ThroneWorld Enterprises presents:
Turn #62 Industrial Stage One
1405-1408 Anno Domini The Renaissance
Gamemaster: David Adams
Next Turn's Orders are due Sunday, September 29th, 2002
Audio Quote of the month:
- Police Detective Thorn & Homer Simpson
Quote of the month:
"The subject is interpolated into a capitalist subsemanticist theory that includes reality as a paradox."
- Dada Engine


New GM?: It's true. I can't effectively run 2 campaigns at the same time. I'm turning over Lords 4 to a new GM as soon as I can find one.

Usury: Papal Decree - Restrictions Lifted.
Islamic nations ALWAYS have Usury restrictions.

Banking: Currently, no one has opened a bank, but they can! 6.2 in the Modern Rulebook.

What's up?: MaxTax now at 1.85.

Backslide: If a project is overdue (time requirement paid, but gold/nfp not) it will backslide by 10-25% per turn down to nothing.

What's a Z unit?: Your new build chart does not include Regular or Inexperienced units. The old units are being phased out and are marked with a z in their name to indicate that they are obzolete. You can demobilize them as normal. Also allowed is a half upgrade, where you downgrade 1 unit to light, and use the gp difference to upgrade a unit to heavy in the same group. All Z units anywhere. A leader is not required for this upgrade or half-upgrade, just gold. You can't move units in this fashion - the same number of units will exist in the same location after you convert. Questions? Feel free to ask.

Base or Harbor?: The trade route Base is the port your trade is traced from to determine it's distance. The Harbor is where the ships show up on your stat sheet - it can be any port you control such that it's not separated by land from the route it services. Sea 5.2.2.

Primacy Control: To reflect the fact that Primacies have a harder time than other nation types to control regions, new control status designations are in place. If held by a Primacy, FA, T, EA, A, and F regions have an R in front of the status. See 12-3 Notes.

Subverting Mercenary Leaders?: Can't be done. It's not that these men are impervious to subversion, it's that their only loyalty is to gold in the first place, so there is no loyalty to check. When a Mercenary leader dies, he's replaced with a guy who might have different stats. He MIGHT even get a different name.

Counter Intel: You can't use a CI order in a Counter Assassination, nor does it detect infiltrations.

New Rulebooks: That's right! We're using the 5.9.1 and 3.1.2 rules now. Enjoy!

Steal or Share?: 8.3.24 is now clarified so that common sense trumps dumb Lords rules - thanks Warren!

HUH?: All the rest of the Announcements are the same every turn. Check the Lords 4 web site for that info.

COLOR CODED NATION HEADERS: The Colors coded on each nation represents your technology level. Tech 1, 2, & 3, Tech 4, Tech 5, Tech 6, Tech 7, Tech 8, Tech 9, and Tech 10.

Lords 4, c/o David Adams
4139 20th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98106
voice phone: (206) 755-5158

North Asia: 23c, 17i, 12s, 8w, 8t
Leader: Chang MB68

SE Asia: 20c, 40i, 10s, 7w
Leader: Sitang M997

India: 10c, 10i, 10s, 10w
Leader: Gumbwnanna M997

Mid East: 18c, 12i, 10w, 10s
Leader: Molbar M6AB

Africa: 6c (non tse-tse), 10i, 10s, 20w, 5ht
Leader: Tungalo M787

Europe: 21c, 19ei, 18i, 10s, 10w, 5ht
Leader: Simon MA6B

North ASIA

The Glorious Empire of Bei Song
Hun Seng, Emperor of the Manchu, Explorer of the Northern Lands
Diplomacy: None
     The Emperor basked in his villa on the Amur River. Siege quality improved. In 1408 Timur died.
     Because of the recent imposition of Imperial Rule, there was an upheaval. Hun Seng took the throne but found Khungari, the city of Jichou, Mukden, and Rongjiang revolting.

The Alung-Gangri Horde
Gyanendra Khan
Diplomacy: None
     Gyanendra also deliberated on the master stroke. A number of regions, formerly NT to Gyanendra withdrew their status.

The Empire of Nippon
Takedasan, Shogun of Nippon
Diplomacy: Cheju(F) Kwanto(F)
     The Shogun saw the completion of the cultivation of Akita, Hokkaido, and Taiwan. He embarked on a grand project to wipe out the clan structure of his culture, opting for open and free movement within the society.
     A wave of Humanist Thought spread across the Empire as the practice of Shinto fell further into decline.

