were, this time, forced to withdraw and regroup due to them taking slightly heavier losses.
Now, the blood brothers were worried. They knew that the passion and determination of the rebel troops had all but faded, as these battles lasted much longer than anyone had planned for. But they all knew that there was no turning back, either they carried the day in battle, or they all died as traitors. The blood brothers marshaled their troops one more time, and faced their opponents once again on the field of battle. The blood brothers ordered their remaining cavalry to charge, and as always, had their infantry come into the fray later to avoid a devastating cavalry charge. But this time, Tri Javayarman outsmarted them, getting his elite cavalry troops to withdraw early, and then flank the rebel infantry before they could enter the fray. With this tactic, the rebels were being slaughtered. The blood brothers upon seeing this tactic ordered a retreat, but it was too late, the rebel army was in disarray, and the Royal cavalry chased and killed all the remaining rebel troops, and captured the two blood brothers.
The King, thoroughly disappointed in this overthrow attempt, had the two rebel leaders beheaded together.
Kingdom of Pegu – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
King Samarjit
Diplomacy: Perak(f)
King Samajit sends his brother to Perak to arrange a royal wedding with Mehita, a beautiful princess in the region. This marriage allowed Perak to be fully integrated into the Kingdom, and produced a potential heir in Samarjit’s son, Bhagadatta. In celebration, the city of Khadernu was rebuilt, and the city of Siripti was enlarged around a new fortress. The Pegu military also received many new recruits that were well armed.
Religion |
Troops |
Hindu |
24i, 20c, 18s, 5w |
Coptic |
20i, 25c, 10s, 6w |
Zoroastrian |
16i, 33c, 5s, 8w |
The Temple of Kali – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
The Elephant King
Diplomacy: none
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The Sword of Shiva – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
Grandmaster Johohie
Diplomacy: none
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Empire of Asamakara – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Bahudana
Diplomacy: Chera(f), Dahala[Tripuri(a)]
After many years of inaction, Emperor Bahudana began massive construction efforts all over the nation. Nine cities grew around new fortresses, nine region received many public works, and a royal road was extended from Anhhivarta to Malabar. In addition, diplomatic efforts were greatly successful in Chera and Tripuri, and the troops received a great deal of training.
Gupta Empire – Hinduism – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Hesharu
Diplomacy: Burma(ea), Gujerat(n/e), Kutch[Melindara(a)]
Emperor Hesharu, ruled from his palace in Maghada where he ordered the conscription of another 15,000 mostly elite troops and continued to concentrate on economic development. Many cities were expanded and several royal roads were constructed, as well as public works built.
Lord Eshasulu took up the task of diplomacy in Burma, securing an economic alliance with the region. Lord Narumi stayed in Melindara and was able to secure a full alliance from the city. Priest Khuderbha in Gujerat, was ineffective.
Zoroastrian Church – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4
Patriarch Angcur
Diplomacy: Abarshahr(-ch), Aleppo(-ch), Arbiliq(-ch), Azerbaijan(-ch), Bostra(-ch), Circis(-ch), El'Burz(-ch), Khurasahn(ch), Kurdistan(-ch), Oman(ch), Pontus[Daphenious(ch), Shirvan(-ch), Tabaristan(-ch), Zanzibar(ch)
The Patriarch Angcur, devoted his time to internal affairs and overseeing the development of Ctesiphon and building the port city of Angcuran around the fortress in Hijaz. Work also began on the Royal Road from Aden to Sheba. However, this was a time for Humanist Thought, and as a result, the religious fervor of the Church was tempered, and all the religious leaders and operatives were greatly distracted in their tasks. Of the missionaries sent, the ones in Adalia and Lugdonensis met with success.
Aaruhman, Mustaffa and Rehan kept busy by extending the churches reach into several new regions with much difficulty. While Parsifel claimed the region of Kuban for the Dahak.
The Farohars of Ahura-Mazda – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5
Grandmaster Haezahd
Diplomacy: Abasigia[Aslan(op)], Carmania[Gwatar(oh)], Kuwait[Kuwait(op)], Qatar(oh)
Grandmaster Haezahd ruled his Order while investing in Abasigia, Babylonia and Fars, and also completing the cultivation of Pontus. Deverahd increase the status of the Order House in Kuwait, and founded one in the city of Gwatar before passing on. Gelbrehnd was ineffective, but Livnel did manage to increase the status of the Order House in Aslan.
