Lords of the Earth 27
566-570 AD
5i, 12c, 5s, 7w, 5t
566AD: All of Northern Europe prepared for war. Brittania had recently battered Powys, sacking and burning their capital, all but pushing them off Britain's shores completely. Now the Celtic nations, aided by their allies in Denmark, Norway, Merovingia, and the Teutons, planned a counter offensive. Strangely the Allied battle plans were made assuming Aquilonia would be passive and go on the defensive. Aquilonia didn't comply with this wishful thinking however. The Brittanians put to sea as fast as possible after building some fresh galleys to outfit their veteran navy, they headed for the Northsea. They knew Reget's main army was in Denmark and wanted to prevent it crossing back over. Reget also fitted out some new vessels, amazingly they were the only allied nation to do so, the allies only built transports confident Reget alone could stop the tough Brittanian navy, which had smashed Powy's and the Celtic Church's navy very recently. The end result of all this rush, rush and hurry was that the Brittanian and Regetian navies both arrived in the North Sea in April. Mid month the navies meet, the sides were about equal, Brittania had a better quality fleet however, and a better Admiral.
Prince Llew, Regetian heir, commanded Reget's navy "Fire!" he shouted as the two fleets closed. The "thunk" of catapults and ballista being fired sounded immediately after. Llew watched as the missiles splashed around the Brittanian galleys, many finding their mark. Soon after Brittanian shot began to fall amongst his own fleet. He watched the splooshes of near misses, then was thrown from his feet as a loud crash jolted the flag ship. The two fleets were nearly upon one another as he found his footing. A quick scan was all it took to see the massive damage to the ships rudder, water was pouring into the port side of the ship. To make matters worse a Brittanian galley was nearly upon them. "Prepare to be boarded, archers prepare to loose" Llew shouted, moving with speed to get his men ready to fight off the Brittanian marines about to swarm onto his ship. A shudder runs through his legs as the two ships collide, he brings his shield up just in time as Brittanian javelins and arrows rain on the defenders, the Regetians return fire as the Brittanians rush over the side and onto the Regetian deck. The clash of steel on steel rings everywhere on the deck as the two sides struggle. Men begin to slip on the blood soaked deck. Just as Llew begins to think they may repel the Brittanian boarding party, a second Brittanian galley comes along the other side of the Regetian flag ship. New Brittonian reinforcements pour aboard. Llew and his surviving men fight a desperate battle but they fall all to quick. Llew himself takes a Brittanian spear in the back while distracted fighting off another attacker. Laying face down on the deck of his ship, he can feel his life blood flow from him knowing that all is lost. As darkness takes him his last sensation is that of his beloved galley listing over and gravity sucking him into the cold wet darkness of the depths of the sea.
Mark of Cornwal watches as the Brittanian navy slowly gains the upper hand. Even as he becomes convinced of Brittanian victory a look out spots Regetian transports on the horizen. Unfortunately he isnt able to break away, the Regetian navy may be beaten but it isnt fleeing just yet, they too saw the transports come into view and desperately fight to prevent the Brittonians from catching them. Mark will have to settle for atleast turning them back and preventing them from reaching Britain. Another half an hour or so sees the end of the battle. Over 75% of the Regetian navy is sunk, Brittania suffers much more moderate losses.
Lord Mark keeps the Brittanian navy at sea searching for any allied transports. The Regetian transports that turned back were able to warn the Teotons and prevent them from sailing into the trap. Unfortunately the Norse werent able to be warned, since they were sailing along a different route, and ran smack right into the Brittanian fleet later that year. The Norse fleet was nearly annihilated but some survivors were able to get away, but with much loss of life.
Meanwhile, Prince Caradog was able to bring the crippled Regetian navy into Dyn Baer. As the only leader of Reget in Britain, he realized he had to gather the mercenary infantry the crown had hired and march them to Northumbria to protect the homeland and Capital. His army of mercenary infantry arrived in June. The bad news was that the Brittanian army arrived 3 days later. The 16,000 mercenary infantry was augmented by some poor quality local levy. They were faced by a powerful army of nearly 30,000 Brittanians and mercenary Cavalry. The Brittanians have the best Cavalry in Europe, outside of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Brittanians commanded by the near legendary military genius of Prince Magunnus, out manuever the Regetians and prevent them from reaching the safety of Caer-Ebrauc's walls. Prince Caradog realizing he would have to face the Heavy Cavalry of Brittania in the field, ordered his men into squares and prayed for the blessing of God. Repeatedly the heavy Cavalry charges into the squares of the Regetians. Prince Magunnus, at 75 years of age, is to old to lead the charge himself, but he watches from a bear by hill as his beloved Cavalry rides down the Infantry of Reget.
All around Caradog was chaos, the Square he was personally commanding had been shattered, men are being hacked down all around him. He is blinded as blood splatters his face as the Banner bearer beside him is decapitated. As he tries to wipe the blood from his eyes he feels a seering pain in his left arm and is spun around. Dropping his sword he reaches with his right arm to stem the blood flow, only then does he feel the stump of his left arm. Blood flows through his fingers as he tries to stop the bleeding from his severed left arm. Blinking rapidly his vision begins to clear as he stumbles around, in shock, trying to find a way to safety. He looks up in now clearing eyes just in time to see the Cavalry saber chop into his forhead.....
Up on the hill Magunnus gives a shout of joy as he watches the last of the Regetian mercenaries being slaughtered. Not a single one escapes the field. Moving to secure the region, the brittanian forces spread out. All Celtic Churches were plundered, expecially the large Cathedral in the region. That accomplished, the Brittanians surround Caer-Ebrauc and begin a passive siege. The City though leaderless, does have some grain stored up. As a result the city is able to hold out for the rest of the year, but in June 557AD, with its food now long gone, the city surrenders. The Regetian Capital is sacked, its Cathedral is looted, then the whole city is set on fire, the nations library goes up in flames as well. Caer-Ebrauc shares the fate of the Powysian Capital, complete annihilation.