The Jung-Mo Empire of Korea
Seong-Lee, Emperor of Korea, Protector of Northern China
Diplomacy: Yen(ea)
     Having gotten utterly fed up with doing nothing, Seong-Lee suddenly decided to get some things done! At first, response was slow, as the administration of the Empire had become thoroughly lethargic during the past two decades. After applying the right amount of force to certain posteriors however, the pace picked up rather swimmingly. Public works were placed in Houma and Shan'Si and a royal road was started out of Tai'Yuan heading to Ta'Tung. Walls were built around several cities and the Emperor increased the size of the army. Trade was even initiated with the Kambuja.
     He crossed the bridge into Hopei with 25,000 men and horse to pacify the unruly province. The Hopei retreated behind the walls of Kaifeng and so Seong-Lee set in for an active siege. The first foray was unsuccessful, but in a surprise move the city surrendered, apparently not wishing to withstand the losses they were sure would befall them soon enough.
     Seong-Lee completed his work in Hopei and marched on Yen. This time he came in peace bearing roses and sweet words, hoping to wed a lovely Yen princes (no facial hair please). Finally, he granted the region and city that he had just pacified as fiefs to loyal Yeung and Jobai.

The Tumet Horde
Diplomacy: For Weeenies!
     Subutei left a considerable number of warriors in Yümen and took the long road through Lob Nor, Wu Hai, and Ningsia so that he could strike at the heartland of China. He hit the Great Wall in August of 1406. The combined elements of attacking over the great wall into a heavily fortified region far from his supporting camps was the death of Subutei. Alliekhan lead the force back to Yümen less close to six thousand men. The horde held together but for how long under the guidance of Alliekhan? Wudah withdrew their free passage rights.

The Chin Chinese Empire
Chin Li, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Master of the World
Diplomacy: None
     Chin Li continued to dream. His garrisons in Shensi swatted the Tumet flies.

The Celestial Realm of Buddha
Hung Lo-Chan, The Robed Wise Man
Consecration: None
     Hung Lo-Chan contemplated his navel as was the way of the Buddha.

South East ASIA

The Khemer Empire of Kambuja
Tran Cau, Emperor of the Khemers, Mask of Hidden Glory
Diplomacy: No effect!
     Tran Cau failed to increase the nation's religious fervor in Hinduism. They're new at it! Cut them some slack. He felt that he might need assistance from Niraj Pdesh. Some of Adrissa's missionaries worked in Perak and Johor.
     Xiang was named as next in line for the throne. Tran Cau married and set about trying to have some kids. They wouldn't be heirs, since Xiang was next in line, but they're pretty cool to play with. Unfortunately, his wife died within 5 months of the wedding.
     Without any sisters, he was unable to name Vu Cau nor Ngyuen as Prince of the Realm. Xiang and Ngyuen were sent to preach in Preikuk and Nahkon.

The Khemer Empire of Burma
Rangsey Shan the True, Emperor of the Khemers
Diplomacy: None
     Nearly everything Akuti invested in paid off, increasing the available corps of lieutenants as well as siege and religious capabilities. Such was not the case with missionary works. Even Yary could not help the failure in Prome.
     Akuti declared that her grandson Rangsey Shan Heir on his fifteenth birthday in 1406. Should he marry and have a son, she would step down. Rangsey did marry, but was unable to sire any children, his wife dieing late in 1407. Akuti died in 1408. After a dignified funeral ceremony, the bachelor Rangsey took the throne.

The Island Empire of Java
Adrissa III, King of Java, Master of the Spice Isles
Diplomacy: None
     Adrissa completed several magnificent projects between the years 1406-1408. Both Pajajaran and Kediri were intensively cultivated; fields stretched for as far as the eye could see, both up and down the sides of mountains. Sunda and Timor had their forests cleared. Adrissa wanted to initiate the same project in Utara, but didn't allocate any labor to the project.
     Lamarasa counteracted Wahids good administration work. Adrissa's son Sudhansu became old enough to lead men and his younger sister Anasuya was pressed into the service of her Empire as well.

The Indian Ocean Basin

The Chola Mandalam Empire
Aandeleeb, Chola Emperor of Mandalam, the Left hand of Vishnu
Diplomacy: None
     Aandeleeb found the splintered realm of the Empire too much to handle. He had to focus all of his energies on study just to comprehend it all.