The Parthian Empire – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5
Emperor Zarmihr
Diplomacy: Kophat Dagh[Merv(f)], Bauluch(-nt), Abarshar(-c)
Emperor Zarmihr took a lieutenant named Giv Gudarz with him to the city of Merv in Kophat Dagh where he was able to gain full control of the city. The same cannot be said for Prince Vahman who was sent to Bauluch to improve relations there, but instead he insulted them greatly, and what was an economic alliance became just free passage through the region. It is said that Vahman’s lack of tact would have got him killed if the region’s governor wasn’t a kind man who overlooked Vahman’s shortcomings and ignored his pleas.
With Emperor Zarmihr enjoying the countryside, and playing the diplomat, Prince Mihr had to forgo his studies to rule the empire. He oversaw the construction of a Royal Road from Kandahar to Vashir, added public works and more wall defenses to Gwatar, and the continued development of Vashir.
Sassanid Empire of Persia – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5
Xerxes, ShahanShah Eran Ud Aneran
Diplomacy: Kuwait[Kuwait(fa)]
The Persians had a quiet few years, building a road to Luggonensis from Antioch, and investing in Ctesiphon. King Xerxes, ruled his empire and witnessed the birth of three more children. Valahazrat Daryush, Shah of Syria, Heir to the Peacock throne, took up a wife and had two sons of his own. Valahazrat Kahin Firuzana, poked around in Kuwait, but turned up nothing. Neither did Mordecai in Cilicia. Lord Tarim was made Shah of the city of Kuwait.
The Empire of Kara-Khitai – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Sabatai
Diplomacy: Frunze(a), Kuldja(a)
Emperor Sabatai continued allocating resources to changing the organization of society from Caste to Clan, and now it’s just a matter of time before the change is complete. After the completion of the Kashmir cultivation project, Sabatai spent a large sum to irrigate the land, making the region more suited for farmers and settlers. The Emperor sent Prince Raqur, and Lieutenant Jabq on diplomatic missions, both successful, each arranging an alliance with each region. Unfortunately, Prince Baqur died shortly after completing his task. It was certainly an exciting time in the empire, and there was also much rejoicing as Sabatai and his wife gave birth to three healthy children, two girls and a boy, and Crown Prince Baku took a wife and had two children as well.
The Sultanate of Aden – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 4
Sultan Rasheed
Sultan Rasheed sees to the rule of his lands, and their defense. In addition, the island of Zanzibar received settlers to found the city of Kizimkazi.
The Empire of Dahak – Zoroastrian – Civilized – Tech 5
King Ardashir
Diplomacy: Kuban(c)
King Ardashir, ruled while aid was forthcoming from the Zoroastrian Church and Order in various forms.
Monopysite Church – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Patriarch Alixandar
Diplomacy: Liguria(ab) [Genoa(mn)], Campania(ab) [Naples(n/e)], Kanem-Bornu [Ngazagumu(ab)], Hausa(ch)
Patriarch Alixandar returned to Alexandria to head up the affairs of the church, which was busily converting the heathens in Latium, Rome and Provence. The efforts of Epitrophos in Liguria and Genoa were successful again, but Pirithous’ efforts in Campania and Naples were only partly successful as he died before he could complete the consecration of a monastery in Naples. Prahotpe travels to the homeland of Kanem and upgrades the church in the city and Neoptoemos travels with him to establish a church in the region of Hausa. Spirodin, on the other hand, remains in Egypt, looking for signs of those opposed to Egypt or the Coptic Church, but finds none.
The Order of the Theban Legion – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 5
Grandmaster Alverius
Diplomacy: Latium(oh)
Message to Brother Magius from Antonius before his untimely death:
Dear Brother,
I can still remember that time many years ago when we both joined the Theban Legion. We were young and thought we could take on the world. We were both 14 when we set out from our small farming villiage to seek out a life in the service of the Lord. We traveled together to Alexandria and gazed in awe at the headquarters of the Theban Legion. Then, when we were in training, we helped each other overcome the many obstacles. When we finished the rigorous training and then took our vows together I knew that we had the power to change the world for the better. Over the years, we may have been assigned different tasks by the Legion that kept us seperated, but we always kept in touch. Now our mentor and leader, Master Sotutor has passed on and I have been selected to fill his large shoes as leader of this Great Order. Imagine my shock when I was told of your decision to leave the Order. You had been entrusted with great responsibilities and I hope that we may be able to come to terms and work things out. If it is a crisis of faith, then I am sure I can get an audience with the Patriarch himself. I wish to convince you to come back to the Order and restate your vows before the Order, the Patriarch, and God that you will defend all Christians in need and I will make you my Master of Arms, leader of the Theban Legion's military might. Elder Brother Alverius will be journeying to Kanem and then to you to discuss your return. He will have a force of troops with him to defend against thieves and rebels in that unsettled area of the world. He will mean you no harm and I expect you to offer him and his troops great hospitality.