THE KINGDOM OF REGET- Celtic Christian- Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Lyr Marini
Diplomacy: None
See: Brittania Aflame
The Regetian Royal family had been fortunate enough to have earlier moved to Dyn Baer, Owen , now the heir, prepares for the Aquilonian advance, but it never comes. With the death blow to Caer-Ebrauc however, unrest spreads throughout the lands. In Albion the native Picts rise up and throw off the Regetian yoke, in Scone there was a Regetian garrison that fought the revolt, but after some very bloody fighting it was destroyed and Scone becomes independant as well. Cumbria remains loyal, but it and Lothian are the only possessions in the British Isles to do so. Across the sea, Holland remains in Regetian hands as well.
THE KINGDOM OF POWYS-Celtic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Pwyll
Diplomacy: Ulaid (f) Laigin (f) Mumu (a)
Powys hoped to improve its position by bringing the Irish closer. They were alsos waiting for Regetian transports so they could bring the war back into Britain, but they waited, and waited.....and the Regetian navy never arrived. Financial difficulties resulted in huge numbers of desertions from Powys's army when the troops werent paid.
THE KINGDOM OF BRITANNIA (was Dumnonia)-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
King Tristan
Diplomacy: none
King Tristan flogs the scribe that interpreted his dream, Aquilonia
indeed!!! Brittania is the correct name. He then addresses his people. “My daughters
and sons of Brittania, lend me your ears. I have decided to march against the last outpost
of our opposition. It is Reget’s turn to taste our steel! I know that these are
difficult times, and I would not call forth a mass conscription of your young and old.
Therefore, under royal decree I am calling forth all able bodies to swell our military
ranks inorder to accomplish what God has decreed as ours.”
The lands of Reget must be taken and rightfully returned to Brittania. This command comes
from the Lord Almighty! In the hopes of successfully planning such an invasion, King
Tristan once against calls forth his military leaders. Once again, Prince Magunnus, Prince
Owen, and Lord Mark of Cornwall meet and discuss battle plans for the invasion of Reget,
with the capture, looting and destruction of Caer-Ebrauc. After consultation, a battle
plan is created and implemented.
In order to publicly demonstrate that the people of Brittania can not be wrongfully
disillusioned by the Papal Bull or its henchmen, all religious and Celtic holy building
within Northumbria are to be sacked, looted and burned to the ground! The People didnt
care about burnt churches in Northumbria, they were misguided followers of the Celtic
Church after all.
We will return order to Brittannia!
SEE: Britannia Aflame
While the armies and navies were off smashing eachother, King Tristan over saw the details of the Kingdom. He received word of the revolt in the Orkneys, a minor set back compared to the land and naval victories his forces had won. The Kingdom had just recently been lucky enough to expand their bureaucracy, this would be a help in governing the recently expanded realm. Then reports begin to come in, scribes, clerks, and others murdered at random throught the capital. Tristan recognized the pattern, enemy agents were trying to weaken his realm. In a fury he ordered the garrison to patrols in the capital to be more vigilant. To show his determination Tristan lead a few of these patrols himself. On one such occasion his escort was set upon. His guards were attacked and two men fell upon the king, one tried to hold him while the othe attempted to throw a bag over the kings head. Clearly assassination wasnt the goal, kidnapping was. Tristan was able to struggle enough that his two assailants couldnt quickly subdue him. This gave his guards time to dispatch the attackers and save him.
Tristan beefed up his security, and when a few weeks later the city
guard escorted a man in and threw him at the feet of the King, Tristan was not in a
forgiving mood. The man, obviously a frank, was bruised and had obviously been roughed up
by the guards. "This man was caught trying to sneak spies into the ranks of the
garrison my King" explained the Captain of the guard. "Who are you?"
The man wanted to resist but under torcher had revealed all "He is a Catholic Bishop,
Hrothgar, a Merovingian bishop"Tristan looks at the Bishop "Why do the
Merovingians isnult me so? Have I given them cause to make war on me? And then to make war
in such a cowardly manner. This is not the conduct of a man of God, as such I call you a
false Priest and a messanger of Satan. Hang him." Hrothgar was dragged through the
streets of Glevum tied to the back of two horses and then hanged in front of the Catholic
Cathedral. Support for Tristan grew amongst the nobility and freemen when news spread that
the Catholic Church was making war against their beloved King, the Churches influence and
prestige suffered. While the peoples faith in the almighty did grow in these times of wr
an trouble, more and more the people begin to realize that perhaps the Pope isnt God's
representative here on earth.
THE CELTIC CHURCH-Celtic Christian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Patriarch Aeden II
Diplomacy: . none
No turn received
THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY-European Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Knut
Diplomacy: Kopparborg (nt) Orkney (nt)
The pagan Norse threw in their lot with the Celtic and Catholic Christians. Probably inspired by the hope of easy loot. When the Regetians lost the naval battle however the allied plan was moot. See: Brittania Aflame Prince Nors gathered up the newly built Heavy transports and loaded them with Norse and allied troops and set off for Britain. They met the victorius Aquilonian navy on patrol in the North Sea. The Norse were sure that they could fight from transports, Lord Mark of Cornwal laughed as he saw them try and engage his navy. The slow heavy transports were easy prey for the Heavy War galleys of Aquilonia, very few Norse survived to reach Trondheim.
The Norse were somewhat more succesful on other fronts. They succesfully caused the Orkney Isles to revolt, then King Knut was able to personally convince them closer ties were beneficial.
On a sadder note the younger son of the King, also named Knut, died in
570 from sickness in the stomach.
THE KINGDOM OF DENMARK-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Magnulf, the Olde Woman of Denmark
King Magnulf sat with in the Danish throneroom, the Aquilonian ambassador before him, "What do you mean the Dumnonian attack on Danish shipping was meant to hurt the Celts! It was our ships you sank! Denmark will support our allies the Celts against Dumnonia."
The ambassador swallowed hard "It is Aquilonia."
"It is of little matter what you call yourselves, for you will soon be history!" With that the Aquilonian ambassador was dismissed and quickly returned home.
