Turn #57 | Industrial Stage Zero |
1381-1385 Anno Domini | The Middle Ages |
HORDE POLITICS: Hordes are active... OPEN POSITIONS: If you're dropping, let me know ASAP. There will be a lottery September 16th if you are interested in any of the open positions. 4 YEAR TURNS: Lords 4 will switch to 4 year turns on turn 60 (1400 AD). COLOR CODED NATION HEADERS: The Colors coded on each nation represents your technology level. Tech 1, 2, & 3, Tech 4, Tech 5, Tech 6, Tech 7, Tech 8, Tech 9, and Tech 10. If you can't read it, select the text so that it's reversed. LORDS 4 UNIT CONVERSION
RULES USED IN THIS GAME This campaign uses the ThroneWorld's 5th Edition Revised Rulebook (v.5.6). For turn 59 I am switching to version 5.8.2 with the same rules notes used in Lords 10 (that means you have one more turn with 5.6). OBTAINING THE 5TH EDITION REVISED RULEBOOK: This is just the rulebook you'll need to play in Lords of the Earth (Version 5.8). We have a copy of this rulebook available for FREE download at the ThroneWorld site. WEB PAGES The Lords of the Earth page can be found at: http://www.throneworld.com/lords/index.jsp/. | |
North Asia: 18c, 10i, 10s, 10w, 10t
Leader: Chang MB68 SE Asia: 20c, 40i, 10s, 7w
India: 10c, 8i
Mid East: 8c, 14i, 8w, 5t
Leader: Molbar M6AB Africa: 6c, 10i, 2s, 30w, 5t
Europe: 22c, 25ei, 10i, 2s, 10w, 5t
North ASIA
The Kingdom of Bei Song
Timur, King of Bei Song, Explorer of the Northern Lands
Diplomacy: None
The rumors that Timur are too big for its government continued to spread as Mantap and Mudan revolted, while both Jilin and Parhae dropped to tributary. Losing Mantap cut the trade route with The Kin Empire and because Sakhalin is isolated by the Peruse Strait from Hokkaido (which is isolated from the main islands by the Kinka San) Timur could not trade over the ferry point with Nippon. Mukden was ravaged by a tsunami which killed nearly half of its inhabitants.
The Empire of Nippon
Takeda Ishida, Shogun of Nippon
Diplomacy: None
Takeda built a couple royal roads and a veritable ton of public works in Kwanto and Shimane. Other than that, he decided to rest, hang out, and not cause trouble. Prince Takeda Asamo died in 1381. With the thin government problems Aichi, Hokkaido, Shimane, Taiwan, Toyama, and Yamaguchi dropped to Allied status.
The Kin Empire
Kip Kamatari, Emperor of Korea, Protector of Northern China
Diplomacy: Hopei(A)
Kip built a royal road to Shan'si thus completing this physical infrastructure refinements. Pienching, Lufang, and Qingdao were expanded. In Pienching, the entire populace was wiped out by a viralent form of disease. After sore throat, coughing and rashes, the victems died with convulsions and generalized bleeding wihtin 2 weeks. Kip quaranteened the city, allowing no being to escape. After about 3 years, he felt it may be safe to reenter the city.
The Chin Chinese Empire
Tri Liang, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Master of the World
Diplomacy: Nan Chao(AW) Gouangxi(AW) Kwangsi(A)
Prince Chu Jin, younger brother of Tri Liang was captured by the Nan Chao and diplomat Dao Bai was killed by the Gouangxi barbarians. Ganzhou, Huang, Kienchou, and Miao'ling dropped to claimed status, while Om'Chou threw off all claims. Tri Liang had a daughter in 1381 and a son in 1382.
The Celestial Realm of Buddha
Hung Feng-Chan, The Robed Wise Man
Consecration: Chiangning(ch) Kweiyang(ch) Szechwan(ab) Changteh(ch)
Hung Feng-Chan spent five years setting up the tithe on the Chin. Shiao Shi-we died in 1381 just after consecrating the church at Chiangning. Xiao Xi took an elite light cav group to escort him on his unsucessful mission.