Go With God,
King Magius received the letter, but has yet to reply.
In other news, Alverius raised a new army, and marched them south to Kanem-Bornu to defend the region with Brother Maurelius. Alverius became the new master of the Order, and was pleased to hear that Brother Sebastianus was successful in founding an Order House in Latium.
Religion |
Troops |
Arian |
5i, 5c, 5s, 5w |
Coptic |
5i, 5c, 5s, 5w |
The Shields of St. Cyril – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Grandmaster Bantu
Diplomacy: none
Open for Player!
The Egyptian Empire – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 5
Emperor Norisus
Diplomacy: none
The cities of Alexandria, Humanrapta, Agoruvix, Tokar, Zoskales, and Heliopolis were all expanded again, and more pretty fountains near a new coliseum were built in Alexandria, as well as a deluxe sewer system for the entire city of Humanrapta. Also many more well-equipped cavalry were conscripted for the garrison in Egypt. Abubakar came of age and became the Crown Prince. General Aswad continued to investigate the merchants and citizens of Alexandria taking over for the late Barintiulus, but was unable to uncover any secrets.
The Empire of Ethiopia – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Tamicat
Diplomacy: none
Emperor Tamicat ruled over his empire, watched the cities of Afarsa, Amurto and Karnak grow, invested in irrigation for Sennar, continued to push through reforms to become a Free economy (which was completed) and an Open Society, and connected the cities of Afarsa and Amurto with a postal road. There was also some missionary work, which had limited success.
Empire of Kanem – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Master General Bakswana
Diplomacy: none
Master General Bakswana, true to his nature, spent most of the nation’s resources on building up the military. He also concentrated on internal security, investigating the alleged infiltrations and found out that there indeed no infiltrators, vindicating his actions and solidifying his claim on the leadership on the Empire. Master General Bakswana also sent General Makumbo, a skilled military diplomat, to Yoruba with a gift of gold and official recognition of the Yoruba Kingdom. King Magius of Yoruba was impressed with this gesture, and presented the General with Yoruba’s best hospitality.
Akan, Lords of the Gold Coast – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
King Zouthan II
Diplomacy: none
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Kingdom of Yoruba – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 5
King Magius
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The Christian Church of God – Arian Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Patriarch Sabric
Diplomacy: Malta[Maltese(ab)]
Patriarch Marsden died, and left control of the Church in Sabric’s capable hands. The Church initiated trade with the Sicilians, and erected an Abbey in the city of Maltese.
The Arian Knights of Carthage – Arian Christian – Seafaring – Tech 4
Goderic the Goth
Goderic the Goth ordered the buildup of the military, and sent Tzaza and Fritharik to Pechneg to construct a new port city named Arius. This new city would open the much-needed lines of communication and trade with the Goths.
Kingdom of the Vandals – Arian Christian – Seafaring – Tech 4
Emperor Pantra
Emperor Pantra concentrated on getting a better hold on the economy. He instructed Lord Arevalat to recount all the heads in the empire, and spent his own efforts on ruling with the Bishop. Pantra also wanted to increase trade revenue. As a result, completed the Royal Road between Tunisia and Kabilya, and started trade with the Sicilians.
Religion |
Troops |
Eastern Orthodox |
10i, 15c, 5s, 10w |
Roman Catholic |
5i, 5c, 5s, 5w |
Arian Christian |
15i, 5s, 5w |
Coptic Christian |
10i, 10c, 5s, 5w |
Celtic Christian |
15i, 10c, 10s, 5w |
Kingdom of the Goths – Arian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Theodoric
Diplomacy: Kiev[Boguslav(a)]
While ruling at home, King Theodoric sent Alaric and Osoric to Boguslav where they secured an alliance with the city. His military also saw modest growth, and the cultivation project in Kirov was continuing.