But the Danish King’s anger was great. He met with representatives of Powys and Reget. He called his allies, Merovingia and the Teutons. They agreed that they must act decisively to squelch this expansionistic power on the Island. It was agreed that more power was needed. They would enlist the aid of mercenaries, and a message was sent to the Pagan Norwegians. They gladly agreed to join the fray.
SEE: Brittania Aflame
King Magnulf sat on his throne, head down, hands rubbing his
temples "Now Reget's capital in flames as well" he muttered. The failure of his
garand plan over shadowed the building of the Port city/fortress of Jarnhafn on skane. In
Germania, his feudal allies slave raided. All of that was in the back of his mind, all he
could think about were his failed plans in Britain.
THE KINGDOM OF THE LOMBARDS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Hergar
Diplomacy: Asturias (t)
The Lombards slowly recover from the war with the Osmani. They move back and partially settle Granada. In 568AD King Hermann, the king who brought them into Iberia, the King who saw them through the Osmani crisis, and the only King most of them have ever known dies. His son Hergar takes the throne without issue. Alboin becomes heir.
THE KINGDOM OF ARMORICA-Celtic Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Basil
Diplomacy: none
Encouraged by the Pope in Rome, King Talorc marched the Armorican army to war.
SEE: The Avar wars
With the Kings death, and no royal heir to take the throne, chaos spread throughout the realm as every petty noble thought to take the throne. Months of Civil war resulted in a major noble from Brittany, Basil, able to secure the throne. Many lands remained independant and the Armorican realm is much reduced.
THE KINGDOM OF THE MEROVINGIANS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Harald
Diplomacy: none
Harald continued to see to the recovery of his realm from the damage done by the Osmani. Lorraine was further settled by colonist. Gildengaards walls were tore down as the city swelled to double its size from Frankish tribes settling there. His lovely Queen, Freia, gave birth to a son, Sigmund, in 568AD. The Death of Bishop Hrothgar infuriated Harald.
569AD saw a massive fire in Paris that burned about 60% of the city.
THE KINGDOM OF THE CROATS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
Queen Loresa
Diplomacy: none
Vladimar knew his days in the temperate climate of Italy was over. Some frantic diplomacy secured a treaty that would let his people depart and find greener pastures elswhere. It would take some time to move so many people however. Ships from Persia, Egypt, theVandals, and ofcourse Croat ships themselves began the slow process of ferrying tribes and warriors across the sea. It would take almsot 2 1/2 years to complete the exodus to Gefara. With the Exidus peacefully udnerway Pope Agapetus removes the excommunication over Vladimar.
With the exodus complete, in july of 568AD, the Croats were visisted by a Coptic priest, Goldfishious, he annoints Vladimar with oil, then the entire croat nation kneels and converts to the Coptic faith. After their treatment by the European Catholics it is not suprising they convert so easily. Goldfishious leaves some scribes and appoints a Croat bishop then heads back to Egypt. Within a week off converting Vladimar dies in his sleep. His only surviving child, a daughter named Loresa, by sheer force of will takes the Croat crown. None challenge her, long live the Queen. Under her sovereignty the Croats continue their exodus and march along the caravan routes through the Sahara desert....such a harsh environement takes its toll as some suffer and die from the heat. Old people and children mostly. Finnally in 570Ad they reach the southern end to the desert, they migrate into the rich farmlands of Soro where they sopend the last few months of that year resting and growing healthy again on the fertile farmlands.
THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Emperor Theodosius, Restitutor Orbis, Redditor Lucis Aeternae, Defender of the true faith.
Diplomacy: none
The Empire tirned over several regions in eastern Italy to the Golden Horde. They also sought to expand the Emopires borders to the West SEE: The Avar Wars When Theodosius marched his battered legions back into the Empire he gave orders for for his son Arcadius to be appointed heir, his sister Constantina to step down. She refused and a few supporters of hers defended her in the Imperial palace and began to send letters out calling for the legions to rally to her. The Imperial secret service intercepted these letters. In three short days the palace gates were opened. Constantina was dead. An unknown, Imperial agenst were suspected, had murdered the princess in hjer sleep. With his aunt now dea, Arcadius became heir.
Legate Maximus took the huge Roman navy, 125 war galleys, into the gulf of Lyons, intense patrols sought out Arian enemies, none were found though.
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH-Roman Catholic-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Pope Agapetus, Patriarch of the true faith.
Diplomacy: Gildengard (ch) Westphalia (ch)
Agapetus continued to spread holysites into Germania. Huge sums of Gold were also sent north to help in the war against fellow Catholics in Britannia. Of course those Catholics had defied the Pope's will and had been trouble for years.
Catalonia was the site of missionary work and the region was completely
converted to the true faith. Priests were also sent to the Tuetons to increase the zeal of
the Teutons for Christ.
THE TEMUKIN KHANATE (Golden Horde)-Asiatic Pagan-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3
Khan Temuki
Diplomacy: Surely you jest.
The Golden Horde, after much negotiation, allows the Croats to leave Italy peacefully. Moving into the area the Horde takes over the Croat positions, but grants the Croats permission to stay until they can gather the shipping needed to migrate. The Ulan settle in Rijeka, and rename it Ulania, Ravenna's walls had been torn down by the Croats and now steppe tribes sprawl into the city and the city grows as the horde empty their treasury building housing here and in otherplaces to accommidate all the new souls. Ravenna is renamed Ulaan Baatar and becomes the capital of the Temukin Khanate.
The Khan sent his allies out and they began to conquer other lands, so that their own tribes would ahve a place in the new Khanate. Karlovac was overran, much blood was spilled and the rebel croats were slaughtered and enslaved. The rest of the Ulan settled there. In senjska, renamed Romagna, the Liao settled. Zagreb was renamed Gom-Liao. The Polish tribes settled in Spoletto after overrunning the region. The small serbian tribe settled in Apulia. Savoy was also settled by a few remaining Ulan.
Thus was born the Pagan Khanate.