The Hindu Primacy
Balin, Blessed by the One's whom follow the path
Consecration: None
     Niraj contemplated his navel, like all good primates are wont to do. He died in 1405 to be replaced by the long bearded Balin.

The Empire of Sirinigar
Vakal, Emperor of Sirinigar
Diplomacy: Suratjat(f)
     Kailash died in 1406 soon after dropping Ajmer and Jat to non-paying tributary. Vakal, completing his work in Suratjat took the throne with no problems.

The Mid East

The Kyzl-Kom Horde
Khan Kzyn Batur
Diplomacy: Chitin(absorbed) Helionkang(absorbed) Harbin(absorbed)
     Batur rode with his men east into the territory of the Uigur and Kerait. Just north of areas the Tumet had been through a scant 4 years earlier. Several regions dropped out of the Khanate.

The Emirate of Turkman
Abdul, Shah of Bukhara, Emir of Merv
Diplomacy: Kuljab(a) Dusanbe(f)
     Abdul had cobbled roads and sewers expanded in some of the eastern provinces.

The Khanate of Scythia
Razuli ar-Rhani, Khan of the Scythians, Lord of Afghanistan
Diplomacy: Registan(H) Bauluch(H)
     Razuli took a wife and started to expand his line of the family, putting doubts in the minds of several nobles who had thought that his was purely a Regency for his nephew's two young boys. He ruled for the entire four years, although the infrastructure of the Khanate was nearly eight times larger already than needed. Firoz Kohi was cultivated finally in 1408.
     Razuli pondered on his failures in Registan and Bauluch. The trade income continues to be reduced by those hostile peoples. He felt that possibly he should send in agents to seek out opportunities, as well as a few well placed bribes. He might even need to add another wife to his harem, all for the good of the Khanate, of course. Another course would be to use the military. Edrosia has been showing signs of dropping ties, making the scant income made off trade out of Mansura go away completely.

The Holy Imam of All Islam
Imam Mohamad ar-Rhani, The Holy Imam of all Islam, Old Man of the Mountain and Highest Follower of Allah, Beloved of Scythia
Diplomacy: Acbreigt(c)
Consecration: Sana(ab) Pemba(ch) Misratah(ab)
     Mohamad ar-Rhani attempted to invest in Kyzl-Kum technologies, but found that he had lost contact with the horde, since it had travelled too far to the East. Land trade with Turkman, Sheba, and Madragian was halted through no fault of those nations, but only due to the fact that the Imam holds no land routes to them.
     The Imam finished the absorption of Sunnis into the Shiite based "United Imami Islam" faith. In support of this transformation efforts were made to increase influence and religious strength in some of the key Islamic nations. Missionaries were also sent to Phrygia where they failed to convert any more Christians.
     Molbar the Mercenary assisted the Imam with the upgrade of his troops to elite forces. Then he went on to investigate several rumors of infiltration in various sectors of the Imamate, turning over his report in 1408.

The Safavid Empire of Basra
Nuh'a-Din ibn Nur, Shah of Baghdad, Spokesman of God, Chosen of Allah, Guide of the Faithful, Most Learned of the Holy
Diplomacy: Arbiliq(c) Damascus(f) Al-Kuwayt(c) Hamadan(f)
     Nuh'a-Din was thick-headed about Hazras, continuing to believe that he was a good administrator, though all he did was counteract Sulih's good work. New wells and irrigation was all the rage in Kuwayt as huge amounts of labor and resources were dedicated to the improvement of the area which doesn't even pay taxes. Trees were felled in El Burz as the royal road constructions kept on track. A new road was built into Madragian territory, north in Mosul.
     Diplomats work feverishly in several regions and cities. Musafa, Nuh'a-Din's son and heir married an Arbiliq princess while Bazzan worked with the Nestorian Christians in Al-Kuwayt. Kamar was successful in Hamadan.
     In 1405 the Dubai horde invaded Selucia!