South East ASIA
The Khemer Empire of Kambuja
Tran Cau, Emperor of the Khemers, Cloak of the Buddha, Mask of Hidden Glory, Master of the Lotus Throne
Diplomacy: Champa(nt) Mison(A) Kedah(t) Johor(ea) Preikuk(nt)
Dinth Tranh increased the size of Angkor Wat, expanded the merchant class, and built several public works. He tried once again to bribe the people with public works, but it did not affect diplomacy results. He even attempted to built public works outside of the country. Then he died.
Tran Cau successfully conducted the census then took up the Lotus Throne. He announced the initiation of two grand projects. To move towards a Caste Society and to move to a Free Economy. This did nothing to sway diplomatic endeavors, since most of the land owners make more money and prestige under the old systems. A large shipment of gold was sent from the Chola to assist the diplomatic endeavors in Johor. [See Raid on Johor]
The Khemer Empire of Burma
Dinth Shan the True, Emperor of the Khemers
Diplomacy: No Effect
Apparently Dinth Shan has been converted to the truth, or at least the inevitable. A royal road was built to Palas and the entire nation, except for Arakan accepted Hindu as their faith. Arakan was then pacified by Dinth for their impudence. He also declared that he was a non-paying tributary to the Chola Mandalam Empire. At the end of all this there was a population explosion in Paghan and Chittagong.
The Island Kingdom of Java
Adrissa III, King of Java, Master of the Spice Isles
Diplomacy: None
Adrissa started off by overtaxing the people, they grumbled a bit but otherwise handed over the gold. Sulawesi dropped to tributary. Then he attempted to increase the strength of Hinduism in the Kingdom - unfortunately, even with welfare benefits to practicing Hindus he was unsucessful. His brother Suharto was named the Royal Heir and Singapore was downgraded to allied status. Suharto conducted the census. Finally, he was unsucceful at producing an heir.
The Indian Ocean Basin
The Chola Mandalam Empire
Abhata, Chola Emperor of Mandalam, the Left hand of Vishnu
Diplomacy: Dahala(A) Andaman Islands(nt) Kanpur(f)
All but 3 cities expanded and the bridge to Samatata was completed. Abhata was wed to a Kanpur princess but found that she was barren.
Raid on Johor
Admiral Satvik took more than a hundred ships and marines to raid the coast of Johur! After the raid, some Kambuja diplomats arrived to offer assistance to the poor populace. An infiltrator was killed in Gujerat - it was not clear what his nationality was.
The Hindu Primacy
Niraj Pdesh, Blessed by the One's whom follow the path
Consecration: Madras(ab) Madurai(ab) Vengi(ch) Cuttack(ab) Palas(ab) Tamralipti(ab) Kutch(ch) Anhivarta(ab) Chera(ch) Cochin(ab) Pandya(ab) Kollam(ab) Raishah(ab) Maghada(ab) Bihar(ab) Jaunpur(ch) Kaunaj(ab) Uttar Pradesh(ch)
Niraj arrived in Pagan to personally convert the Burmese. Toomesh Atar died as he sailed into the Gulf of Mannar. Luminus built two abbeys outside of the control web, and so they degraded back to churches in Tarain. An infiltrator was killed in Palas - it was not clear what his nationality was. Another was discovered sneaking around, but he got away. Blood stains indicate he was wounded.
The Kingdom of Sirinigar
Pingu Singh, King of Sirinigar
Diplomacy: Ajmer(fa)
Pingu expanded all his cities and built a royal road to Chitor.
The Mid East
The Khanate of Scythia
Ali ar-Rahani, Khan of the Scythians, Lord of Afghanistan
Diplomacy: Dasht'e Lute(fa)
It was discovered that the desert dwellers only wanted to be ruled as feudal allies. It didn't matter though as 4 of them (Registan, Shadad, Siahan, and Sistan) dropped to non-paying tributary. Mansura was expanded and a little more money was spent on the royal road.
The Emirate of Turkman
Osmanli, Shah of Bukhara, Emir of Merv
Diplomacy: Uzebek(t) Kophat Dagh(fa) Kush(nt)
Osmanli conducted a sucessful census and expanded several cities. More desert dwellers in Gurgan became fuedal allies, threatening Osmanli's infrastructure. Luckily, the Imam sent government workers to assist him.