THE KHANATE OF THE AVARS-Arian Christian-Nomadic, Tech Lvl 3
Kublai Khan
Diplomacy: none
no orders received-which means the GM has the armies on react
566AD: Word reached Kublai that Roman agents had stirred up unrest in Provence, full blown rebellion broke out and a Imperial Roman army, lead by Emperor Theodosius, had marched into the region to convince the nobility in Provence to side with the Empire. Kublai was not amused. He promptly lead his Avars into the region intent on pacifying the rebels and crushing the Romans.
Emperor Theodosius received reports the Avars had indeed moved into the area. He had half beleived they might not, but in his heart he knew they would. He drew his legions up on a small rise to the east of the small village of Bayron 32,000 Roman legionaires waited and watched as the 42,000 Avar horsemen formed up on in the valley. The Romans only had 1,500 Cavalry, these along with the Praetorian Guard (elite 1,000 strong inf) anchored the center and shielded the Roman engineers. The rest of the legions formed 4 squares about the center square. Theodosius hoped the engineers, elite Infantry, and Cavalry would be able to support the regular infantry as the attacks came.
Kubali sent his light horse to encircle the legionaires. They rained arrows upon them from a distance. The Roman Engineers fired ballista and catapult, but the light horse were simply to mobile to really be effected. Under cover of these attacks the Heavier cavalry charge into the eastern most square. Roman Pila flew into the charging horse dropping some, but more and more took their place and the lances of the Avars smashed into the shields of the legionaires like a thunderbolt. The Avar burst into the center of the square and began to hack at the backs of the legionaires. Legate Capricio lead the Roman cavalry in a counter attack. For hours the battle raged, Capricio tried desperately to turn the tide. But by early afternoon the eastern square had disintegrated and the Roman Cavalry had withdrawn to the center square. The Avar heavies wheeled and struck the southern square. On the Northern and western flanks the ligh horse continued to rain arrows causing heavy casualties.
The southern square shared the same fate as the eastern one. Lord Capricio again lead the Cavalry, this time the Praetorians as well, to help them. With the reserves commited, half of the Avar cavalry wheeled and charged into the uncovered Roman center square, now just engineers. The Roman engineers were over run and slaughtered, none of them escaped. The Avar then turned and struck Capricio's relief force in the rear as it was supporting the now disintegrating legionaires in the south. Capricio took a saber cut across his side and was forced to the rear bleeding heavily. The sun was begining to set as the now exhausted Avars swung about and crashed into the western square. As darkness came the Avars pulled back.
In the darkness, a blood soaked Theodosius ordered a retreat. The battered Romans withdrew in good order but left over 26,000 of their comrades on the plains of Provence.
Kublai remained vigilant as his warriors pacified the rebellious region, nobles were executed and order restored.
567AD: Spring required the Khan to respond to a new threat. He left a garrison and moved back into Languedoc. He met a Armorican army moving into the area. The Armoricans were lead by their King, Talorc. Talorc wasnt a great general by any measure, but he did have a able sub commander in Lord Garf. Unfortunately Garf perished in the opening skirmishes when Avar arrows pierced his neck and chest. Without Garf's guidance Talorc blundered into an attack when the Avars pretended to retreat. The now commited Armoricans began became disorganized as they charged after the Avar Cavalry. The Avars then wheeled about and trampled the disordered celtic infantry. The slaughter was intense. King Talorc lead the heavily outnumbered celtic cavalry in an attempt to save the infantry. They were slaughtered with their comrades. Talorc was decapitated when he tried to flee the battle. 25,000 celtic dead littered the field, the Avars lost a mere fraction of that.
Kublai had smashed two armies and still had a powerful army left. A great victory for the Arian Avars.
10i, 10c, 10lc, 5w, 5t
Teutons 5t
THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5
Ioannes, Vasilevs, Avghoustos, kai Avtrokrator Romaion
Diplomacy: Achaea (fa) Dacia Medeterania (fa) Pannonia (fa) Abisigia (nt)
The Empire was quiet, Basil was appointed heir, he married and the
Princess gave birth to a son in 568AD. Much aid was given to the fledgling order, Kristos
Pantocrator, the goal was for them to operate in Asia while the order of St George
operated in Europe.
THE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Patriarch Mathias
Diplomacy: Abisigia (ch) Lugdonensis (ch) Capadocia (ch) Kuban (ch) Paphlaginia (mn) Phrygia (ch) Pontus (mn) Diaphenos (mn) Psidia (ch)
The Church spread out and built many new holysites. This pleased the faithful as it allowed them places to meet and worship the one true God. The missionary work out on the steppes continued, Taman as well as the Khazar became fully converted.
In 570AD both Patriarch Zephyrinius and Arch Bishop Izaeus passed away.
The mantle of authority then passed to Archbishop Mathias.
THE ORDER OF ST GEORGIOS-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Grand Master Taki
Diplomacy: none
The order was quiet, a few troops were raised and missionaries were sent to aid the parent church.
KRISTOS PANTOCRATOR-Eastern Orthodox-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Grand Master Akhilleous
Diplomacy: Hellespontus (ab) Phrygia (ch) Nicea (ch) Rhodes (ch) Isauria (ch) Cilicia (ch) Lugdonensis (ch)
Akhilleus raised his head from prayer. Before him were the assembled
hosts who had sworn with their lives to defend Christendom against the minions of Satan.
His voice echoed out through the hall “This is a great day for us to remember. A day
when God has gathered together his keepers to protect his flock from harm. You must
remember to keep you hearts humble even though you have been chosen to be God’s
shield to the weak and downtrodden. Through our penitence and vigilance may the innocent
prosper and find the peace of the almighty.” A resounding cheer met his ears as his
thoughts turned away from the celebration and focused on the path that lay ahead for the
newly founded Kristos Pantocrator.
The Holy Order – Kristos Pantocrator was formed at the behest of the Eastern Orthodox
Church and the Eastern Roman Empire. It was formed to act as defender of the lands
belonging to the faithful. It’s purposes are many but its vision is singular. Do Gods
Many members of the Order are men who had to watch their fathers leave home to fight the
Persians and the Copts. They remember the war only as a childhood memory, but many carry
their scars as though they themselves were among the many who died defending Christ’s
kingdom on earth.