The Dubai Horde of Arabia
Dhul Fiqar al-Baith, Sword of Death
Diplomacy: Screw that!
     Dhul Fiqar could contain his men no longer. The lust for gold and blood was too high. Forty thousand men rode into Selucia early in 1405. They quickly routed the fifteen hundred defenders to the walls of An-Najaf. A passive siege was set up around the lightly defended city. The city surrendered almost immediately. It was then sacked and burned. Dhul went on to loot Selucia. Now how much would you pay?
     But wait! There's more! Dhul crossed the bridge into Mesopotamia, his men dreaming of the riches they would find. The region was rich indeed with no defenses.

     City of Baghdad
     Free and unfettered by walls.
     Soon it is burning.

     The horde returned to the Al'Nefud.

The Madragian Emirate of Aleppo
al-Salud, Emir of Aleppo, Servant of Allah, Guardian of the Western March
Diplomacy: Nicosia(f) Cyprus(f) Isauria(fa)
     Hasan al-Salud began the cultivation of Edessa in 1405. He build up the public works, but forgot that the costs would be higher since the terrain was not yet suitable for irrigation. He built a fortress at Antioch, again attempting to build public works in parts of the city that had not been built yet. He also took a wife who died in 1408 after giving birth to 4 children.

The Mamluke Sultanate of Egypt
Uzayr, Sultan of Egypt, Ruler of the Upper and Lower Nile, Defender of the Holy Land, Master of the Seven Seas, Sword of Allah, Invincible Overlord of the Mamluke Empire
Diplomacy: Nubia(f)
     Aksum and the Madragian benefited from Uzayr's tech assistance programs. Ali ibn Omar had another son in 1405 before his wife died in 1406.
     The Sultanate sent large quantities of gold to the Madragian, Kanem-Bornu, as well as Greater Britania in exchange for massive quantities of stored grain. The grain and a small contingent of warships was traded to the Merchant of El'Iskandria in exchange for the feared secrets of gun powder. Most of the cities in the realm had their walls expanded to excess, some of the cities mere villages compared to the great El'Iskandria, which grew as well.

The Merchant of El'Iskandria
Jamil al Haysin, Merchant of El'Iskandria
Capitalization: Mesolongi(bo) Mahidia(mf) Madiera(mf) Constantinople(mf)
     Jamil was deep into the business of making money. Buying and selling goods, transferring technology, even progressing quite quickly towards a free economy.
     Payment to the Eastern Roman Empire was left at the docks in Constantinople. Jamil was sure that Basil would have assigned someone to pick it up and not just leave it there to be stolen by any two-crown thief...

The Sultanate of Sheba
Waliyudeen Mutlaq, Sultan of Sheba, Patriarch of Islam
Diplomacy: Mogadishu(t)
     The Sultan tried to raise his own religious strength, counteracting any effect the Imam would have had. He considered leaving that job to the professionals next time. In a fit of indifference, Zufar stopped paying taxes.
     With the addition of Mogadishu, the Sultanate was able to convert the long sea route to Zimbabwe into a short route with a large land portion on the African coast. Mutlaq did the same thing with his trade route to Aksum.

The Coptic Kingdom of Aksum
Tobin VI, King of Aksum, Negus Negesti, Lord of the Coptic Wilderness, Lion of Judah
Diplomacy: Ain'Farah(a) Kassala(f)
     Tobin VI sent a few resources to Harar, while Lalibela and Kobowen continued to slide back to wilderness. Angcur's young wife died at the end of 1405 and within the next six months, he joined her.
     Tobin realized that his relations with the Khanate of Scythia was being constrained by the hostile forces interdicting trade within the Khanate itself.

The Darkest Africa

African Cav Count: COMPLETE! - Cavalry must be imported before you can invest in the AQR.

The Island Kingdom of Comoros
Hussain the Handsome, Prime Minister of Comoros, Ruler of the Waves
Diplomacy: Zanzibar(F)
     Hussain found that the laws of nature were conspiring against him. He could no longer magically transport men to other islands to build things, such as his planned expansion of Pemba on Zanzibar. Were it not for the two hundred men already in Pemba, there would be no new heavy transports built there at all.
     Hussain proclaimed that since he was appointed prime minister by Comoros parliament, that he would rule the Island Kingdom until his death, which hopefully won't be anytime soon. Shirazi II would continue the Monarchy, as his father Shirazi before him.