The Safavid Empire of Basra
Nuh'a-Din ibn Nur, Shah of Baghdad, Spokesman of God, Chosen of Allah, Guide of the Faithful, Most Learned of the Holy
Diplomacy: Palmyra(c) Syria(AW)
With Nur'al-Din's death, it falls to Nuh'a-Din to finish his grandfather's grand road network. This is the only thing that distracts him from his pretty Syrian bride. He had a daughter in 1381, his wife dieing later that year.
It was evident that Asquat was not nearly the administrator that Ahmat was. Marouf died in Syria, incredibly marring the diplomatic efforts.
The Madragian Emirate of Aleppo
Salud al-Hajj Sadadi the Fresh, Emir of Aleppo, Servant of Allah, Guardian of the Western March
Diplomacy: Isauria(c)
Salud al-Hajj expanded Antioch and Hassanchop with the men from Beirut's walls. Abu B'aker was nearly killed in Carhae, pushing diplomacy back 10 years.
The Holy Imam of All Islam
Imam Khemeni, the Highest Follower of Al'lah
Consecration: Al Quds(ch) Beirut(ch) Antioch(ch) Adana(ch) Aqaba(CA) Burao(ch)
An arsonist aimed at destroying the Holy Mosque of Alamut itself was detected in time and one of Grand Master Sidhartha's men was apprehended, but he died of apparent poisoning before more could be learned from him...
Mullah Hazim nearly died in the arson of the Grand Mosque. He returned home to Tabaristan after ensuring that the western mosques would remain stable. But even with the construction of the Cathedral at Aqaba, the mosques (including Aqaba) continue to sit precariously outside of the Imam's control web limit. Sheik Mohamad ar Rhani was a terrible administrator, especially when the Imam asked him to search for infiltrations while he was administrating.
Ugly Sheik Mustapha once again attempted to preach to the Urmians, this time he died in front of them to prove his point. Few in the audience comprehended the ponderous implications of his action, other than that of a crazy old man.
The Mamluke Sultanate of Egypt
Uzayr, Sultan of Egypt, Ruler of the Upper and Lower Nile, Defender of the Holy Land, Master of the Seven Seas, Sword of Allah, Invincible Overlord of the Mamluke Empire
Diplomacy: Hijaz(fa)
In the early morning of November 14th, 1384 smoke filled the streets of El Qahira. The alarms went up, the Grand Mosque was aflame! Uzayr himself took up the bucket brigade to snuff the flames. But even with the assistance of the army and seige engineers the fire spread to markets and graineries. After 3 days of fire fighting, the blaze was contained. The Imam's legate narrowly escaped death in the conflagration. This destroyed the planned city expansion. 4 other cities were expanded.
Mustafa died in 1381 and with him the administration duties, as Shabar was a great general but didn't know figs about paperwork. Nubia and Tripolitania dropped to Feudal Allied status.
The Sultanate of Sheba
Amr, Sultan of Sheba, Patriarch of Islam
Diplomacy: None
Amr and all his lieutenants conducted a census of the nation. Madina dropped to non-paying tributary.
The Coptic Kingdom of Aksum
Tobin VI, King of Aksum, Negus Negesti, Lord of the Coptic Wilderness, Lion of Judah
Diplomacy: Socotra(t) Charuls(c) Buganda(nt) Susa(t)
Tobin VI rolled into Susa with all the fanfare the Lord of the Coptic Wilderness could muster and took a bride back home to Aksum. Unfortunately he found that she was barren.
The Coptic Prelate
Arch Prelate Zardoz the First, Shepard of the Flock, Lord of Hosts,
Keeper of the Holy Relic
Consecration: None
The Darkest Africa
The Island Kingdom of Comoros
Tarbyr I, King of Comoros, Ruler of the Waves
Diplomacy: Pemba(a)
Tarbyr married a Pemba bride while Shirazi conducted the census. Trade fleets were extended to the Great Zimbabwe and the Republic of Venice.
The Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe
K'ror, King of Sofala, Master of the City of Round Towers
Diplomacy: Kilwa(fa)
Mardab the Spear assisted Panamu Hawat and Princess Thuwa bring Kilwa into the realm, then he died. Luangua dropped to Feudal Allied. K'ror stayed at home to sire 5 children. What's so impressive about that? He's 80 years old.
The Republic of Venice
Emiliano Badoglio II, Doge of New Venice
Diplomacy: None
Emiliano stayed home to rule while Marco conducted the census. Giovanni and Giuseppi preached the Word of God. A Tsunami out of the Inhambane Sea killed most of the people of Phalaborwa. Zimbabwe's Pebane in Gorongo was similarly afflicted. This effectively demolished trade between the two.
The Kingdom of the Kongo
Umbono Puto, Tallest of the Tall, The Big Man, Stomper of Little People
Diplomacy: Vili(ea) Teke(t) N'Gao(c)
Umbono took a wife in Vili, offered his Aunt Alonna as well, and offered his sister Matwana to the Chief of Teke. Djinge offered the hand of Fianna, another sister of Umbono to the Chief of N'Gao after he failed to conduct a proper census.
The Kingdom of the Akan
Akanish of the Jaguar Tribe
Diplomacy: None
The Kanem-Bornu Confederation
Ali al Uthmani II, Supreme Chief of the KBC
Diplomacy: None
The Arguin Directorate of Ghana
Masak ibn Alekr, Arguin Director of Ghana, Protector of
Kumbi-Salem, Conqueror of Timbuktu
Diplomacy: None
Masak tried to bring up spirits in the royal courts with the expansion of Dakar which increased trade with other countries. He said, "Along with the investment into government to show that Ghana is getting and will continue to get better in the years to come. There will be an economic expansion this is just the first few steps, with understanding and loyalty to Ghana it will once again become the great jewel of Africa." Adwaghost didn't believe a word of it and stopped paying tribute. Toby didn't do a very good job administrating.
The Almohad Emirate of Morocco
Astaba ibn Sayid, Emir of Morocco
Diplomacy: None
Amazingly, Astaba's priests increased the religious fervor throughout the realm. He also gave each of his generals a bonus for their loyalty to him, denouncing the revolt in Zirid. Absti Abjar was given two thousand men and horse to put them down. The revolutionaries had sixteen hundred men and a very good commander. Absti's cavalry won the day and without any walls, Oudga was taken as well. The Imam sent bureaucrats to assist Astaba.
The Kingdom of Andalusia
Christopher II, King of Aragon
Diplomacy: None
The Kingdom of Aragon
Catherine I, Queen of Aragon, Restorer of the Faith
Diplomacy: None
Catherine's problems started late in 1385 when the local fief holders of Catalonia, Galacia, Navarre, Old Castile, and Valencia informed her that they considered themselves merely allied to her throne. She then gratefully accepted the Pope's assistance.
The Roman Catholic Church ![]() Boniface IX, Bishop of Rome, Pontiff of the Apostolic & Reformist Catholic Church, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Servant of the Servants of God Consecration: None Both Cardinals sent to Connaught to investigate the origins of these Irish cult activities died in 1383. John Mark III himself died in 1384. The Pietro Tomacelli, Vicar General was named Pontiff Boniface IX. |
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The Kingdom of Greater Britannia
Richard II, King of Greater Britannia, Grand Duke of Flanders, Keeper of the Irish Talisman of Faith
Richard expanded the irigation and aquaducts in Wessex, Mercia, Limousin, Northumbria, and Gascony then sent Louis, Earl of Limousine and Bishop Thomas to the Isle of Mann to react to any aggression toward the Kingdom. He set sail for Paris when...
In the evening of December 21st, 1381, just as the crowds were stumbling through mass, an alter boy shrieked that the crusifix was burning! At first the peasants were astonished at this miracle, but then the bishop crossed himself and left via a back door. It didn't take long for people to figure out that is wasn't a miracle after all as the entire back wall and ceiling erupted in flames. Hundreds of people were crushed in the exodus. The flames were put out, but Notre Dame was badly damaged. Fires had also destroyed several public refinements throughout Paris. Later, this note was found:
We, the united Native People's Front, call on the people of Britain to throw off the chains of the French papists. Our confederation of members, including the Irish Druidic Front, the Hammer of Thor, the Basque Mountaineers, and the Swiss Misses, will continue to strive for equity for local religions and nationalities. Long live the struggle for freedom!