THE KINGDOM OF GREATER ARMENIA-Eastern Orthodox-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Bassil
Diplomacy: Taman (f)
The Armenians granted the Empire shared status in Absigia. Taman was brought into the kingdom and the Queen gave birth to a daughter and a son. The big news was the death of King Kushra in 567AD. Bassil took the throne without issue.
THE KINGDOM OF THE TEUTONS-Roman Catholic-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2
Chief Wulfhere
Diplomacy: Minsk (f)
Wulfhere sent of Prince Farahulf to make war in Britain, unfortunately the tranports were stopped by the Regetians and told to turn back because the Britannians had control of the North Sea. SEE: Britannia Aflame
The Teutons, sticking to tradition, slave raided the
nearby lands. Minsk was brought fully into the kingdom when princess Gida was married off
into the ruling household there.
THE KINGDOM OF THE GOTHS-Arian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Marcus
Diplomacy: none
Marcus ordered the kingdoms slaves into the wilderness of Muscovy, driven hard the slaves toiled long to clear the lands so Goth farmers could till the soil. Lord Tyric was ordered to raid the local slavic lands for more slaves. Moving into the wilds of Murom Tyric's goth warriors battled the locals, although they slaughtered the defenders they were forced to retreat when lord Tyric was cut down by a slavic axe. Though badly wounded Lord Tyric will recover. The long time Iberian ally, who had migrated with the goths so many years before, died and Smolensk downgraded its alliance to just an economic one.
Back in Muscovy the Queen gave birth to a daughter in 567AD, and a son
in 570AD.
10i, 5c, 4s, 4w, 4t
4w, 4t - Arian Church
THE KINGDOM OF EGYPT-Monophysite-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5
King Tiberius
Diplomacy: none
The Egyptians concentrated their efforts on improving their army and trying to convince the conquered folk of Cyprus to join the Kingdom. In 570AD, lord Theises died after returning from Cyprus.
Lord Erasmus was sent with the Egyptian navy to help with the Croat
THE MONOPHYSITE CHURCH-Monophysite-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Patriarch Athenagoras
Diplomacy: darfur (mn) Humanrapta (ch) Wad Medani (ch)Cyprus (ch) Damascus (ch)
Athenagoras sent emmmisaries to Kanem and Akan teaching them about the divinity of Christ. If they were considering conversion to christianity it was hoped it would be to the correct form. Priests were sent out to establish holy sites amongst the faithful. For the first time since it was sacked by the Persians years ago, Damascus again has a house of worship. Great rejoicing in the church when news of the Croats conversion reached them.
THE ORDER OF THE THEBAN LEGION-Monophysite-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Felix, Grandmaster of the Order.
Diplomacy: none
Little news was heard from the Order. Rumor had it the Orders leaders
were busy fasting and praying.
THE KINGDOM OF THE VANDALS-Arian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
King Simon
Diplomacy: none
The Vandals helped the Croats migrate and let them land in Gefara before
setting off on their exodus across the Sahara desert. The Vandals also were very vigilant
in patrolling the gates of Hercules. Perhaps this was related to the ever increasing
tensions between the Arians and Catholics.
THE ARIAN CHURCH-Arian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Patriarch Maldaveck
Diplomacy: none
Word reached Maldevek of the Catholic Church's position that the Arian Church was in some responsible for the misfortunes of the Lombards. It is only after an aide points out that the erratic Pope may indeed be mad that compassion for the poor dolt stops Maldevek from laughing uncontrollably.
He holds a court of Inquiry and interviews merchants visiting Carthage. The merchants come from places as far away as Persia, Egypt and The Eastern Romans. The court lasts 8 days, the conclusions reached 45 pages, the summary is as follows:
1) The Lombards are not deserving of any settlement from any Arian office or adherent.
2) The Lombards owe reperations to the Visgoths for their invasion of the Visgoth homeland and enslavement and forced conversion of the Arian faithful.
3) The Lombards owe reperations to the Arian church for its efforts in restricting the word of Christ to its followers, and damages to the holy sites and clergy.
4) The Roman Catholic Church is guilty of crimes against man and God in its support of slavery and its use of Godles Pagans to persecute other Christian nations
5) The Pope is failing in his obligations to the nations he so heavily taxes by refusing to aid them in their time of need, while tryin to pass that blame onto a neutral third party.
6) The Arian Church has never conducted a single act against any Catholic nation or entity. Yet has suffered losses by Catholics in their zeal to subjigate other religions. The Arian Church accepts these losses as the true face of the world and the cost of promoting peace and Christian values.
7) The return of the Arian populace to Spain is the resonsibility of all men, formost the Catholic Pope who manipulated their downfall.
8) The Golden Horde, while Pagan, is in the eyes of men acting honorably while in the employ of those who are not honorable. Their sins will be judged by our Lord God and it is hoped of the court that at that time they will have found salvation in the word of God.
9) Far to many nations have found europe a playground for the devils
work. This court urges all nations to avoid europe if they have no holdings there and
pledge to a lasting peace.
Hermeric the Suevian, Grandmaster of the Order.
no orders received
7i, 4w, 4t
THE KINGDOM OF ETHIOPIA-Monophysite-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Malicah
Diplomacy: none
Ethiopia is quiet, missionaries were sent out, and Axum continues to
grow into one of the largest cities in Africa.
THE KINGDOM OF HARAR-Monophysite-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Emir Ferez
10i, 5w, 5t
AKAN LORDS OF THE GOLD COAST-African Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Bashar
no orders
THE KINGDOM OF AKWAR-African Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2
King Kpetoe
no orders
THE KINGDOM OF KANEM-African Pagan-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2
King Kail
Kanem woke from its slumber and poured huge somes of gold into public
services for its people, large numbers of warriors were trained as well. The Arrival of
the Croats on the scene may be the reason why.