The Empire of Great Zimbabwe
Ayize, Emperor of Sofala, Master of the City of Round Towers
Diplomacy: Zambia(c) Makura(t)
     With continued expansion of the government Ayize needed to focus more and more of the aspects of his Kingdom. Barely perceptible, over the course of time, Zimbabwe had become an Empire. Ayize completed the bridge across the Zambezi River and built the port city of Kohomare in Melela.
     Ayize offered his sister Nande to Chief Jomo of the Kilwans as well as his sister Nomalanga to Lord Karis of Ujimbili. Both region and city became full parts of Great Zimbabwe.
     Marukane, considered one of the wisest of the wise by all in the land, was sent to the far, far north to speak with the priests of the Axumites to see if their faith would serve for the Zimbabweans. Soon we must consider matters of a new religion to strengthen our people.
     The frontier region of Luba revolted in 1408 dashing all hopes of trade with the Aksum for the foreseeable future.

The Republic of Venice
Badoglio III, Doge of New Venice
Diplomacy: None
     Badoglio expanded New Venice, Phalaborwa, and the AfroPagan city of Tsenda in Kongo. Tech was shared from Comoros to Kongo. Trade was sent out to the Gold Coast. All was sunshine and love.

The Kingdom of the Kongo
Anjabu Minunge, Tallest of the Tall, The Big Man, Stomper of Little People
Diplomacy: Benin(nt)
     Anjabu concentrated nearly 100% of the Kingdom's resources on the cultivation of Vili. What little was left was spent on building proper facilities for scientists and learned men coming from Venice, in order to share research with them.

The Kingdom of the Akan
Akanosh of the Jaguar Tribe
Diplomacy: Togo(ea) Yoruba(nt)
     Akanosh sent his silver tongued lieutenant to Togo and Yoruba.

The Kanem-Bornu Empire
Nasem, Supreme Chief of the KBE
Diplomacy: Kano(t)
     Again, support came from Egypt which allowed the Confederation to expand Nguru, Zaria, and Ngazargumo. Ali al Uthmani II died in 1405. His appointed heir Nasem smoothly became the new Supreme Chief of the Kanem-Bornu. He ordered Saminwe to conduct diplomacy in the city of Kano.
     "Forging a bond with Kamen-Bornu will bring prosperity and security to the citizens of Kano. Not only does Princess Josmunde have familial ties with the nobles of the city, but the Emperor plans to route a road through Kano to the Niger. The trade passing through the city will bring wealth and prominence. Gifts of gold and agro are proffered as evidence of the Emperor's good intent."
     Saminwe spent 3 and a half years in Kano, leaving no time to work with the people of Nupe once he arrived there in 1408.

The Arguin Directorate of Ghana
Orin Ghasim, Arguin Director of Ghana, Protector of Kumbi-Salem, Conqueror of Timbuktu
Diplomacy: Khalem(fa)
     Orin spent nothing on the damaged royal road in Gambia. Many whispered that Orin secretly wished that it would completely rot so that he could say that the damned revolutionaries were destroying his lands as an excuse to call for a mass conscription of all available men to genocide them all. As it was, he did increase the size of the military a tad in the Ghana with Toliver directing the defenses to the west, expecting either the revolutionaries or the Iqiudir horde to come from Khalem. Orin personally conducted the talks in Khalem.
     The Igiudir horde hit Segu late in 1405...

The Igiudir Horde
Amir Al-Mu'mineen, Feared warlord of the Igiudir Diplomacy: Little Effect
     The Igiudir headed west into the Awlil territories where they were allowed to pass. Next they headed east through Walata regions. Again, they were mearly allowed to pass through. Amir sorely wanted to expand the size of the horde so he continued East into Segu.
     The Directorate put up a feeble resistance, so Amir was able to loot the region without trouble. He rode through the streets of Betif, sacking and then burning it. Next the horde crossed the river into Garou, looking for adherents. Again, they were only allowed to pass.
     Finally in 1408 the horde pacified Oyo.

The Almohad Emirate of Morocco
Astaba ibn Sayid, Emir of Morocco
Diplomacy: Bir-El-Khazaim(t)
     Astaba expanded Fez and built up defenses in Morocco and Algeria. In a public statement Astaba denied that the Moroccan government had anything to do with sending spies into Aragon. He says that the suspects that were apprehended in Aragon are probably nothing more than Business students. On his off time he parades his troops down the center of Fez. Just to show off. He's never been known for having much tact.