The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
Margarethe, Queen of Bavaria, Kaiser of the German Reich, Roman Emperor of the West
Diplomacy: Ineffective
Baron Prien found his diplomacy ineffective in Austria, a province owned by the Avars. He considered talks directly with Radu...
In 1382 Henry clutched his chest and colapsed at the birthday party of his 7 year old daughter. He was carried to his bed chamber where he later died. All the generals swore fealty to Margarethe, but Prince Ludwig, in Pomern at the time, and Prince Mansfield rebelled. Prince Mansfield was beheaded for treason. Ludwig arrived in 1383 and bent his knee to his sister-in-law.
Bohemia, Tyrol, and large number of Italian states revolted outright. A couple thousand elite infantry in Thrace turned mercenary. The lucrative trade route with the Byzantines was cut by the Veronans.
The Avar Kingdom of Hungary
Radu I, Khan of the Avars, Lord of the Steppe
Diplomacy: None
Radu saw Carinthia and Slovakia slip to non-paying tributary.
Kingdom of Poland
Diplomacy: None
Silesia dropped to Feudal Allied status when the ally died in 1385.
The Kalmar Republic
Eric Byarsson, Altkansler of the Kalmar Senate
Diplomacy: Uppsala(ea)
Eric colonized Lorhar Jarvi and Vadvetjako again and continued to pump resources in Vasterboten and Norbotten.
The Varangian Empire of Russia
Ivan II, Tsar of all the Russias, Kniaz of Vlatim
Diplomacy: None
Ivan II came of age in 1385, queling all remaining rumors of discension.
The Byzantine Empire
Basil III, Eastern Roman Emperor, Master of the Scholae
Diplomacy: Pontus(ea)
Pollux died in 1382, long enough to see his grand-daughter born. Basil named his younger brother Justinian heir to the Byzantine throne, much to the chagrin of his son Nikos. Basil then ruled stopping the government strain, but not before Abasigia, Bosnia, Crete, Epirus, and Pontus reduced their status.
The White Order of Saint Demetrius
Stephan von Seeckt, Grand Master of the White Order
Diplomacy: None
Alan and Torki stopped paying taxes. Stephan felt that this would be the worst of his troubles.
The Tumet Horde rumbles to seek glory with close to a hundred thousand men.
The Murom Horde roars to life with more than a seventy-five thousand men.
ISI List for Turn 57 | |||||||
# | Nation Name | MSI | ESI | Player Name | Phone Number | TV | EMail Address |
--- | Power-Hungry Madman (sx^5) | ||||||
1 | Chola Mandalam Empire | 519.7 | 1 | Bill Rakowski | 410-483-9635 | 230.2 | magic@clark.net |
--- | Uber Super Power (sx^3) | ||||||
2 | Chin Empire of China | 320.5 | 15 | Open for a Player! | 31.6 | ||
--- | Super Powers (sx^2) | ||||||
3 | German Empire | 255.3 | 2 | (James Walker) | 505-542-9882 | 77.4 | jhwalkerjr@hotmail.com |
4 | Kingdom of Greater Britannia | 213.4 | 8 | (Mike Work) | 412-441-6159 | 22.2 | shogun+@pitt.edu |
--- | Major Powers (sx^1) | ||||||
5 | Byzantine Empire | 158 | 4 | Jeffrey Smith | 505-525-8271 | 47.6 | kaladan@zianet.com |
6 | Mamaluke Sultanate of Egypt | 155.7 | 3 | Warren Bruhn | 541-957-1206 | 28.5 | None |
7 | Emirate of Turkman | 153.5 | 20 | Phil Baird | 503-232-4880 | 14.9 | phillipbaird@sprintmail.com |