16i, 12c, 19lc, 4w, 4t
THE SASSANID EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5
Yazdegerd III, King of Kings, King of Persia, media, and Babylonia, the Overlord of Syria, and Lebanon, the light of the Aryans, the Holy Arm of Ahura Mazda, the Great King, the Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids.
Diplomacy: Urmia (nt)
Khosru, in 569AD, makes an announcement:
After long meditation and conversation with the Mobehedan Mobad, I, Khosru II, have decided to abdicate the Peacock throne and retire to a monastery. I do this with a heavy heart but freely. Persia, under my reign, has committed many sins and I will be accountable for them to Ahura Mazda in the hereafter, may He have mercy on my soul. My son Yazdegerd shall rule Persia and he shall change the policies of our Empire. Persia shall look inward now instead of outward. But we shall be ever vigilante and shall readily come to the aid of our neighbors if need be. As an atonement to the One God, I shall erect a great ziggurat at Ctesiphon and upon it's summit shall be the greatest Fire Temple in all the lands of Ahura Mazda.
In the name of the Light of the World, Khosru Khosruan, a humble monk
Yazdegerd III takes the throne.
When Reget lost control of the North Sea, Cyrus, who was in the care of a feudal ally of Reget's, was unable to be transported and thus released. When that same Feudal ally then rebelled against Reget Cyrus's where abouts and safety became an unknown.
The Persians helped with the Croat exodus. Persia also helped the
Zoroastrian church with missionaries in Urmia.
THE ZOROASTRIAN CHURCH-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Patriarch Aruhashtain
Diplomacy: Ashur (ch) Antoch (ab) Edessa (ch) Kophat Dagh (ch) Merv (ab) Firoz Kohi (ch) Kash (ch) Paradene(ch) Kara Khitai (ab) Samarkand (ab) Tashkent (ab) Rhagae (ch) Mand (ch)
The Church continued to build Holy Sites, primarily in the east, to
bring the message to the fatihful. Parthia even was visited by the Zorastrian builders.
With the new blessings from the church came new taxes, er...did I say taxes? I meant
THE FAROHARS OF AHURA MAZDA-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Grandmaster Arash
Diplomacy: Merv (ca) Susiana (ca) Kwharzim (mn) Samarkand (mn) Kara khitai (mn) Khurasan (ab) Antioch (ab) El Burz (ch) Tabaristan (ch)
The order expanded many sites, and sent missionaries into Kashmir. By far the greates undertaking was the followers of the order working to clear land in Firoz Kohi, about half the land was cleared.
Grandmaster Vohuman passed away in 570AD
THE CALIPHATE OF OMAN-Sunni Islam-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Caliph Terik
Diplomacy: none
Things were Quiet, almost deathly quiet, in Oman. Its as if the Omanese
are waiting for something in hushed silence.
THE PARTHIAN EMPIRE-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 5
Emperor Artabanus V
Diplomacy: Firoz Kohi (t) Kash (ea) Carmania (a) Afghanistan (ea)
In Khurasan the King founded a new city, NISHAPUR, next to the imposing Zoroastrian fortress of Minas Khur. The people were made up primarilly from the refugees who fled from Merv. Artabanus spends half a year there settling disputes and hearing court cases before setting out for Paradene. He needed to talk with the Shah's in Firoz Kohi and Kash along the route home.
While his brother was away bringing stability and order to his realm, the Kings brother, Kurvak, was forced to deal with the paperwork and anal retentive scribes that come with running a nation such as Parthia.
In the south, Lord Bursaf, was able to secure an alliance with the
nobles of Carmania. He was noticed to be doing some survey work as well. Perhaps the
Parthians were looking for a sight for a port. Prince Mithridates spent more time with his
Afghan inlaws, he was able to convince them of the wisdom of stronger economic ties with
Parthia. The Afghani Shah is dissapointed that his daughter and the Prince still havent
given him any grandchildren yet.
THE IMMAMATE OF MECCA-Sunni Islam-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Imam Ali
Diplomacy: none
<open for a player>
THE CALIPHATE OF ADEN-Sunni Islam-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
Caliph Abu Haytham
Diplomacy: none
Abu Haythem concentrated on the affairs of state, personally over seeing the addition of irrigation projects in Petra, as well as the founding of a Port city, Al Aqabah, there.
Lord Zaafir patrolled Aden's sea lanes looking for pirates, or other
enemies. Of course there was also concern in the nation about possible desert Tribes that
might be a problem.
THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE JIHAD-Sunni Islam-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Diplomacy: none
5c, 5lc
THE KHANATE OF KARA-KHITAI-Zoroastrian-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Mongka Khan
Diplomacy: none
Mongka continued the policies of his predecessors by gathering a lvey of Heavy Cavalry like clock work. The Khazar Heavy Cavalry force rivals that of any horde that has come bursting out of the steppe. Unlike his predecessors though, Mongka also builds two large fortress, one in Otrar, and the other in Singanakh.
Arghun was ordered to go speak for the Khan with a foreign land, before
he could leave though he was killed in a drunken brawl, rumor says that it atleast wasnt
over something silly, like a woman, it was over something valuable, a horse.
1i, 1c, 1s, 5w, 5t
5i, 5c, 5s, 5w, 5t- Asamakara
THE GUPTA EMPIRE-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Kalrini, Empress of the Gupta
Diplomacy: Edrosia (t) Gaur (t) Burma (nt) Ava (nt)
The Empress was determined to put the empire back together. Leaving a large garrison in Maghada, she marched a 120,000 strong Gupta army into the east. The Goal was to end the civil war by crushing the upstart state of Pegu. The Empress was therefore willing to merely talk with the states of Gaur, Burma, and Ava along the way. The temper of the hot blooded Kalrini was legendary. She would give those states one chance to return to the fold or they too would be slaughtered as rebels. They wisely submitted. With a land route line of comunication now established back to Bihar, the Empress now pushed on into Pegu.
