- GPc = Gold Point cost, NFPc = NFP Cost, YRDc = Yard Capacity cost, Supt = Support Cost
- HM: Unit can be built in the Homeland of the Nation, regardless of whether there is a city there or not.
- FC: Unit can be built at a Friendly city within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- CSR: Unit type can be built at a controlled Steppe region within the nation. This region does not have to be within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- CRH: Unit can be built in a controlled region within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- CR: Unit can be built in a controlled region within the nation. This region does not have to be within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- [limit]: The Maximum number of Field Forts in a region is 5 or Regional GPV * Siege AQR (SQR), whichever is greater.
- PA: Unit type can be built in a Port Area within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- PC: Unit type can be built at a Port City within the Homeland Build Zone of the nation.
- (Cargo) = Carrying capacity of ship unit.
- Cargo = Cost of the unit to be carried by a ship.