8 | Kingdom of Aksum | 146.3 | 5 | Charles Hurst | 503-653-1178 | 27.6 | charlesh@teleport.com |
9 | Safavid Empire of Basra | 142.8 | 6 | (Steve Cameron) | 610-522-9389 | 31.8 | stevegamer@snip.net |
10 | Roman Catholic Church | 121.9 | 14 | Kurt Fangmeier | 773-947-8908 | 7.2 | kfangs@juno.com |
11 | Kalmar Republic | 122 | 9 | John Schmid | 412-441-6159 | 29.5 | magus@spellcaster.org |
12 | The Kin Empire | 113.5 | 24 | (Paul Flinton) | 15.5 | paul@ganymeda.com | |
13 | Almohad Emirate of Morocco | 108.8 | 10 | Tom Anderson | 562-426-6649 | 28.1 | fruckid@earthlink.net |
14 | Arguin Directorate of Ghana | 106.1 | 28 | (Sam Ullmann) | 10.8 | sam.ullmann@lmco.com | |
15 | Khemer Empire of Kambuja | 104.2 | 13 | Dean Patterson | None | 24.5 | dpatterson@computertech.com |
16 | Empire of Nippon | 104.1 | 21 | (Josh Mehl) | 412-922-0289 | 45.1 | mehl+@pitt.edu |
17 | Khanate of Scythia | 101.7 | 12 | (Roger Truitt) | 301-947-1322 | 12.2 | rtruitt@viperlink.net |
--- | Minor Powers (sx) | ||||||
18 | Kingdom of Aragon | 85.6 | 19 | Open for a Player! | 21.1 | ||
19 | Kingdom of Sirinigar | 86.3 | 11 | Open for a Player! | 22.7 | ||
20 | Sultanate of Sheba | 81.8 | 18 | Ed Allen | 213-550-8859 | 9.6 | tgroove@earthlink.net |
21 | Holy Iman of All Islam | 79.6 | 17 | Ed Huefe | 310-540-0648 | 2 | imamakbar@usa.net |
22 | Island Kingdom of Java | 74.2 | 7 | Adrissa III | 217-351-6449 | 21.5 | holyman@blight.com |
23 | The Kingdom of Bei Song | 67.2 | 33 | Hugh Thompson | None | 7.1 | kwatro@hotmail.com |
24 | Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe | 67 | 27 | Thomas Harlan | 520-323-8570 | 6.1 | Thomash@throneworld.com |
25 | Khemer Empire of Burma | 64.4 | 16 | Keith St. Louis | 651-698-6576 | 13.1 | kstlouis@bolt.com |
26 | Madragian Emirate | 60.5 | 26 | Alarik Fritz | 202-332-7987 | 7.6 | alarikf@disinfo.net |
27 | Varangian Empire of Russia | 61.1 | 23 | Ron Cash | 14.6 | ron.cash@worldnet.att.net | |
28 | Celestial Realm of Buddha | 56.8 | 31 | Stephen Trask | 717-697-3224 | 0.3 | strask1@paonline.com |
29 | Hindu Primate | 54.6 | 25 | Eddie Efsic III | 501-985-3015 | 0.2 | eddieefsic@msn.com |
30 | Kanem-Bornu Confederation | 50.9 | 29 | Open for a Player! | 5.6 | ||
31 | Avar Kingdom of Hungary | 48.2 | 22 | Open for a Player! | 6 | ||
32 | White Order of St. Demetrius | 47.1 | 37 | Open for a Player! | 3.2 | ||
33 | The Republic of Venice | 45.9 | 35 | Bob Spencer | None | 9.5 | tatra@scattercreek.com |
34 | Kingdom of Poland | 40.2 | 32 | Open for a Player! | 2.4 | ||
35 | Kingdom of Andalusia | 29.6 | 30 | Open for a Player! | 7.2 | ||
36 | Island Kingdom of Comoros | 27.3 | 38 | John Kuo | 510-654-6245 | 1.8 | jkuo@spss.com |
37 | The Kingdom of Kongo | 23.6 | 36 | Leslie Dodd | 3.2 | lesliesdodd@aol.com | |
38 | Coptic Primate | 23.2 | 34 | Open for a Player! | 0.3 | ||
39 | The Kingdom of Akan | 21 | 39 | Open for a Player! | 1.8 | ||
40 | Murom Horde | 11.7 | 41 | Open for a Player! | 0.3 | ||
41 | Tumet Horde | 11.4 | 40 | Open for a Player! | 0.3 |
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