Bhermpti new the viscious Gupta Empress would come, and so he prepared. Every able bodied male was called up into the commonwealth's service. Huge sums of gold were emptied from the treasury to train these new recruits into a powerful heavy cavalry force to augment the commonwealths already existing infantry. Bhermpti was no general however. So he placed the army under the phenominally gifted Chandrus, a general of legendary skill not only in tactics, but also the ability to rally warriors and give them hope in the most dire of situations. No dount his talents would be in need today. Chandrus watched as the Gupta marched into Pegu. He fell back until he found the field he wanted. He then drew his army up for battle. Heavy Cavalry in the center, supprted by the infantry.
The Empress wasnt a great general, but she wasnt a blundere either. She saw the Pegu Heavy Cavalry outnumbered hew own Heavies. She had more cavalry as a whole, but it wasnt the heavy variety. So why waste them, she decided to place the Gupta infatry corps, 80,000 strong, in the front. Make the Heavy Cavalry of Pegu blunt itself on the infantry then the Empresses Cavalry could give the killing blow.
Chandras watched the Gupta deploy, damn there are alot of them he thought. No matter, he ordered the trupet sounded, the heavy cavalry form into a wedge and began its charge. The force picked up speed and crashed into the Gupta infantry. The wedge drove back the infantry. The Gupta were falling in droves. Chandras knew his business and had trained his men well.
The Empress saw the danger, if the Pegu forces werent stopped her center would ocme apart. "Seharul! gather reinforcements from the flanks and take the cavalry and shore up our center." The Empress's son, Seharul frinned devilishlly then sped off to due as commanded. The Gupta reinforcements poured into the center.
With each new wave of reinforcements it seemed as if the Pegu forces might break. Chandras however was always able to rally them and then counter attack. The Gupta began to lose heart. Would the enemy never break? How could they stand when outbnumbrered? PrinceSeharul was a fair leader of men himself and was able to keep the ever lowering spirits of the Gupta together, however when he took an arrow in the shoulder and was carried from the field the Gupta army began to fall apart. The Empress was forced to watch as her infantry streamed past in confusion. She new that if some order wasnt restored the army might route. So she personally lead her honorguard, along with the remaining reserve cavalry into the melee. The Gupta cavalry charge stopped the Pegu advance and allowed the infantry to withdraw in good order. Dusk was approaching when the Empress atlast was able to pull back her screening cavalry force and withdraw. Chandras's men were exhausted. He still had a large force of Heavy Cavalry left but most of the Pegu infantry were dead. So he was content with the victory and didnt persue. The Gupta left nearly 26,000 men for the buzzards, the butchers bill for Pegu was just over 10,000.
The Empress was furious, she calmed somewhat when a currier brought news that Heshuru had been able to get Edrosia to acknowledge the power of the Gupta and pay tribute.
THE KINGDOM OF ASAMAKA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
King Vurn
Diplomacy: none
Asamaka would again focus on Africa. After ferrying troops back and forth and generally confusing everyone in their army (and nearly the GM) with all the transfers their forces were ready to enslave, and depopulate, much of eastern shore of Africa in preperation for Hindu colonist in the Future. Lord Jimuta struck south along the coast and enslaved Mombassa and Lamu. He had taken more slaves than he could transport, even with the added space available from troop casualties. So he loaded what slaved he could, called off the enslavement of Brava, and sailed the fleet back to Arami.
Lord Lokeshes campaign by land wasnt as succesful. Marching out of Arami he attacked Ras Hafun, the natives knew he was coming. Lord Lokeshes army was completely made up of mercenaries. So when Lord Lokesh was killed in the opening moments of the battle the Mercs just scattered. They were hunted down and wiped out piecemeal. The first succesful African resistance to Hindu enslavements was cause for great celebration in eastern Africa.
THE TEMPLE OF KALI-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Sajid Tajuddin
Diplomacy: Pandya (ca) Gujerat (ca) Chela (mn) Rajput (ab) Uttar Pradesh (ab) Dahaka (ab) Chitor (ab) Pawar (ab) Vatsa (ab) Chola (ch) Seylan (ch) madurai (ch) Kakatiya (ch) Vengi (ch) Lainga (ch)
The Temple of Kali continued to build holy site to see to the spiritual
needs of the Hindu faithful. The scope of the undertaking was such that all the Temples
energies were consumed int he effort.
THE SWORD OF SHIVA-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Shiva Chakrarti
The monks of the order only left their prayers long
enough to send some gold to Asamakara.
10i, 4c, 6w, 5t
THE KINGDOM OF CHAMPA-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Tru Rhan
Diplomacy: Nam Pung (t) Lampung (fa) Laos (fa) Phan Rang (ea) Khemer (ea) Angor (t)
Champa shook off the apathy that had taken hold in the Kingdom after the
war with the Southern Dragon. Tru Rhan sent out some excellent diplomats and they were
able to forms some economic and military ties in the area. Many wise steps were taken to
restore stability and return the Champa to prosporous position.
THE COMMONWEALTH OF PEGU-Hindu-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Bherampti, First Citizen and Lord High protector of the Commonwealth
SEE: Gupta Civil war
5i, 5w, 5t
THE SRIVIJAYAN EMPIRE-Hindu-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 2
King Keppa
Diplomacy: Timur (t) Sabah (a)
King Keppa felt good about his first real years as King. Now it was time to assert himself. "KANDAR!", barked keppa. "Yes, what are your wishes?" replied Kandar as he knelt. "We have a need. You will fill it. Find bodies to help build our nation. Let them bring their riches to me. Do it now, leave no stone unturned"
New navies were built and Kandar gathered up Java's considerable army and sailed north. He had never seen these lands that the king wanted him to plunder, but he was confident.
In September 566AD Kandar begins the landings in Khemer. The Khemer responded and began gathering their army. Kandar wasnt a very bright general, so he didnt push inland as much as he should have. The Khemer general took advantage of this and attacked them on the beachhead. Out of the morning sun the Khemer came, battle raged all along the beachhead. The Javans were more numerous but of poorer quality troops. The Khemer were also better lead. As a result a great slaughter took place amongst the Javans and by noon they were streaming back into the sea running for their lives, desperately boarding the transports, the Javan warships came as close to the shore as they could to provide cover for the retreat. Poor leadership against superior troops far from home is no recipe for victory. 9,500 Javans lost their lives to 1,500 Khemer.