The Empire of Aragon
Henry III the Infirm, King of Castille, Emperor of Aragon, Restorer of the Faith
Diplomacy: Bastia(fa)
     Henry's investments in warship quality pushed it well above his other military ratings. Other than that, Henry pretty much did exactly the same thing he did for the past decade, expanding his newly built cities. Francesco Sforza continued to show incompetence at his job.

The Roman Catholic Church
Boniface IX, Bishop of Rome, Pontiff of the Apostolic & Reformist Catholic Church, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Servant of the Servants of God
Consecration: None
     Boniface was happy to hear that Salamanca was converted fully to Roman Catholicism. An acolyte reported that Epicurus had escaped with the aid of the prison chef. Finally, the University was the site of a riot, with several students protesting the inequality of the system, the high tuition, government corruption and lack of free love. Cardinal Giaquinto was on hand to assist Boniface in crushing them.

The Empire of Greater Britannia
Geoffery I, Emperor of Greater Britannia, Grand Duke of Flanders, Keeper of the Irish Talisman of Faith
Diplomacy: None
     Geoffery increased the efficiency of his siege engineers as well as his assassins. The Emperor then expanded the grand capital of Paris, built a dizzying number (more than seven thousand men) of cavalry for his army, and two new port cities. Tours was built in Maine on the Loire across from Amboise in Anjou.
     Geoffery remarried in 1405 and had a son in 1406. His wife bled to death in 1407 during the stillbirth of his second son.

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
Henry II, King of Bavaria, Kaiser of the German Reich, Roman Emperor of the West
Diplomacy: Latium(c)
     The Roman Emperor increased the size of the government as well as the Agentur der Bayerischen Intelligenz. The road to Tyre was completed and several new roads were started: Naples to Navarone and Navarone to Ravenna, and Kiel to Bremen. Navarone, Piza, Olso, and Bremen were built around the fortresses whose foundations were laid at the beginning of the century. Several cities in the Empire drew the attentions of the royal treasury.
     The great Empress Margarethe died in 1405. Henry spoke at her tomb in Frankfurt and demanded that the day would be a national day of remembrance.
     Prince Justin rode to Latium to hold talks. Count Abernathy and Baron Marcus attempted to bolster the Empire's religious underpinning as if they were part of the Roman Catholic Church, which they weren't.
     Baron Black took thirty-five hundred men to actively besiege St. Petersburg. The low walls of the city were easily cast down. To the west, Duke Rupert and Count Andress pacified Tuscany, forcing the defenders into the streets of Florence. The city without walls was taken quickly soon there-after.

The Kalmar Republic
Gudrun Ericson, Altkansler of the Kalmar Senate
Diplomacy: Musa(f)
     Like the other major leaders of Europe, Eric expanded the number of Generals to serve the Republic. The road to Lohar Jarvi was completed. He began another into the tundra of Oulanka and built up a large force of marines in Soderham under the capable hands of Princes Gudrun. She sailed to Musa to offer a royal marriage to the king of Musa.
     Eric died in 1405 forcing Gudrun to cut her trip to Musa short. She brought her new husband, introduced him to the Senate, and took up her seat as Altkansler.

The Varangian Empire of Russia
Ivan II, Tsar of all the Russias, Kniaz of Vlatim
Diplomacy: None
     Ivan increased the quality of his cossacks. Suzdal revolted from the Empire.

Kingdom of Poland
Lech, King of the Poles
Diplomacy: Kauyavia(t)
     John died in 1407 among friends on a diplomatic mission to Kauyavia.

The Avar Kingdom of Hungary
Stefan I, Khan of the Avars, Lord of the Steppe
Diplomacy: None
     Radu increased the number of tax collectors roaming about the nation, only to find them lax and greedy. Slovakia was completely cultivated.
     Radu died in 1407. Stefan marched to the capital at Budapest to be crowned Khan of the Avars. Without a proper garrison, Transylvania revolted. Banat, Carinthia, Moldavia, Slovakia and Prague revolted as well.


The Byzantine Empire
Basil III, Eastern Roman Emperor, Master of the Scholae, Patriarch of Constantinople
Diplomacy: Serbia(c) Ismootal(fa) Ludgorie(ea) Vasi(nt)
     Basil completed the cultivation projects in Bosnia, Croatia, and Abasigia, as well as completing the road to Belgrade. Ephesia, Mesolongi, and Corinth were expanded and a port fortress was built on the South Caspian Sea in Vasi, where fields were planted. Walls finally encircled all of Constantinople.
     Basil III died in 1408. His son Justinian took the throne with no commotion from his amazingly large family (22 members of the Royal Family). Costas was on guard in Vasi so he could not assist Lycos. Vasi stopped paying taxes to the empire, soon it would be paying taxes to Lycos, Lord of Pontus.