Kingdom of Sicily – Arian Christian – Seafaring – Tech 4
King Sarantino I
Diplomacy: Sardinia(t)
King Sarantino I prepared a defense against possible invaders, but was happy to learn that there would be no bloodshed this cycle. King invested in fortifications for the region of Sicily, and initiated several new trade routes to boost his income. He also sent Count Guiseppe de Licata to Sardinia on a diplomatic mission, which succeeded quite nicely as Sardinia agreed to pay tribute.
The Western Roman Empire – Coptic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Regent Augusta
Diplomacy: Tuscany[Caprica(f)], Latium[Rome(f)]
Emperor Claudius died while ruling his empire. His legacy was remembered by more public works in Naples and Campania. Empress Vespa, grief sticken by her husband’s death, fell ill a few years later and passed away herself. Fortunately, Augusta was a trusted associate of the Royal Family, and took the position of Regent until Honorius, the eldest son of Claudius, could take the throne. Diplomatic efforts were wildly successful as both Rome and Caprica fully joined the Empire once more.
Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 4
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Kristos Pantocrator – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5
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The Order of St. Georgios – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5
Grandmaster Demetrius
Aechylus and Demetrius continued in the quest to find the Greek Fire. Grandmaster Aeschylus died and Demetrius took over control of the order. Abolition is becoming a part of the EO theology.
Eastern Roman Empire – Eastern Orthodox – Civilized – Tech 5
Emperor Heraklios Moezakios
Diplomacy: Dardnia[Ochiridia(a)], Epirus(n/e)[Kluj(n/e)], Dacia Med.(t), Meosia(ea)
Emperor Heraklios continued putting all his energy to getting the empire back on its feet, and keeping his wife off of hers as she had another 3 children. The cities of Athenos, Heraclea and Thessaloniki continued to grow, fortress were erected in Achea and Dardnia, and construction began on a great wall in Contantinople to keep out invaders from the east. Further, seeing as how the Empire cannot stand unless it is united and wealthier, he sends forth his princes and lieutenants to bring the allies of the region closer with success in Dacia Med., Meosia and the city of Ochiridia. Unfortunately, Leviticus was ineffective once again in Epirus and Kluj, and Eumenos Moezakios died at the end of his diplomatic mission.
The Roman Catholic Church – Roman Catholic – Civilized – Tech 4
Pope Fortunas
Diplomacy: none
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The Kingdom of the Teutons – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Konrad
Diplomacy: none
King Isbert stayed home to rule the Kingdom, but both he and his wife died in an unfortunate carriage accident while they were on route to visit local nobles. Foul play was not suspected. Isbert’s son Konrad ascended to the throne without difficulty, married a princess and had a daughter.
The Lombard March of Ispan – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Bregor
Diplomacy: Portugal(a), Murcia[Cordoba(f)]
King Bregor finally begins the reconstruction of his Kingdom, settling Murcia and rebuilding Chorenz, as well as adding basic irrigation to the regions of Murcia and New Castille. A Postal road was also constructed to connect Seville and Cordoba. Perhaps more importantly, diplomats were sent to Portugal and Cordoba with great success bringing them closer to the crown. The only bad news was the death of Prince Hermann, who passed away at a very young age.
Alamanni Kingdom – Roman Catholic – Barbarian – Tech 3
King Hervulf
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The Empire of Ulania – Roman Catholic – Civilized – Tech 4
Emperor Magnulf
The Emperor takes care of the realm and calls for a month of mourning. In the name of the late Emperor, he distributes the crowns excess grain to those who are poor and needy in the Empire, and invests in the countryside of Karlovac and Romagna. He also marries a local noble woman who gives birth to a son.
Magnulf also makes a proclamation where he recognizes the ruling house of the Iberians as the only legal one and welcomes them as brothers. He also states that to harm our brothers in Iberia is to harm the people of Ulania. The blood our ancestors shed together onto the Iberian soil unites the Iberian and Ulanian people more firmly than any oath.