Kandar limps back home to face the King's wrath.
10i, 5c, 5w, 5t, 5s
Emperor Si-Lei III
Diplomacy: Huang (f)
The Northern Dragon coffers were emptied and 7 of the Dragon cities grew in size. Money was also poured into social reforms. The Empress had a daughter in 567AD, and a son in 570AD.
Lord Quiaghai died in 566AD
THE EMPIRE OF THE SOUTHERN DRAGON-Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Emperor Hu Tii II
Diplomacy: Annam (ea)
Like thier northern brethren the Southern Dragon invested huge sums into
urban growth, even more so than the Northern Dragon did. In additon frotresses were built
into the cities of Kwangchou, Chiangning, and Tonkin. The Emperor also granted autonomy to
Kweichou and Lingnan. With victory in the south, the army was redeplyed to Honan.
THE KINGDOM OF THE TOBA WEI-Buddhist-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Wei Sin
Diplomacy: Bao'ding (a)
The Toba Wei sent diplomats forth and were able to secure and alliance
in Bao'ding. The King also sent for missionaries into Lob Nor and large numbers of people
rejected their pagan ways for the enlightend path of Buddha. Not to be totally out done by
his southern neighbors the King ordered a royal road built from Zhu Zhou to Bao Ling, it
was only partly finished however.
THE BUDDHIST PRIMATE-Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Kim Lu
Diplomacy: Yun (ab) Ta'tung (ab) Kienchou (ch) Jiangxi (ch) Ling tung (ch ) Kweihou (ch) Lingsi (ch) Chang'ling (ch)
The Buddhist focused on the expansion of holysites for faithful.
THE ORDER OF THE SHAOLIN TEMPLE-Buddhist-Civilized, Tech Lvl 4
Shen Jihuan
Diplomacy: Nanling (ca) Honan (mn) Lingnan (ab)
The order continues to focus its efforts on improving its military and
power. Funds were used to expand the orders 4 beasts school & martial arts.
THE KINGDOM OF KOREA-Buddhist-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 4
King Ura
The Koreans wake from their slumber just in time to repel a Hsuing' nu attempt to liberate Liao-tung. SEE: The Hsuing'nu wars
In shangtung peasant unrest resulted in a revolt that threw out the pro
Korean nobilty, shangtung gained its independance. In 570AD King Ura, who had reigned over
60years, passed away.
THE KHANATE OF THE HSUING NU-Buddhist-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Khan Liao Kao
Diplomacy: Shangtu (f)
566AD: The Khans forces gathered in Shangtu and prepared once more to take the war south. Prince She-Kuei was sent south to raid Liao-tung, a large korean army lead by the Hsuing'nu's venerable enemy, King Ura, chased him out. The Khan responded with a campaign to cut off the lines of communication overland to the Korean Capital, there was little he could do to prevent connumication via sea. summer and fall saw Parhae trampled and forced to pay tribute.
567AD: After wintering in Parhae the Khans forces smashed thedefenseless region of Bandao then wheeled and struck into Liao-tung from the east. The two armies were of approximate equal size. The Hsuing'nu had better quality cavalry but Ura was and outstanding general. Liao Kao noticed that the Koreans had rebuilt Ta'ting and built a fortress right next to the cities walls. The Koreans, whose army was mostly infantry, prepared to defend. The Khan ordered his cavalry into a viscious charge. War cries sounded all across the battle field as the two forces came to blows. The Hsuing'nu began with their light cavalry raining arrows on the Korean ranks and then charging home with their heavier cavalry. The Korean's took heavy casualties but held and by days end were able to hurl the pagan nomads back into the steppes. 11,000 koreans, and 5,000 Hsuing'nu littered the field.
THE TAKEDA SHOGUNATE-Shinto-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
Shogun Hidetaka
Diplomacy: Saga (f)
The Shogun concentrated on improving the defenses of his cities and the
negotiations in Saga. He passed away in 569AD and his son Hidetaka became Shogun without
THE MISSISSIPPIAN FEDERATION-Pelegian Christian-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1
Diplomacy: Erie (t) Miami (f)
The Mississippi continued to work to unify their kingdom. The
diplomatic effort in kolomaki with some success.
THE CREEK FEDERATION-North Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1
Diplomacy: none
THE KINGDOM OF THE TOLTEC-Mesoamerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1
Diplomacy: Huextola (ea) Chlhua (t) Totonac (a)
The Toltec call themselves Aztec and raise large numbers of troops. They
immediately begin a 4 year war that rages east through Popoluca, Chontal, Yucatec, and
eventually ends in Maya itself. King Jeuneotl was killed early in the war in Chontal and
the Mayan army was wiped out. The heir and his lords put up a last ditch defense in Maya,
they to are soundly defeated and slain, the heir makes it back into Chichen Itza where the
city was placed under siege. In early 570AD the Mayan capital falls. The royal family is
executed. The Mayan state collapses into chaos and dissolves. The Aztecs get lucjy that no
revolts occur so far from their capital, they will certainly have trouble maintaining
their rule so far from Otomi.
THE MAYAN EMPIRE-Mesoamerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1
Destroyed by the Aztecs.
THE KINGDOM OF ALBION-Pelegian Christian-Barbarian, Tech Lvl 3
King Penwyr, defender of the Pelegian faith.
Diplomacy: none
The Picts focus their energies on the conversion of Ciguayo and are
rewarded when the island is completely converted. Matriarch Jennifer retires to play with
her grandchildren. Una becomes matriarch.
THE KINGDOM OF THE HUARI-South Amerind-Precolumbian, Tech Lvl 1
Diplomacy: Chavin (ea) Chanchan (nt) Maranga (t)
The Huari focus on economic development and unifying the kingdom to the exclusion of all other pursuits.