The White Order of Saint Demetrius
Cherina Rumitsav, Grand Mistress of the White Order
Diplomacy: Alan(t)
     Grand Master Rumitsav wed a spry 18 year old girl from a noble family in St. Jean. A Love Match even! He died shortly thereafter.

Horde Politics:

Average Horde Pop: 3.9           Adjusted increase: 8%
Ah, you get a break. No new hordes THIS turn.

Lords of the Earth Campaign Campaign Four, Turn 00062
MSI ESI TV Nation Player Phone EMail
--- --- --- Uber Super Powers (sx^3)
1 1 219.8 Chola Mandalam Empire Bill Rakowski 410-483-9635
2 2 99.2 German Empire James Walker 505-542-9882
3 12 37.4 Chin Empire of China Open for a Player  
--- --- --- Super Powers (sx^2)
4 3 37.4 Mamaluke Sultanate of Egypt Warren Bruhn 541-957-1206
5 8 26.3 Empire of Greater Britannia Mike Work 412-441-6159
--- --- --- Major Powers (sx^1)
6 4 60.0 Byzantine Empire Jeffrey Smith 505-525-8271
7 5 35.6 Safavid Empire of Basra (Steve Cameron) 610-522-9389
8 15 17.7 Emirate of Turkman Phil Baird 503-232-4880
9 7 32.4 Kingdom of Aksum (Charles Hurst) 503-653-1178
10 9 29.5 Kalmar Republic John Schmid 412-441-6159
11 6 31.7 Island Kingdom of Java Adrissa III 217-351-4349
12 14 6.5 Roman Catholic Church (Dave Mattingly)
13 17 23.8 Empire of Aragon Scott Hartman
14 19 1.9 Holy Imam of All Islam Ed Huefe 310-540-0648
15 25 14.0 The Jung-Mo Empire Open for a Player  
--- --- --- Minor Powers (x)
16 16 27.6 Khemer Empire of Kambuja Dean Patterson
17 29 9.8 Empire of Great Zimbabwe Thomas Harlan 520-323-8570
18 24 28.1 Empire of Nippon (Tim Gibney) 512-281-4040
19 10 35.8 Almohad Emirate of Morocco Tom Anderson 562-426-6649
20 13 16.0 Khemer Empire of Burma Keith St. Louis 651-698-6576
21 18 0.6 Hindu Primate Open for a Player  
22 27 9.9 Madragian Emirate Alarik Fritz 202-332-7987
23 23 14.4 Sultanate of Sheba (Ed Allen) 415-260-0714
24 21 20.2 Varangian Empire of Russia Open for a Player  
25 40 0.3 The Kyzl-Kom Horde Sky Walker
26 22 11.6 Khanate of Scythia Victoria Short
27 33 7.0 Arguin Directorate of Ghana Sam Ullmann
28 11 27.1 Empire of Sirinigar Open for a Player  
29 32 13.9 The Republic of Venice Bob Spencer
30 20 7.7 Avar Kingdom of Hungary Hugh Thompson 520-742-9714
31 30 7.3 Kanem-Bornu Empire (Bret Bruhn) 503-623-1001
32 36 4.2 The Manchu Kingdom Open for a Player  
33 31 0.3 Celestial Realm of Buddha Open for a Player  
34 42 0.3 Alung-Gangri Horde Christian Richards
35 37 5.7 White Order of St. Demetrius James Cochran 952-892-6049
36 28 4.6 Kingdom of Poland Open for a Player  
37 26 6.8 The Merchant of El'Iskandria Jeff Morrison 810-238-6425
38 43 0.3 Tumet Horde Open for a Player  
39 34 3.9 Island Kingdom of Comoros John Kuo 510-654-6245
40 38 2.8 The Kingdom of Akan Open for a Player  
41 39 0.3 The Dubai Horde Open for a Player  
42 35 3.9 The Kingdom of Kongo Olivier Decome
43 41 0.3 The Igiudir Horde Open for a Player  
Mean: 118.2, SD: 92.7
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