The Knights of the Black Rose – Roman Catholic – Civilized – Tech 4
Grandmaster Ivruhn
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Celtic Church – Celtic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
Patriarch Dugal
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The New Roman Empire – Celtic Christian – Civilized – 4
Emperor Julius Agricola Augustus, defender of New Rome, light of the West, guardian of civilization
Diplomacy: Brabant[Stormgard(t)], Albion(t)
Julius Agricola called all the nobles to his castle to attend a banquet. During that banquet, he gave the following speech:
Since the days of our great sire King Artorius the leaders of our line have always moved forward towards one goal; the resurgence of the glory of Rome. The Emperors of the West abandoned us in 400 AD unable to hold back the tide of barbarians that were assaulting them. How could the glory that was Rome be defeated by mere barbarians? The Empire that had been Rome had fallen into decadence they were no better than barbarians who were assaulting them. Recognizing this King Artorius took that first bold step towards this goal, the reunification of Britain.
During this time what has the Emperors in Rome done to help us? Nothing, except to lose every war they have entered. Every war saw the light that was Rome grow more and more dim. We the peoples of Europe have become the cesspool of the world. Once we were part of the mightiest empire on earth. Now only Britannia retains the glory of that was Rome. So I, Julius Agricola, decree from this day forth that I am the true Emperor of Rome. We who can trace our heritage back to the first Emperors of Rome. Thus we shall wear the purple that is the true mantle of Emperorship. Henceforth we shall bear the title of Augustus, Rulers of New Rome.
The speech was well received, and new leaders came forward to herald this glorious step forward, making this a truly great Imperial Government. A reorganization of the army ensued, and the city of Skone was founded in Albion, which helped Lord Halifax Manus secure tribute from the region. Bishop Calius Magnor was given the task of gaining a foothold in Europe, and he succeeded brilliantly in secure tribute from the city fortress of Stormgard. In the only bit of bad news to hit the Empire, Prince Ceasar Ardran passed away after a long struggle with a horrible affliction.
The Kingdom of Norway – Celtic Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Iver Jarssen
Diplomacy: Skane(f), Zealand(n/e)
King Iver ruled his empire, expanding the city of Tyrsfjord, and had another son. Scon Eriksson was asked to take up duties as a Prince. Prince Saur stayed Smaland and continued the religious conversion of the people there. Lord Aleck once again failed in his diplomatic overtures in Zealand, while Lans was successful in fully integrating Skane into the Kingdom.
Kingdom of Amorica – Celtic Christian – Civilized – Tech 4
King Cunemorus
Norse Orthodox Church – Norse Orthodox Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
Patriarch Aunlung
Diplomacy: Chavin(ab), Nazca[Tezulca(ch)], Moquequa[Yubec(ch)], Ataura[Huari(ch)], Inca[Cuzco(ch)]
The Church built 4 new churches in several cities and founded an Abbey in Chavin. Unfortunately, Patriarch Caenwulf passed away with Aunlung picking up the slack.
Kingdom of the Huari – Nordic Orthodox Christian – PreColumbian – Tech 2
King Saqalec
Diplomacy: none
Open for a Player!
Kingdom of Merovongians – Nordic Orthodox Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Dagobert
Open for Player!
The Holy Pelegian Church – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
Patriarch Talorc
Diplomacy: none
Open for a Player!
Kingdom of Albion – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 4
King Drust ap Una ac Aidan
Diplomacy: Ciguayo(n/e), Mescalero(n/e), Yucatec(ea)
King Drust patrolled the waters as his heir Iain ruled the Kingdom. Iain oversaw the construction of a new city named Lothian in Yucatec, and had anaother son and daughter with his wife from Arawak. Lord Stephen traveled to Mescalero on a diplomatic mission, but he soon fell ill and died, without any diplomatic success. Lord Cormac was successful in securing an economic alliance with the Yucatec, but Prince William was ineffective in Ciguayo.
Kingdom of the Aztec – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 2
King Montezuma
Diplomacy: Cuyutec(n/e), Huastec(c), Jonaz Pame(c), Tepanec(f), Tepuztec(nt)
King Montezuma founded a new port city in Totonac, naming it Mazitaka. He also spent all of his saved resources to improve the regions of Otomi, Tarascan, Zapotec, Huexolta and Popoluca. Then, he ordered his diplomats to secure new lands, with Zarupe succeeding in Tepuztec, but failing in Cuyutec, and Quaanal securing a claim on the lands of Huastec and Jonaz Pame. Maratlal concentrated on internal diplomacy, getting Tepanec to fully join the Kingdom.
Iroquois – Pelegian Christian – Barbarian – Tech 3
King Patamon
The Yokut Federation – North Amerind – PreColumbian – Tech 1
Chief Talking Parrot
Diplomacy: Serrano(revolts)